Tuesday, March 5, 2013

As To Why There are 48 different genus-formats For General Njenhuity

During the Kaeler-Metric, superstrings and their directly corresponding  Fadeev-Popov-Traces undergo eight back-and-forth motions per sub-metric that happens right after the BRST portion of those instantons in which a Kaeler-Metric is metrically eigen to the given superstrings mentioned.  The Kaeler-Metric is needed so that superstrings may reattain the permittivity that these need so that these may remain as discrete units of energy permittivity.  Also, during the Kaeler-Metric, the Fadeev-Popov-Traces may reattain the impedance that these need so that these may remain as discrete energy impedance.  Each sway of such an octi-based manner of a back-and-forth motion eludes to a different format of a genus of Njenhuity that is physically expressed as the various parity-based Imaginary-based norm-conditional operators that work to comprise the overall differential geometry that is kinematic over the differential clauses that work to comprise one set of parallel universes.  All superstrings have a relative top and a relative bottom -- a relative norm-to-holomorphic end and a relative reverse-norm-to-holomorphic end, which is arbitrary to a given set of conditions that one that is examining such a case may deem.  An Imaginary-based norm-condition is one that has both a positive and a negative based sway that eludes to going from the relative bottom to the relative top at the same time -- over a codifferentiable, codeterminable, and a covariant manner over a gauge-metric that is either over a sub-Fourier-based metric that is within a duration of time, or, is over a Fourier-based metric that involves one or more discrete units of time.  As the substringular phenomena that is swayed back-and-forth eight times in the sub-metric of a Kaeler-Metric right after the BRST portion of a local perspective of instanton is in motion, the eluded to substringular phenomena is "washed" by norm-states that not only pull the superstrings that are here in the Klein Bottle back-and-forth from the relative forward holomorphic to the relative reverse holomorphic direction, yet, such a motion works to pull the directly related superstrings from the reverse-norm-to-holomorphic ends to their norm-to-holomorphic ends in so that these substringular phenomena may not only reattain a discrete unit of permittivity and a discrete unit of impedance at the substringular level, yet, this also produces a fractal of 16 geni of Njenhuis swaying that is formed upon the related superstrings that is here in the form of the stated and related discrete energy permittivity for superstrings and the stated and related energy impedance for the Fadeev-Popov-Traces.  This helps the said substringular phenomena to also move out of the Klein Bottle when these do (into the Regge Action).  This is what forms the 16 geni of Njenhuis-based parity dispositions for superstrings that are of the same set of parallel universes.  Multiply that by three for the three sets of parallel universes that exist over space and time, and you get a total of 48 different geni of Njenhuis-based parity dispositions for superstrings over the Laplacian course of the setting of overall physical space-time-fabric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  I am now, apparently, done with my work for the day!  Sam Roach.

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