Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What Bears The "Most" Orphoganation

If two "adjacent" superstrings that are of different universes bear a wobble that bears orphoganation with an angling that is off by 96piI degrees -- and, every angle that is divisible by 90 degrees relates to a condition of orphoganation -- then, such two superstrings that here appertain to different universes are said to bear, in this case, a condition of an agle of the most orphoganation.  This would be two superstrings that are of two completely different sets of parallel universes.  Yet, if two superstrings that are of different universes that are of the same set of universes are adjacent, and bear the most relative angle of orphoganation, then, these here wobble with an orphoganation that is off by 32piI degrees.  In either case, the degree that the superstrings are off of norm, when relative to one another, is equal to the difference in their covariant codifferentiable codeterminable wobble -- due to the Clifford torque that is applied to the corresponding mini-string-segment's that are applicable here, in terms of their wave-tug that is subtended by the activity of the wobbling of the corelative covariant Planck-like phenomena, that here involve two different superstrings that are from two different universes -- in two seperate scenarios discussed here.

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