Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Little As To The Corelating Angling Of Gauge-Bosons

As certain given arbitrary superstrings begin to lose some of their discrete permittivity, the directly corresponding gauge-bosons that work to allow for the needed activity of the corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates begin to angle in a subtention that is off of orphoganal due to the relative approach of the need for changes in norm-conditions that relate to the need for the said superstrings that are here arbitrarily given to approach the need to enter the Klein Bottle so that these may eventually go into Kaeler-Metric in so as to be able to eventualy work to reattain their discrete permittivity so that the mentioned superstrings may persist at being discrete units of energy permittivity so that discrete energy may spontaneously persist.  Likewise, while the directly prior activity is happening, the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that are then beginning to decrease in their quantum of discrete impedance to where such Planck-like phenomena are then approaching the need to reattain their said discrete impedance in so as to remain as discrete units of energy impedance so that energy may spontaneously persist.  As the directly associated gauge-bosons that work to operate in the Ward-Neumman bounds of the field that exists in-between superstrings and their associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates begins to initialize contact upon the corelative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates in a Gliossi manner in a manner that is either acute or obtuse when being related to the general supplemental subtension that exists in-between such said superstrings and their directly related Planck-like phenomena, the scalar amplitude of the anharmonics that works to form anharmonic Schwinger-Indices increases in terms of magnitude and/or genus until the indirectly formed Wick Action happens in so as to indirectly form the activity of Gaussian Transformations that work to allow for the needed changes in norm-conditions that work to allow for the perpetual kinematic exchange of spatial entities that is necessary in order for energy to spontaneously persist.  Since the Klein Bottle eigenstates that work to move the Klein Bottle eigenstates are moved by Higgs Boson eigenstates at an angle at the relative most norm-to-holomorphic end of a given arbitrary Real Reimmanian substringular neighborhood during the directly associated Kaeler-Metirc eigenmetric that is direclty associated with a given arbitrary Gaussian Transformation eigenmetric, that is at 22.5 degrees in-between the eluded to isoelliptiabelianoid and its direclty associated Klein Bottle (the latter of which is in the format of a structure that is known of as a Schotky Construction) in order to move the said Klein Bottle in a flush manner across the mentioned peak of the relative norm-to-holomorphic end of a given arbitrary operand of a given Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric -- when gauge-bosons are acute or if certain other gauge-bosons are obtuse to the general supplemental delineation of the directly associated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates as taken from the corelative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates to their corelative superstrings -- by an angle whose magnitude is off of parallel to the said flush-like basis of the Laplacian-based relative linearity of the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates by 22.5 degrees -- then, this is the point in which a the Wick Action has not only formed, yet, here, this is where the directly associated superstrings are to begin to enter the Klein Bottle in so as to begin the intensive portion of a Kaeler-Metric so that the said superstrings may reattian discrete permittivity while their associated PLP may reattain discrete impedance, so that energy may remain as energy. Such a need is also fullfilled by the other condition that is formed here by the needed norm-conditions that must change so that discrete energy may be spatially freed up may do so.  Hint:  There is a 135 degree motion in terms of the initial 22.5 degree reangling of the initial harmonic-based gauge-bosons -- going from a Wilson line across the center of a given arbitrary gauge-boson as taken as a line of 180 degrees, up to the discussed subtention, taken individually, from when the Wick Action is first instigated to form, up until when the main kinematic motion of the Kaeler-Metric begins.
I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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