Thursday, March 28, 2013

Harmonics versus Anharmonics

When a gauge-boson "plucks" a second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate with the said boson's initial Gliossi-based contact, with the said eigenstate here being orphoganal -- when one considers the basis of the general supplemental Laplacian-based path of the directly related second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate that exists in-between the given Planck-like phenomenon and its corresponding superstring, during the eluded to course of BRST -- then, the directly corresponding second-ordered Schwinger-Index that is formed from such a plucking will tend to be harmonic. If the directly related initial Gliossi-based touch of a given arbitrary gauge-boson upon a second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate is acute or obtuse in terms of subtension -- when, again, in consideration of the general supplemental Laplacian-based path of the directly related light-cone-gauge eigenstate that exists in-between the direclty related Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and its corresponding superstring during a given arbitrary course of BRST, then, the second-ordered Schwinger-Index that is formed will tend to be anharmonic. It is anharmonic-based Schwinger-Indices that work to indirectly cause the formation of the Wick Action. And, it is the Wick Action that indirectly causes Gaussian Transformations to occur. More specifically, when the vibrations that are formed by the plucking of gauge-bosons upon second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates is Chern-Simmons by a genus that produces two or more non-hermitian topological fluctuations over the course of BRST, this works to produce anharmonic Schwinger-Indices. When such plucking produces a genus of only one level of non-hermitian fluctuation of the mentioned light-cone-gauge eigenstates, then this is when the related Schwinger-Indices will be harmonic. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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