Friday, March 1, 2013

A Little Biti About The Feeding Of Mini-String Segments

During an eigenmetric of Polyakov Action for a given arbitrary superstring, mini-string segments are temporarily fed into the general locus as to where the superstring is then decompactifying to the inverse extent that it is being contracted.  Directly after the Polyakov Action -- directly after BRST -- mini-string segments are fed out of the corresponding superstring's general locus.  During the Regge Action, the partitions that work to comprise superstrings flip in order, and, the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the directly related superstrings move from relatively flushly oriented to more "kitty-corner" relative to one another.  When a superstring is undergoing a sub-metric that is within a Kaeler-Metric, the given arbitrary superstring recontracts back to a condition of maximum contraction as it enters the Klein Bottle.  When a superstring is not undergoing a Kaeler-Metric sub-metric, the given arbitray superstring recontracts back to a condition of maximum contraction as it angles into an eigenstate of the Regge Slope.  Either way, superstrings are contracted to a maximum extent during those eigenmetrics that directly relate to the Regge Action.  So, when a superstring goes through both a Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric sub-metric and a Regge Action eigenmetric during the end of an iteration of instanton right after an iteraion of BRST, the directly related superstrings -- right after the mentioned sub-metric within a Kaeler-Metric -- first begin to act is if these want to go back into decompactification as these leave the Klein Bottle, yet, the increment in the reattainment of discrete permittivity that the said superstrings obtain during the said sub-metric of Kaeler-Metric that I have mentioned works to pull the directly associated superstrings here mentioned back into a condition of maximum contraction as these superstrings are then brought into an eigenmetric of the Regge Action.  I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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