Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Strong Force

The strong force is so strong on account of the backing of the Wick Action, the Landau-Gisner-Action, the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism, and, most important yet indirectly -- the Higgs Action. The Higgs Action is what moves a stratum known of as the Klein Bottle in such a positioning and distribution so that superstrings may reatain the metric-gauge that these need so that the given superstrings may remain as discrete energy. Thus, gluons -- whose activity forms the basis of the strong force --- should not be isolated on account of the condition that such a dangerous activity could form a deadly fissure in the continued existence of kinematically local Wick Action eigenstates. Such a fissure -- since it could form a dominoe effect upon local to far away Gaussian Transformations that are necessary for the continued covariant kinematic Fourier Transformations that are needed for the continued codifferentiation of superstrings -- could form a rippling effect upon the ability of Klein Bottle eigenstates to have the proper distributions and positionings during the multiplicit instantons that are, as an ansantz -- no matter what the so called "time" settings of the superstrings are -- happening during the same Ultimon Metric covariance in terms of the viewpoint of one that could theoretically be everywhere at once, that could "backgammon" the potential of Gaussian Transformations as well as "backgammoning" the ability of the transfer of metric-gauge potential upon superstrings. Since such an activity could hereby keep superstrings and their trajectory from being discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance respectively, isolating gluons has the dangerous potential of forming a cataclismic propagation of frayed strings in the form of a dangerously increasing black-hole. If you read this and also understand what I am writing, you will do whatever you can to end the Hadron Colliding Experiment for at least that reason alone.

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