Monday, March 18, 2013

Tachyonic Versus Noether Flow

A superstring that is orientable differentiates kinematically via Noether Flow.  A superstring that is not orientable differentiates kinematically via a tachyonic flow.  A superstring is orientable when the substringular field eigenstates that are first-ordered and supplementally norm between a given superstring and its corresponding counterstring are trivially isomorpphic in terms of the connections in-between the associated superstring and its corresponding counterstring as caused by the Bette Action, and if the delineatory amplitudes of these said connections have the same scalar distribution when considering all of the said first-ordered substringular field eigenstates, even if the Hodge distribution among the said field eigenstates is not homogeneous and therefore not integrably hermitian during the Laplacian condition of the given instanton in which the associated Bette Action is occurring through its described gauge-metric.  If a superstring is not orientable during the Bette Action, the superstring described will attempt to become orientable during the subsequent gauge-metric of a given Regge Action eigenmetric via a Regge Slope eigenstate that "totters" the associated superstring in an attempt to obtain the multiplicit trivial isomorphism and a common homogeneous and delineatory amplitude that bears a supplementally norm abelian nature that retains the Noether Condition of the said superstring's wave-tug.  (This is via a simultaneous internal push-and pull that is exterially projected along the Ultimon.)  If a superstring is still orientable during the said Regge Action eigenmetric, then the associated superstring becomes tachyonic.  This is an example of how a lack of substringular super-symmetry may effect the differential operation of that superstring over a simple sub-Fourier-based Transformationm which, if such a condition is integrable over a sequential series of iterations that is non-trivial gauge-metric-wise, will form a Fourier Transformation over time that involves a superstring that is tachyonic and thereby perturbative relative to its general condition of Noether Flow.  Such a perturbation effects the matrix of the delineatory index of the involved orbifolds that are directly effected by this tachyonic multiplicitly integrable distribution.  Since the anharmonic multiplicit redistribution of a kinematically unorientable superstring flows differently then the surrounding Noether Conditions, and Noether Conditions are the kinematic delineatory means of maintaining the norm conditions that allow for a sustained covariant Gaussian Symmetry, the Fourier Transformaion involved with a tachyonic flow will produce change in Gaussian Symmetry either via a regular Gaussian Transformation or via a gauge-transformation, the latter of which is the substringular cause of entropy.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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