Monday, March 18, 2013

Some Important Stuff About Gauge-Bosons

Gauge-Bosons are strings that bear a multiple format of motion that I have described earlier that makes such a closed-loop appear as 6-dimensional by 6-dimensional superstring-- even though a closed loop implies a limit of 2 spatial dimensions.  Please real earlier posts as to why.  These gauge-bosons, as said before, are essential in the field of a light-cone-gauge-eigenstate, since, when individual gauge-bosons "pluck" the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates that exist in the field of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate, the resulting vibrations are second-ordered Schwinger Indices (the summation of such vibrations per first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate being a first-ordered Schwinger Index) that flow through the Rarita Structure to allow for the Ricci Scalar to function so that gravity may take effect.  So, one set of 120 individual gauge-bosons operate upon the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates in order to form the said vibrations, of which oscillate along the trajectory of the topology of various given arbitrary Rarita Structure eigenstates in order to both interact with gravitational particles via the Ricci Scalar eigenstates --  as well as to act in a Gliossi manner upon certain norm-projections in order to indirectly cause the Wick Action.  The Wick Action is what interacts with the Landau-Gisner-Action in order to allow for the activity of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism in so that the Higgs Boson eigenstates may act upon the Klein Bottle in order to move the said structure that bears what is known of as a Schotky Construction so that the  Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric eigenmetrics may happen so that Gaussian Transformations may occur.  So, for one-dimensional strings, there are 24 gauge-bosons per second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate acting within the local neighborhood of the said one-dimensional string.  So, there are only 12 of such bosons that act upon each second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate for the local neighborhood of two-dimensional superstrings.  It is the mentioned vibrations that are formed by the said gauge-bosons that work to cause the said essential operations.  This is just in reference to the E(6)XE(6) type of gauge-bosons.  Such bosons are examples of heterotic strings.  The mentioned vibrations may be harmonic, or, sometimes the type of vibrations that I eluded to may be anharmonic.  Just as adjacent electrons have to spin antisymmetrically, to give a reverse-fractaled example, in order to obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle, adjacent E(6)XE(6) strings must bear an assymmetric spin-orbital tensorism in order to not infringe on each others' space.  There is always a certain degree of a Chern-Simmons effect of  gauge-bosons upon the light-cone-gauge, on account of the "plucking" action that I eluded to causing a certain degree of spuriousness in the general field of the light-cone-gauge.  The hermitian and/or the Chern-Simmons activity of the gauge-bosons upon the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates work to cause whether or not the resultant Schwinger-Indices are harmonic or anharmonic.  Such an assymmetric spin-orbital tensorism is caused by the spurious effect of the Chern-Simmons field that exists between adjacent E(6)X(E(6) strings.  Such a Chern-Simmons field is due to the condition of such gauge-bosons differentiating per instanton in-between a discrete energy unit of permittivity and a discrete energy unit of energy impedance.  Superstrings act as discrete units of energy permittivity, while Fadeev-Popov-Traces act as discrete energy impedance.  So, whether a related light-cone-gauge topology is abelian or non-abelian, the substringular field that binds these gauge-bosons to both sides of an associated first-ordered-light-cone-gauge-eigenstate is primarily abelian so that the "plucking" of the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates will not shatter the given first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate.  Since the activity of gauge-bosons upon superstrings happens during BRST, this happens during both the Bette Action and the Polyakov Action during the same duration -- when extrapolating such through a conicenter of the conipoint that may be mapped in a Laplacian manner during the sub-Fourier activity that happens during the said iteration of BRST during group instanton. So, the combination of  both the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue with the activity of the light-cone-gauge works to help superstrings to spring into the generally undetected portion of Ultimon Flow.  The mentioned Chern-Simmons effect here mentioned that I had generalized for all activity of gauge-bosons during BRST works to cause superstrings to change in delineation after each succeeding instanton. When superstrings appear to be at a standstill in one perspective, these are actually changing in one respect in delineation or another in a tense of superconformal invariance.  I will get to that more in course 24.  That has something to do with why superstrings are either undergoing Noether Flow or tachyonic flow in-between two successive iterations of group instanton.  The fabric of substringular field is what I call "mini-string."  Mini-String is the fabric of gauge-action that interconnects the topology of all unfrayed substringular phenomena that forms the homotopic structure of the substringular.  My website is
Samuel David Roach

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