Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Session One Of Course 12 About Fermions, Bosons, and the Light-Cone-Gauge

The light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a superstring that is connected to a PLP has ten basic fabric of mini-string segments that work to connect these.  A one-dimensional string has two sets of five mini-string segment links that are bound at five locations between the one-dimensional string mentioned to its corresponding PLP during BRST.  Each of these interbound sets of mini-string segment links are looped 120 times in a taut manner.  A two-dimensional string has one set of ten mini-string links that exist in-between the said two-dimensional string and its corresponding PLP during BRST. These links have one mini-string strand per loop for each of the mentioned said links.  The mentioned looping works to cause the cross-sectional diameter of the said links that are appertaining to two-dimensional strings to have have the same diameter as the core of the field of a single strand of mini-string if it were to be solitarily in the same given arbitrary Laplacian-based locus.  When a one-dimensional string converts to a two-dimensional string, the fabric of the said mini-string segment-based links that are interbound at the five given locations untie as the one-dimensional string mentioned here bends to form a bosonic string during what is here arbitrarily the activity of a Fujikawa Coupling.  Such a coupling happens at either end --given the specific scenario -- to connect into a two-dimensional string that is here a photon.  The five sets of two mini-string segment-based links then form ten sets of one mini-string segment-based links in so as to form a different form of a light-cone-gauge delineation.  Instead of the light-cone-gauge eigenstate mentioned here being in a position of having a delineation that goes from norm-to-reverse holomorpic to norm-to-holomorphic when in-between the given superstrings and its corresponding PLP, The said light-cone-gauge second-ordered eigenstates -- for what is now a two-dimensional string -- will now be delineated in such a manner that five of the mentioned links will be from the ninety degree-associated mark of the now bosonic string to the 270 degree mark of the same string when going counterclockwise along the topology of the said string -- to five of the related links being delineated from the 90 degree mark to the 270 degree mark in the clockwise direction when along the topology of the said same superstring.  The light-cone-gauge always, during BRST, is interconnected in-between a given arbitrary superstring and its correlative Planck-like phenomenon.
I wil continue with the second session later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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