Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fractal Of Static Field Of Superstrings

The topological phenomena that act as discrete permittivity of superstrings -- as well as the topological phenomena that act as discrete impedance of Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates -- acts as a fractal of static field of the said substringular phenomena.  So, both superstrings that are bosonic -- as well as superstrings that are fermionic -- these of which act as vibrating hoops and vibrating strands respecitively, bear a Poincaire-based field that is Gliossi to the general field of the "outskurts"  of the mentioned superstrings that acts as a fractal of the static "charge" of the said superstrings.  This said "static field" works to allow a barior-like fractal of field that happens to also act as a fractal of Van-der-Waals force -- of which works to keep other superstrings from moving in too much into the local Poincaire region of the outer Caucy-Neumman boundaries of such superstrings.  The directly related critical cusps that are here corresponding to the said discrete units of energy permittivity and the said discrete units of energy impedance of superstrings and Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, respectively, act to allow for a fractal of a frictional outer boundary that works to help superstrings and their field trajectories to be able to move through the Hamiltonian operands of space-time-fabric without shattering.  This "edge" to superstrings works to allow discrete units of energy to remain as energy -- so that reality may spontaneously persist.

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