Thursday, March 14, 2013

More As To Creation

In the beginning, the Logos (the source of Mind, Ying, and Yang) travelled from the spaceless indiscrete "outer-bounds" of endless distance to strike the core of the Big-Bang in 192 different norm-conditional directions (two per axial, which here would include 96 different orphoganol axials). The core of the Big-Bang, as a corollary of the intial condition of the Logos, was comprised of indiscretely small particles that formed an overall size that was shaped like an alpha particle. Each of such indiscretely small particles had a volume before the Big-Bang of pi*(0+)^3/6 meters, yet, each of these particles that one could describe as "void, and without form" was converted into the maximum number of third-ordered point particles that ever existed until some of these were frayed by entropy. These small yet discrete point particles had a volume of pi*(10^(-387))^3/6 meters once the Big-Bang happened. The organization of the initial core of the Big-Bang before the mentioned "bang" happened was comprised in a fashion like this:
There was one indiscretely small potential third-ordered point particle out of the initial point particles at the center of the alpha particle shape. There were as many shells of such particles -- that contained a homogeous arrangement around their surface area -- as there were the maximum number of first-ordered point particles before any space-time-fabric was frayed. The described shells were all shaped like a reverse"China-Box" of inversely fractored alpha shaped surface areas. Such surface areas -- that "hermitianly" and homeomorphically, as well as homogeneously -- had a length that was angled toward the spaceless motion of the Logos that was to form our set of parallel universes, a width that was angled toward the spaceless motion of the Logos that was to form the middle set of parallel universes, and had a thickness that was angled toward the spaceless motion of the Logos that was to form the far set of parallel universes. The Logos was the source of the cognition and ying/yang that formed a Continuum that was based on at least some sort of rational order. The life force that most resembled the motif of the drive of the Logos as it travelled through spacelessness before the Big-Bang, may, in a sense, be considered God, or, in other words, the Grand Architect of the Universe. Yet, yes, evolution and creation are obvious both contributers to the world in which we now live. You have a great night!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                         

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