Ultimon Flow is in-between each discrete instanton durations, yet it could not be more actual. This is not saying everything is tachyonic by far, yet tachyons exist. See next.
Tachyons involve a sequential series of instantons. This is in no wise is a matter of the relatively dis-assembled flow during Ultimon Flow. All superstrings travel along all three sets of parallel universes during Ultimon Flow, yet this is in-between each instanton. A phenomenon is tachyonic when it exceeds Noether Flow over a sequential series of instantons. To me it is obvious that superstrings need to commute in such an associated fashion in-between each instanton in order for commutation to have an adhesive covariance that promotes the necessary homotopy. Tachyons happen during different spots of space and time during each iteration of substringular fabric. Worm-Holes are necessary for the proper tying together of the fabric of space itself. And as for the Kaler-Metric, in all humility, the general substringular mechanics as to how this operates is as clear as day to me, it is as far from being a rote wording as you can get. So, to those who erroneously try to bunk me, the fact that metric-gauge is maintained is made rationalized with a strong sense of reason by my knowledge of how Gaussian Transformations work. I have a lot of writings that will show you more clearly as to what I have meant by this, yet I can only describe so much at a time. You don't need to know everything that I know, and for goodness sake, when it comes clear to you that I know darn straight what I am talking about in my general concepts, you will at first be embarrassed, yet I forgive you. Too many stringular theorists are rote, and they should at least have a glimmer as to what they are saying before they are so ready to criticize others. I have a knowledge of gauge-actions (actual things that are smaller than superstrings), and although I will admit to mistakes when I make them, it is as obvious to me that tachyons, worm-holes, the Schotky Construction, the Kaeler-Metric, Ultmon Flow in-between the duration of individual instantons, point particles (relatively small gauge-actions), the space-hole, the Bases of Light, ... are real as it is as real to an astrophysicist that outer-space exist
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