Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Session 15 of the 11th Course About Orbifolds

Orbifolds, as the physical membranes that operate to perform a specific function, are comprised of superstrings and other substringular phenomena. These mainly operate as a basis of the fractal of the magnetism of a multi-dimensional structure that is functional at a specific locus during an iteration of instanton.  Orbifolds are constantly changing.  What is an orbifold at one iteration of group instanton may be an entirely different orbifold during the next iteration of group instanton.  The multi-dimensional stucture of an orbifold depends in part on the multi-dimensional structure of the other covariant substingular phenomena that exist in a codifferentiable and in a codeterminable manner during any given arbitrary pertinant iteration of group instanton.  So, the multi-dimensional structure of a given arbitrary orbifold depends in part upon the fractal of the magnetism of the corelative multi-dimensional structures of the alterior globally distinguishable phenomena that codifferentiate with the said given arbitrary orbifold over the course of both any given group instanton -- as well as over those Fourier Transformations that work to involve both a said orbifold with its anterior phenomena that directly interact with it.  So, the multi-dimensional structure of an orbifold depends in part upon the multi-dimensional structure of the fractal of the magnetic fields of the corelative anterior globally distinguishable phenomena that surround it.  When one has a Planck-like phenomenon, you may have many other Planck-like phenomena from parallel universes that surround it.  These anterior Planck-like phenomena that surround the given arbitrary Planck-like phenomena that comprise a said orbifold must bear a certain degree of normalcy that depends on what universe that these other Planck-like phenomena come from -- relative to the universe that the discrete energy impedance that appertains to those Planck-like phenomena that work to comprise the mentioned orbifold comes from.  Planck-like phenomena that are of the same universe may not always directly surround  Planck-like phemomena of the same universe in the substringlar during certain given arbitrary iterations of group instanton.  When this is the case, if the directly related orbifold that is not surrounded by orbifolds that are of the same universe is in this situation, there will be a higher tendancy that the initially mentioned orbifold that was mentioned in this sentence may be forced into a situation in which it will synchrounize its vibrations in such a manner in so that it will then appertain to one of the other universes that it may be surrounded by during the course of the mentioned given arbitrary iteration of instanton.  Yet, Planck-like phenomena obey the laws of orphoganation based upon a Clifford expansion that may be mapped-out in a Laplacian-based manner via the conditions of relative adjacency.  This means
that what is noticed that is near an orbifold has more to do with what may be extrapolated as is in the same universe relatie to the said orbifold, than what is actually the most near the said given arbitrary orbifold in the substringular.  Orbifolds have shapes that may vary quite a bit per iteration of group instanton, yet, the Planck-like phenomena that are adjacent to other of such phenomena of a given arbitrary orbifold -- no matter what the contour of the exterialized fields and the exterialized permutations of the said orbifolds -- must still obey the directly related laws of normalcy that I have mentioned a number of times before in different ways.  So, the conditions of the kinetic energy of electrons that are stringular-wise of the same universe belonging to the same orbifold out of the orbifold eigenset that forms any given electron is a condition of Chan-Patton ruling that works to obey what I have stated as the laws of normalcy and orphoganation that appertain to the establishment as to what superstrings kinematically differentiate with what other superstrings most directly over any given arbitrary sequential series of instantons that works to form the kinetic flow of energy over time.  So, orbifolds that are adjacent may have many different possibilities of shape and size, yet, the angular momentum eigenbases of the adjacent Planck-like phenomena must obey the said laws of normalcy.  The adjacent Planck-like phenomena in the substringular that directly belong to an orbifold must bear some sort of normalcy relative to the directly surrounding Planck-like phenomena -- in terms of their center-states of their spin-orbital momentum primarily.  This is not only true in the orbifolds persay, yet, this is also true amongst the permutation-based Planck-like phenomena that work to form the outskurts of any given arbitrary orbifold that may be mentioned.  Yet, this is not considering the anterior field-networking that is not soley the holomomic substrate of a P-l-P.  The physical entities of the discrete energy impedance of the substringular that are in this case Not of the same universe obey, to a certain extent, the said laws of normalcy Except that the said discrete units of energy impedance will here bear an orphoganal wobble that will here be equal to how the alterior of such phenomena angle, in a Laplacian-based -mapped manner, differently over the course of a certain group instanton.  This is also true in terms o the fractal of the amperage that such orbifolds portray, as is shown via their expressions of different angular momentum eigenstates -- yet, this is not as primary to the nature of the directly related orbifolds than the condition of their spin-orbital momentum when one considers the condition that the discrete energy impedance has more of a relationship with the spin-orbital momentum eigenstates -- while the discrete energy permittivity has more to do with the angular momentum eigenstates.  What constitutes one orbifold as being in the same universe as another orbifold has more to do with the corelations of their corresponding Planck-like related phenomena, and these phenomena are the discrete units of energy impedance.  So, since the norm-based conditions of orbifolds are more related to the wobble of discrete units of energy impedance, the said orbifolds bear norm-conditions that are more associated with a fractal of magnetism than a fractal of amperage.  The substringular conditions of what are termed of as understanding substringular membranes in terms of orbifolds -- in so as to work to determine the directly affiliated norm-conditions -- has more of a bearing upon the directly associated spin-orbital momnentum than the directly associated angular momentum.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Test time next!  Sam Roach.

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