Friday, March 29, 2013

A Little Bit More As To Gauge-Boson Activity

The pulse that pulls gauge-bosons to move into the activity of a plucking-like Gliossi-based motion upon second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates is related to the establishment of the relative holomorphic delineation of superstrings upon the condition of any given arbitrary superstring when these are iterated at their succeeding eigenmetric that happens at any given arbitrary group instanton.  After the duration that happens during what I term of as the space-hole, the substrngular goes through a phase right before the succeeding iteration of group instanton that is called the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse.  The just mentioned impulse happens through a range that operates in so as to allow for the related superstrings of discrete energy permittivity to act at the positions that these are encoded to act, and, in the manner that these are consequently encoded to act, during what is to soon the duration of group instanton.  The position of superstrings as these iterate in the process of undergoing an activity of group instanton works to bear a fractal of angular momentum that is respective to the direction that the directly related superstrings are to go from their general prior delineatorial distribution to what is to be their next succeeding delineatorial distribution.  If one is to define the relative holomorphic repositioning of a superstring as the relative holomorphic directoralization, then, what would here be the relative right side of the said given arbitrary superstring is said to be the norm-to-norm-to-reverse-holomorphic directoral general region, and, what would here be the relative left side of the said given arbitrary superstring is said to be the norm-to-norm-to-holomorphic directoral general region.  Given the directly prior statement, certain gauge-bosons exist along the periphery of such stated norm-to-norm-to-reverse-holomorphic local distribution that is Yakawa to the field of a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate, while certain gauge-bosons exist along the periphery of such stated norm-to-norm-to-holomorphic local distribution that is Yakawa to the field of a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  Directly exterior to the gauge-bosons, when relative to the delineation of a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate, there are the mini-string segments that move gauge-bosons into that pluckint motion that works to allow for the proper activity of the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates.

Positioning Of Certain Substringular Field

The mini-string segments that work to comprise the substringular field general basis that works to interconnect gauge-bosons to their directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates so that the said gauge-bosons may be able to "pluck" the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates so that the necessary Schwinger-Indices may be formed -- so that the Rarita Structure may function in so as to indirectly allow for both gravity and Gaussian Transformations -- comes from the opposite general side of the mentioned gauge-bosons in relation to the general directoralization as to where the said E(6)XE(6) strings pluck the mentioned second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates in the manner that I have stated in prior posts.  So, gauge-bosons pluck light-cone-gauge eigenstates so that the light-cone-gauge may operate in the manner that it must function.  From the other general side of such a Gliossi-based interaction, there is substringular field substrate in the form of mini-string that works -- via the operations that happen through their corresponding operands -- to pull and push the said E(6)XE(6) strings in such a manner in so that the essential plucking that I have mentioned may occur.  The mini-string segments that move the gauge-bosons, in order that these may perform their functional operations, is not compactified to any viable extent, while, the mini-string segment-like links that work to comprise second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates is relatively quite compactified.  This is on account of the condition that the light-cone-gauge -- on account of the stress modulae that is applied to it -- must bear a significantly higher fractal modulus than what would ordinarily be expected from segments of holonomic stratum indices of substringular field eigenstates that exist in the form of mini-string segments.
Abelian light-cone-gauge topology is purely supplemental over the Laplacian-based mapping of its trajectory in-between a corelative given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and its corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittvity, while non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology bears a sinusoidal-based Laplacian-based mapping of its field in-between a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and its corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity.
There is more of an explaination of corelation that I will continue with later!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Little Bit About Singularitis

Hello. My name is Samuel David Roach. I will provide part of an expaination for the person who provided the given topic of discussion.
A singularity in space is a spot where the limits of a wave pattern that is being considered do not mathematically exist and/or are not discrete between two or more loci that are being considered in a related scenario. For instance, if the third derivative of a general wave pattern changes between two loci in space that are distributed in space in a Lagrangian manner and under a Laplacian consideration, then the limits of curvature that exist in-between the two given loci will either not exist and/or will not be discrete in-between the given loci. Here, the point at which the limits of curvature are definitely made indiscrete is the particular locus where the third dirivative of curvature in the given wave pattern is altered or perturbated. Now, consider the given wave pattern to differentiate under time constraints that are kinematic and thus involve a Fourier Transformation. The given singularity as a specific entity would then more than likely differentiate in terms of its specific locus, even though the general wave pattern that we are considering would still have a limit of curvature that would not exist and/or not be discrete in-between two sections of the harmonics of the vibrating wave. In this case, the locus of the singularity in terms of Laplacian Transformation would remain relatively conformally invariant, yet the locus of the singularity in terms of Fourier Transformation may or may not bear a locus that space-wise will bear a tense of conformal invariance. Since the third-derivative of curvature here will change at the static location under the given Laplacian conditions, or at the covariant location under the given Fourier conditions, the spot where the curvature will change in its third derivative will be either a static or a kinematic singularity. Since the general curvature described bears a change in its third derivative, the curve itself will either exist in a multiplicit Minkowski Space or in a Hilbert Space, since such a change in the limits of curvature involves a Lagrangian that either implies holograpic volume or involves a distribution that actually happens over a volume in space. A differentiation that is not time oriented involves Laplacian conditions. A differentiation that is time oriented involves Fourier conditions. A singularity does not mean that zero or infinity are actually things -- it means that the flow of a wave pattern that is either static, harmonically oscillating, anharmonically oscillating, or is partially harmonically and partially anharmonically oscillating has a curvature that bears limits in-between two or more of its loci at one or more locations that alter abruptly relative to the general flow of the associated general wave pattern that is involved in a particular scenario. If such an abrupt change is smooth in all of the derivatives equal to the number of dimensions that a given wave pattern is in, then the associated singularity is described as hermitian. Yet, is such an abrupt change is not smooth in all of the derivativates equal to the number of dimensions that a given wave pattern is in, then the associated singularity is described as Chern-Simmons. If a singularity is not Chern-Simmons although the singularity is altered to where over a described covariant metric the singularity differentiates off of the Real Reimmanian plane, then the given singularity is not Yau-Exact. Yet, a hermitian singularity that is not perturbative (does not kinematically over a metric relocalize off of the Real Reimmanian plane under a limited Fourier set of conditions or over a condition of relative Laplacian Transformation that actually involves a very limited framework of time), then the singularity that is involved here is considered to be Yau-Exact.
Such a topic relates to whether or not something is Chern-Simmons, Yau-Exact, or partially Yau-Exact.  If the curve formed by the trajectory of a superstring changes in any more direvatives than the number of dimensions that it exists in, then, the trajectory is said to bear one form or another of a Chern-Simmons genus.  When the flow of the trajectory of a curvature of a superstring is not smooth in its kinematic translation over time, then the said trajectory is said to be spurious.  A spurious trajectory that is still hermitian is said to be partially Yau-Exact.  The more spurious and/or non-hermitian a trajectory, the more anharmonic is its translation over space.  It takes anharmonic motion to form certain forms of perturbation that work to allow for certain necessary changes -- such as anharmonic Schwinger-Indices work to indirectly, through the Rarita Structure, allow for the Wick Action so that Gaussian Translations may subsequently forf.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach

A Little As To The Corelating Angling Of Gauge-Bosons

As certain given arbitrary superstrings begin to lose some of their discrete permittivity, the directly corresponding gauge-bosons that work to allow for the needed activity of the corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates begin to angle in a subtention that is off of orphoganal due to the relative approach of the need for changes in norm-conditions that relate to the need for the said superstrings that are here arbitrarily given to approach the need to enter the Klein Bottle so that these may eventually go into Kaeler-Metric in so as to be able to eventualy work to reattain their discrete permittivity so that the mentioned superstrings may persist at being discrete units of energy permittivity so that discrete energy may spontaneously persist.  Likewise, while the directly prior activity is happening, the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that are then beginning to decrease in their quantum of discrete impedance to where such Planck-like phenomena are then approaching the need to reattain their said discrete impedance in so as to remain as discrete units of energy impedance so that energy may spontaneously persist.  As the directly associated gauge-bosons that work to operate in the Ward-Neumman bounds of the field that exists in-between superstrings and their associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates begins to initialize contact upon the corelative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates in a Gliossi manner in a manner that is either acute or obtuse when being related to the general supplemental subtension that exists in-between such said superstrings and their directly related Planck-like phenomena, the scalar amplitude of the anharmonics that works to form anharmonic Schwinger-Indices increases in terms of magnitude and/or genus until the indirectly formed Wick Action happens in so as to indirectly form the activity of Gaussian Transformations that work to allow for the needed changes in norm-conditions that work to allow for the perpetual kinematic exchange of spatial entities that is necessary in order for energy to spontaneously persist.  Since the Klein Bottle eigenstates that work to move the Klein Bottle eigenstates are moved by Higgs Boson eigenstates at an angle at the relative most norm-to-holomorphic end of a given arbitrary Real Reimmanian substringular neighborhood during the directly associated Kaeler-Metirc eigenmetric that is direclty associated with a given arbitrary Gaussian Transformation eigenmetric, that is at 22.5 degrees in-between the eluded to isoelliptiabelianoid and its direclty associated Klein Bottle (the latter of which is in the format of a structure that is known of as a Schotky Construction) in order to move the said Klein Bottle in a flush manner across the mentioned peak of the relative norm-to-holomorphic end of a given arbitrary operand of a given Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric -- when gauge-bosons are acute or if certain other gauge-bosons are obtuse to the general supplemental delineation of the directly associated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates as taken from the corelative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates to their corelative superstrings -- by an angle whose magnitude is off of parallel to the said flush-like basis of the Laplacian-based relative linearity of the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates by 22.5 degrees -- then, this is the point in which a the Wick Action has not only formed, yet, here, this is where the directly associated superstrings are to begin to enter the Klein Bottle in so as to begin the intensive portion of a Kaeler-Metric so that the said superstrings may reattian discrete permittivity while their associated PLP may reattain discrete impedance, so that energy may remain as energy. Such a need is also fullfilled by the other condition that is formed here by the needed norm-conditions that must change so that discrete energy may be spatially freed up may do so.  Hint:  There is a 135 degree motion in terms of the initial 22.5 degree reangling of the initial harmonic-based gauge-bosons -- going from a Wilson line across the center of a given arbitrary gauge-boson as taken as a line of 180 degrees, up to the discussed subtention, taken individually, from when the Wick Action is first instigated to form, up until when the main kinematic motion of the Kaeler-Metric begins.
I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Harmonics versus Anharmonics

When a gauge-boson "plucks" a second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate with the said boson's initial Gliossi-based contact, with the said eigenstate here being orphoganal -- when one considers the basis of the general supplemental Laplacian-based path of the directly related second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate that exists in-between the given Planck-like phenomenon and its corresponding superstring, during the eluded to course of BRST -- then, the directly corresponding second-ordered Schwinger-Index that is formed from such a plucking will tend to be harmonic. If the directly related initial Gliossi-based touch of a given arbitrary gauge-boson upon a second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate is acute or obtuse in terms of subtension -- when, again, in consideration of the general supplemental Laplacian-based path of the directly related light-cone-gauge eigenstate that exists in-between the direclty related Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and its corresponding superstring during a given arbitrary course of BRST, then, the second-ordered Schwinger-Index that is formed will tend to be anharmonic. It is anharmonic-based Schwinger-Indices that work to indirectly cause the formation of the Wick Action. And, it is the Wick Action that indirectly causes Gaussian Transformations to occur. More specifically, when the vibrations that are formed by the plucking of gauge-bosons upon second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates is Chern-Simmons by a genus that produces two or more non-hermitian topological fluctuations over the course of BRST, this works to produce anharmonic Schwinger-Indices. When such plucking produces a genus of only one level of non-hermitian fluctuation of the mentioned light-cone-gauge eigenstates, then this is when the related Schwinger-Indices will be harmonic. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Session 4 Of Course 12

Electrons tend to stay in an orbit that conserves the most energy.  When an electron can lose energy in order to become more stable, it does so by droping an energy level.  When an electron loses a discrete amount of kinetic energy by the just mentioned dropping of an energy level, the released energy becomes a discrete quantum unit of electromagnetic energy in the form of a photon.  A single photon is a Planck-like phenomenon that is tied via a light-cone-gauge eigenstate to a two-dimensional superstring -- the latter of which is tied to a substringular counterpart.  When photons cluster into light to quantize, the individual photons spin and orbit each other in accordance with the wavelength of electromagnetic energy that these have just formed.  The discrete plain kinetic energy of an electron has PLP that are tied to one-dimensional superstrings via a first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  In order for electrons to form photons, the one-dimensional superstrings of the said electrons that are released from the just mentioned electrons must turn into two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  This happens because the momentum of the given arbitrary electron going through the process of dropping an energy level works to push the ends of the initial one-dimensional superstring -- that is here an un-needed residue of that given electron -- inward toward each other via a genus of a Yakawa Coupling that is here known of as a Fujikawa Coupling.  This happens in such a manner so that both ends of what was a one-dimensional superstring bend as is according to the Green Function in so that the norm-to-holomorphic end and the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic ends of the said initial one-dimensional string torque in a hermitian-based manner toward each other so that these said ends will then touch, rub, and curl upon each other to form the mentioned two-dimensional string that is here in the form of a photon.  A photon is a discrete unit of electromagnetic energy.  Electromagnetic energy is commonly thought of as light.  As the one-dimensional string that I mentioned in this post converts into a two-dimensional superstring, the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge that is involved here unfurls to an extent to go from having five mini-string segment-like links to having ten mini-string segment-like links.  The 120 loops that are directly involved here are temporarily unlooped during the said unfurling -- just enough to convert from having five mini-string segment-like links to having ten mini-string segment-like links -- and the mentioned mini-string segment-like links or strands are spaced-out along the topology of the said two-dimensional vibrating hoop (bosonic superstring) in a relatively smooth manner in both a spatial smooth, as well as happening smoothly over the metrical course of duration in which such a conversion of light-cone-gauge characteristics is happening.  This is part of why photons are considered bosons and electrons are considered fermions.
I will continue with the suspense later!
Sam Roach.

Session 3 Of Course 12

The light-cone-gauge is composed of a basis of five mini-string strand-like links for one-dimensional superstrings.  The light-cone-gauge is composed of ten mini-string strand-like links for two-dimensional superstrings.  The mini-string strands are doubled up with one-dimensional strings in order to cause there to be five mini-string strands that connect one-dimensional strings with their corelative PLP.  The mini-string segments that connect superstrings with their corelative Planck-like phenomena are not always taut.  The mini-string segments with their corelative PLP are usually vibrating and oscillating.  Light-Cone-Gauge eigenstates vibrate and oscillate whenever these said eigenstates have spin and orbital momentum.  All light-cone-gauge eigenstates practically always have demonstrative spin and orbital momentum.  Spin and orbital momentum of light-cone-gauge eigenstates works to cause the mini-string strands of the said eigenstates to bend and oscillate.  The angular momentum of light-cone-gauge eigenstates helps to drive the spin momentum and the orbital momentum of the given eigenstates.  The strands of the said eigenstates may bend and oscillate in many ways, yet, these said strands may only bend by up to 120 degrees -- when relative to the corresponding Real Reimmanian plane that is subtended between the given superstrings that are here related and its corelative Planck-like phenomena.  The angular drive of the light-cone-gauge works to prevent further bending of the mini-string segment-like strands that work to form the holonomic substrate of the light-cone-gauge.  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Second Session Of Course 12

When a light-cone-gauge eigenstate is differentiating over the course of a Fourier Transformation, the whole superstring/Planck-like phenomenon-based interaction is differentiating over the same said metric in a manner that is influenced by the corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  Superstrings move on account of the "dance" of their corresponding PLP during BRST.  PLP "dance" during each iteration of group instanton in part because of the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue that happens between Real Reimmanian strings and their counterparts that happens, likewise, during BRST.  The medium that exists between superstrings and their corresponding PLP is the metrical activity of the light-cone-gauge.  The light-cone-gauge acts as a spring that operates in-between the said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and the PLP -- the PLP of which acts as discrete units of energy impedance.  Such a gauge works to activate the motion of both the strings and their corresponding PLP so that the whole substringular fabric may go into the generally unoticed duration of Ultimon Flow that happens in-between individual iterations of group instanton.  Ultimon Flow is the metrical medium that exists in-between iterations of group instanton that works to allow for the whole overall space-time-continuum to be only one space-time-continuum.  The light-cone-gauge eigenstates that exist operate in-between every superstring and its corresponding Fadeev-Popov--Trace eigenstate.  Each PLP is connected to a superstring via a light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  All superstrings are interconnected via mini-string segments.  Mini-String segments are the holonomic substrates that work to form second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  Mini-String segments may act as the binding entity of what is either a Kaluza-Klein topology or a Yang-Mills topology.  The light-cone-gauge also acts as a springboard that allows for the iteration of phenomena during the integration of the successive series of group instantons in order that the substringular as a whole may proceed from group instanton into the rest of Ultimon Flow -- so that the necessary proceeding delineations of superstrings may be placed where these are to be from one positioning during an iteration of group instanton to the next encoded for positioning.

Fractal Of pressurized vacuum

In one manner or another, everything is comprised of the ultimate fractal of pressurized vacuum.  A mini-string segment that is fully uncontracted may decrease in cross-section by a factor of 3*10^8 at its most contracted state.  This simply involves a decrease in the scalar amplitude of the mentioned fractal of pressurized vacuum in the general locus of the mentioned mini-string segment.  An abelian-based second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- that would here be as straight in substringular delineation as the effect of gravity upon it allows when under a certain given arbitrary case, has mini-string segments that are contracted from its most uncontracted state by a factor of 120, or, uncontracted from the most contracted state by a factor of 25*10^5.  The "leeway" of potential added contraction allows for the plucking that happens to it by the gauge-bosons during BRST.

Session One Of Course 12 About Fermions, Bosons, and the Light-Cone-Gauge

The light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a superstring that is connected to a PLP has ten basic fabric of mini-string segments that work to connect these.  A one-dimensional string has two sets of five mini-string segment links that are bound at five locations between the one-dimensional string mentioned to its corresponding PLP during BRST.  Each of these interbound sets of mini-string segment links are looped 120 times in a taut manner.  A two-dimensional string has one set of ten mini-string links that exist in-between the said two-dimensional string and its corresponding PLP during BRST. These links have one mini-string strand per loop for each of the mentioned said links.  The mentioned looping works to cause the cross-sectional diameter of the said links that are appertaining to two-dimensional strings to have have the same diameter as the core of the field of a single strand of mini-string if it were to be solitarily in the same given arbitrary Laplacian-based locus.  When a one-dimensional string converts to a two-dimensional string, the fabric of the said mini-string segment-based links that are interbound at the five given locations untie as the one-dimensional string mentioned here bends to form a bosonic string during what is here arbitrarily the activity of a Fujikawa Coupling.  Such a coupling happens at either end --given the specific scenario -- to connect into a two-dimensional string that is here a photon.  The five sets of two mini-string segment-based links then form ten sets of one mini-string segment-based links in so as to form a different form of a light-cone-gauge delineation.  Instead of the light-cone-gauge eigenstate mentioned here being in a position of having a delineation that goes from norm-to-reverse holomorpic to norm-to-holomorphic when in-between the given superstrings and its corresponding PLP, The said light-cone-gauge second-ordered eigenstates -- for what is now a two-dimensional string -- will now be delineated in such a manner that five of the mentioned links will be from the ninety degree-associated mark of the now bosonic string to the 270 degree mark of the same string when going counterclockwise along the topology of the said string -- to five of the related links being delineated from the 90 degree mark to the 270 degree mark in the clockwise direction when along the topology of the said same superstring.  The light-cone-gauge always, during BRST, is interconnected in-between a given arbitrary superstring and its correlative Planck-like phenomenon.
I wil continue with the second session later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Oscillations Of Superstrings

During BRST, the local vibratorial modulus of superstrings basically comes to a standstill in order for the Bette Action to occur -- just as the Polyakov Action is taking place.  At this point, the said superstrings are still going through a certain degree of motion at the various Poincaire cites in which the said superstrings are undergoing both the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue and the inverse of contraction that is tantamount to the perceived contraction of the given arbitrary superstrings, yet, their existence as holonomic substrates does not torque as a whole during the mentioned Bette Action.  During Ultimon Flow in-between the individual iterations of BRST during the related iterations of group instanton, superstrings torque as whole entities in such a manner in that these bear  individual osciallatons -- in which these said superstrings torque as respective holonomic substrates.  Once the mentioned superstrings go into the phase in which these undergo the activity that happens during what I term of as the space-hole, these decrease in the degree of relative torque that these had undergone as whole entities while these had cycled the Ultimon.  Once the instanton-quaternioninc-field-impulse occurs, the related superstrings enter BRST.  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

A Tad Bit More Of An Intraduction To Course 16

Once a photon forms, it exists in a P-Field.  P-Fields exist in a minimum of 10 spatial dimensions plus time over a minimum-like extrapolated Fourier Transformation.  Before the mentioned photon has here been formed, it existed in the Caucy-Ward bounds of an electron in the form of plain kinetic energy.  Electrons exist in D-Fields.  D-Fields exist in a minimum of 6 spatial dimensions plus time in a minimum-like extrapolated Fourier Transformation.  Let us say that an electron -- right before it drops an energy level to form a photon -- moved over the said period of time in a hermitian manner relative to its directly local physical environment.  This would here mean that it would bear a transposition of its delineaion over the mentioned duration in which the curvature of its trajectory would have been smooth in all of the first six derivatives that would here equal the number of dimensions that it existed in over the said eluded to duration.  Once that the electron mentioned here drops an energy level in so as to form a photon, the just formed photon would exist in a P-Field that exists in a minimum of 10 spatial dimensions plus time over any extrapolated Fourier Transformation while it is here a photon.  If the said photon is said to move in a hermitian manner, then the curvature of its motion through the trajectory of its path is then said to be smooth in all of the first ten derivatives that are here equal to the number of dimensions that it exists in while it is acting as a photon.  So, this not only means that a discrete substringular entity has here changed in the number of physical dimensions that it is differentiating through over time, yet, the number of derivatives that the mentioned substringular entity is here smooth in increases from the first six-derivatives of its curvature being smooth to the first ten derivatives of its curvature being smooth.  Again, this is if the said substringular phenomena is moving from what is initially a D-Field from moving in what is later a P-Field.  The acitivity of the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function helps to acivate such a perturbative characteristic over the directly relating eluded to Fourier Transformation in which a quantum of a discrete bundle of plain kinetic energy from a given arbitrary electron converts into a quantum of a discrete bundle of electromagnetic energy that moves through a basic extrapolation of a Noether-based environment that is not torsioned by any worm-hole, and, that is not torsioned by any black-hole.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Some Relations Between Static Force and Flow

The fractal of a static friction that exists as the entity of the oscillating discrete permittivity along the topology of superstrings works to act as the modulae that works to allow superstrings to be able to move through the Hamiltonian operands through which the said strings move in order to go from one spot to another.  The fractal of a kinetic friction that exists as the entity of the oscillating discrete impedance along the topology of Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates works to act as the modulae that works to allow the mentioned discrete units of energy impedance to be able to move through the Hamiltonian operands through which the said phenomena of discrete energy impedance move in order to go from one spot to another.  When a superstring becomes more of a "swivel"-like shape, the mentioned fractal of static friction that acts as a holonomic substrate bears less of a holomorphism of blockage when in terms of the Hamiltonian operand in which it is projected through, allowing such a superstring to be less inhibited by the amplitude of the Ricci Scalar via the entity of the Rarita Structure.  This lack of physically-based inhibition works to allow less of a graviational limitation to the directly related superstring, thereby producing more of a potential for a conversion fom Noether Flow to tachyonic flow.  The inverse condition that directly relates to the lack of inhibitions of certain given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates likewise works to allow less of a limitation for the eluded to discrete units of energy impedance from keeping these from moving into a state of tachyonic flow.  The more that a superstring is swivel-like shaped, the more of a tendancy for its directly related Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates to also become tachyonic over the same duration in which these directly link in such a manner that these may be converted from a Noether Flow into a tachyonic flow.  So, the less the fractal of static friction in superstrings, the less the fractal of kinetic friction in its corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates.  This goes for both bosonic strings (closed strings) and fermionic strings (open strings).  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Little As To Why Some Stuff Is Tachyonic

When superstrings become more "swivel"-shaped -- whether these are bosonic or fermionic in nature -- these bear discrete units of permittivity that are contoured along the respective topology in such a manner in so that these are less inhibited by the Ricci Scalar via the Rarita Structure.  This inhibits the limitations of gravity hat are imposed upon a phenomena that is initially undergoing Noether Flow.  This is due to the related operation of the said superstrings upon the Hamiltonian operands of space-time-fabric that work to surround the given arbitrary superstrings.  As superstrings become relatively more "swivel-shaped," these become more spatially dynamic upon their immediate surroundings.  Such a dynamic activity allows less of an impedance by the surrounding pressurized vacuum, thereby, which also allows the said superstrings to be pulled beyond the relatively limited conditons of Noether Flow.  This is bearing upon the interaction of the construction of the permutations that exist along the topology of the said superstrings that are here to become tachyonic.  The more swivel-shaped the topology of the superstring, the more likely that the condition of its permutations is to where it may become tachyonic over the course of the transient iterations of instanton that are duration-wise proximal to the Fourier-based condition of the said superstrings in which such said superstrings bear such a related format of structural-based topology.  I will continue with the suspense by starting up with course 12 about fermions, bosons, and the light-cone-gauge later!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.  P.S. ... Such inverse conditions that simultaneously happen to the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that are directly related to the mentioned superstrings works to fascilitate the said ability of tachyonic flow.

Fractal Of Static Field Of Superstrings

The topological phenomena that act as discrete permittivity of superstrings -- as well as the topological phenomena that act as discrete impedance of Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates -- acts as a fractal of static field of the said substringular phenomena.  So, both superstrings that are bosonic -- as well as superstrings that are fermionic -- these of which act as vibrating hoops and vibrating strands respecitively, bear a Poincaire-based field that is Gliossi to the general field of the "outskurts"  of the mentioned superstrings that acts as a fractal of the static "charge" of the said superstrings.  This said "static field" works to allow a barior-like fractal of field that happens to also act as a fractal of Van-der-Waals force -- of which works to keep other superstrings from moving in too much into the local Poincaire region of the outer Caucy-Neumman boundaries of such superstrings.  The directly related critical cusps that are here corresponding to the said discrete units of energy permittivity and the said discrete units of energy impedance of superstrings and Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, respectively, act to allow for a fractal of a frictional outer boundary that works to help superstrings and their field trajectories to be able to move through the Hamiltonian operands of space-time-fabric without shattering.  This "edge" to superstrings works to allow discrete units of energy to remain as energy -- so that reality may spontaneously persist.

A Little Bit Of An Explaination of discrete permittivity and impedance

As superstrings differentiate over time, their discrete permittivity begins to "wear-out."  When the discrete permittivity of superstrings starts to wear-out, the discrete impedance of their directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates begins to wear-out over the course of the same general group metric.  When such an initial loss of discrete permittivity and such a loss of discrete impedance in superstrings and their directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates respecitively happens to the point that such metric-gauge is almost fully depleted, then, the said superstrings and their corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates go through what is known of as a Kaeler-Metric so that both superstrings may reattain discrete permittivity and so that their field trajectory (PLP) may reattain their discrete impedance.  As this happen, the Kaeler-Metric happens in such a manner so that -- not only will the substringular phenomena that I have just mentioned will reattain their respective permttivity and impedance, yet, also so that norm-conditions may change over the course of  Gaussian Transformation-based metrical activity. Gaussian Transformations that involve the scattering of light are known of as gauge-transformations.  Gauge-Transformations work to allow for entropy -- which is essential so that physical states may change.  The arena of the knowledge of gauge-transformations will be more thoroughly discussed in course 20 about Calabi-Interactions.  The discrete energy permittivity and the discrete energy impedance that the substringular reattains bears the prior mentioned geni of fractaled Njenhuity that is based upon the condition that certain phenomena sometimes may be able to travel to different sets of parallel universes.  Also, this bears upon the condition of what happens during Ultimon Flow.  This way, phenomena may bear some sort of association with all of the other phenomena in space-time-fabric -- so that such a "fabric" may be of a space-time-continuum.  Enough for now!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

A Little Bit Of Added Stuff

A two-dimensional superstring has a three-dimensional field associated with it. When a relatively knit Fourier Transform that is highly Laplacian forms a torroidal structure with an annulus at its central coniaxial, the whole Majorana-Weyl supercharge associated with the operation of the associated superstring’s conformally invariant kinematism is delineated, after the group metric that forms the basically Gliossi-Sherk-Olive field described, at the outer shell general locus of that given M-field that is associated with the described kinematic differentiation of the given two-dimensional superstring’s three-dimensional field. This considers the fact that every superstring, whether it partakes of mass or not, has a mass index. Such an on-shell supercharge as taken thru a Fourier Transform that alters the spin-orbital and angular momentum distribution, delineation, and directoralization of the associated three-dimensional field toroidal structure converts the Yau-Exact indices transport in such a way as to form a discrete unit of mass as to the M-field structure that I have conveyed. This is tantamount to that a spherical shell with a physical charge in its center delineates all of the energy of its charge along the topography of its associated shell. Likewise, the norm state Ward conditions of the annulus of a toroidal 3-D field of a 2-D superstring delineates all of the angular momentum and spin-orbital distribution indices at the outer shell of that given toroidal

3-D structure. Likewise, the “figure-eight” twisted toroidal structure created by certain fermionic superstrings forms the point mass of electrons and neutrinos. This mass of certain fermions is created by this: The norm state conditions when considering the Ward conditions of the annuli of the two relatively Mobius ends of the “figure-eight” described have angular momentum and spin-orbital momentum that transfers their distribution and directoralization indices outward to the outer topology of the given “figure-eight-like” structure. The kinematic differentiation of the Yau-Exact indices of the “figure-eight” structure as a whole causes the given phenomenon to translate, thru the Fourier Transform of the given M-field thru a Minkowski or Hilbert Lagrangian, its mass indices into an integration of Hamiltonian eigenstates that allow the Kaluza-Klein phenomena, as with 3-D fields of 2-D superstrings, to convert and/or maintain as a mass. The abelian geometry of the light-cone-gauge of such Yau-Exact structures causes the E(6)xE(6) gauge-bosons related to form Schwinger indices that keep the M-fields oriented to coalesce their Noether indices into a conformally invariant manner that has to be orientable per general locus in order to translate to a proceeding general locus as long as the mass indices associated are limited. Since any M-field needs a limited Lagrangian distribution in order to delineate its Majorana-Weyl indices over a group metric that is based on a harmonics or anharmonics that may not coincide with a group directoralization of Noether flow unless the associated superstring is unorientable, Kaluza-Klein mass is always under light speed, per iteration, and mass must become Yang-Mills as in a worm-hole or Yang-Mills also, if otherwise tachyonic, which is true when mass bears unorientable yet finely directoralized motion via a Ward polarizable dark matter holomorph. Unorientable superstrings may only be as such temporarily when in a large group even if Reverse-Lorentz-Four-Contracted. Mass may become Yang-Mills and tachyonic if its field delineation is majorized.

The Fourth Test Solution To The Last Test Of Course 11

4)  When one is to consider adjacent orbifolds that here, in this case, takes into consideration the PLP that exist in the said orbifolds, and, if one is considering these orbifolds to be of or from a different universe relative to each other, than their corresponding PLP are also here of or from relatively different respective given arbitrary universes.  This would here mean that the corresponding mentioned PLP that work to comprise the said orbifolds will here bear PLP that are adjacent and are of a different universe, and will not be physically mapped in a Laplacian-based manner in an orphoganal manner relative to one another in a covariant, codifferentiable, and ins a codeterminable manner.  Yet, the indices of the respective orbifolds will here bear vibrational oscillations in the form of torqued mini-string segments that bears a harmonic wave-tug that pulls outward from the torsion of the mentioned respective PLP of the mentioned respective orbifolds that produces corelative orbifold indices that are norm to each other -- with a wobble that is off from ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees to an angle of degree or measure that is equal to the angle or degree or measure that the corresponding PLP that are here of different universes are off from norm -- in terms of the physical mapping tha may be determined through a Laplacian-based extrapolation.  As one goes into succeeding layers of adjacency outward from the initial said layer of adjacency, one is to re-position the relative norm conditions by 90 degrees fro each succeeding layer -- as according to the right-hand-rule -- for up to 32 spatial dimensions.  So, actually 64 layers of adjacency outward from the inital layer of adjacency, the corelative norm-based condition would cause the basis of norm here to be a theoretical angling of 0 degrees in terms of the covariant relativistic of one PLP that is a to be compared relative to the other one.  (Actually, it would be the next layer of adjacency that would bear an extrapolated mapping that may be alligned at a subtended 90 degrees.)  Again, the degree of and the manner as to how these work to determine how their corelative orbifold indices-based wobble would be off from ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  The difference here between angular momentum eigenstates and orbifold indices is the difference between a drive in a transveral direction versus a spin-orbital-based vibratorial oscillation.  Again, superstrings are more relative to angular momentum eigenstates and discrete permittivity, while PLP are more related to orbifold indices, and spin-orbital momentum, and discrete impedance.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Delineation of Certain Indices

Upon the topology of each superstring, there are 4 sets of every basic tense of Njenhuity except for that of the most corelative geni of Njenhuity -- of which there are only 3 of such set.
48*4-1 = 191.  So, a basic norm genus that appertains to 90 degrees -- in terms of orphoganation -- exists at three spots along the topology of every superstring as discrete permittivity, and, as an inverse fomat  at three spots along the topology of every Fadeev-Popov-Trace. Yet, such related although different fomats of orphoganation that represent different geni of relativistic Njenhuity are repeated 4 time each in superstrings -- and as an inverse delineation along the topology of every unit of discrete energy impedance.  So, it is the discrete permittivity along the topology of superstrings that allows these to be discrete units of energy permittivity, while, it is the discrete impedance alont the topology of Fadeev-Popov-Traces that allow these to be discrete units of energy impedance.  Again, discrete permittivity and discrete impedance work to allow certain substringular phenomena to be energy via  their interaction with the rest of such phenomena that work to form discrete energy.

Norm-Conditions Changing

Space has both a Minkowski and a Hilbert dimensional basis. Minkowski space is flat space. Flat space may only exist in up to 26 spacial dimensions. Hilbert space is space that bears a non-holographic volume. Hilbert space, from the perspective of one universe, may have anywhere from three to thirty-two spacial dimensions. All space, whether it is Minkowski based or Hilbert based, also has the dimension of time. Whether or not a particular differentiation is time-based or not time-based will effect whether or not the given differentiation involves a Fourier Transform or a Laplacian Transform. So, both Minkowski space and Hilbert space, given the condition of particular descritpion, may be described occasionally with Fourier Transforms and occasionally with Laplacian Transforms. The space of each of the trhee sets of parallel universes, taken individually, involves thirty-two spacial dimensions plus time. Time is a measurement of relative motion of the associated spacial dimensions. So, all physicality involves ninety-six spacial dimensions plus time. The thirty-two spacial dimensions of one set of parallel universes involves a multiplicitly intertwined integration of a twenty-six dimensional flat sheet of space-time that is made intertwined by the kinematics of cavariant homotopy, along with the six associated Njenhuis spacial dimensions that are a counterpart of the six Real Reimmanian spacial dimiensions of the D-fields of the orbifold eigensets that individually comprise electrons. This integration of a multiplicit intertwined sheet of twenty-six Real Reimmanian spacial dimensions with six Chern-Simmons based Njenhuis spacial dimensions that act as an equal and opposit Cassimer-based reaction to the Real Reimmanian spacial dimensions of an electron forms an over riding Hilbert space that bears a homotopy that is too Lagrangian per group metric to be flat-based, since it is thirty-two dimensional spacially plus time, in the bases of volume perceived is not flat then. Since the bases of spacial dimensionality when considering the multiplicit multi-twined Mobiaty along with the field integration of the electromotive force, whose gravitational settling provides for the strong force of gluons, is not a mere translation of a steady or even a torsional integration of flat space, the bases of space-time volume must be a maximal Hilbert space per set of parallel universes, and thus, space-time is not simply based on a holographic perception of exterialized volum. The Chan-Patton rules governing the field networking of electrons to obey the Pauli Exclusion princitpal of adjacent electrons spinning antisymmetricly causes space to be defined as a hyperextended sheet that is torsioned in a Gliossi manner with six added dimensions in a virtual Mobiaty that envelopes to incorporate a second side and a second edge after the Laplacian "procurement" of each orbifold spacial distribution. That is why the E(8)XE(8) strings that hold orbifolds and orbifold eigensets together must also, and can only, spin antisymetrically, relative to adjacent E(8)XE(8) strings that are surrounding the same respective orbifolds and orbifold eigensets.  There are 48 different geni of Njenhuity per set of universes, in terms of spatial norm-based conditions that exist in order for there to be 32piI degrees of freedom in each set of universes.  Each superstring ideally has a fractal of the said 48 geni of Njenhuity incorporated in these as discrete units of permittivity -- in order for superstrings to ever be able to act as discrete units of energy permittivity.  Likewise, the inverse manner iof such mentioned geni of Njenhuity exists in such a manner within the Neumman-Caucy bounds of discreet energy impedance to where each Fadeev-Popov-Traces acts as a discrete unit of energy impedance.  The reattaining of discrete permittivity and the reattaining of discrete impedance that is brought into superstrings and Fadeev-Popov-Traces via the activity of the Kaeler-Metric works to keep the substringular in such a condition to where energy is able to persist.  It is the Kaeler-Metric that works to allow the existence of Gaussian Transformations so that substringular phenomena is able to go through those changes in norm-conditions as well, so that energy may exist spontaneously -- and so that energy may persist.

Solution To The Third Test Queston Of The Last Test Of Course 11

The angular momentum eigenstates of corelative Planck-like phenomena that are adjacent and are also of different universes bear a different wobble than a covariant, codeterminable, codifferential relativistic oscillation of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees are not necessarily in a physically Laplacian-based mapped-out condition that is norm when comparing their relative distributions that these bear relative to one another during BRST.  Yet, their mentioned relativistic wobble that these PLP bear relative to one another is orphoganal, or norm, with a wobble that has a scalar amplitude that is off from the said ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees as is according to the angling that the various given arbitary PLP that are here from different universes are off of a completely norm-state condition -- off from being orphoganal to one another.  This is because the wobbling of angular momentum indices of PLP work to bear a wobble that works to forma covariant, codifferentiable, and codeterminable condition of normalcy when the directly related mini-string segments torque -- the said torque of which happens in such a manner that it is delineated from different PLP that interact in a manner that is due to the condition that all touch and coupling involves a 90 degree interaction.  Thie causes a Dirac of Clifford Expansion in the corelative wobble that therefore makes the corelative vibrations of wobble work to touch in an orphoganal manner that is here off from ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees as is according to how off of normalcy that the correspondingly different PLP are off from normal -- as is according to how these are to be mapped out -- via an extrapolation of their Laplacian-based settings over a course of an iteration of group BRST during group instanton.  As one extrapolates Planck-like phenomena-related characteristics that are apart from adjacency, one is to make a Laplacian-based mapping that is based upon the mapping as to what would be the proper orientation of orphoganation -- as is according to the right-hand-rule for up to 32 dimensions at what would be here a 90 degree relativistic corelation.  This works to re-establish basic norm-related conditons for each succeeding layer of adjacency for up to  32piI degrees that then restarts at 0 degrees, once one goes out 64 layers out from the initial adjacent layer that we are considering in this given arbitrary case.  Depending on how off of norm the physical placement of teh corelative PLP aare physically mapped, relative to one another -- when given a Laplacian-based extrapolation, the said vibratorial oscillations of the directly related angular momentum eigenstates will be norm with a wobble that is variant from ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees, just as the physical placement of their corelative PLP is off from 90 degrees.  The said levels of adjacency just mentioned here are not specifically bearing on the conditions of relative proximity.
I hope that you are checking your solutions!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

A Little Bit About The Flow Of Superstrings

Let us consider differential operators that are based on exact and linear associations of points from within their neighborhoods. If the points form exact differential associations, then these are 3*10^(-78) meter apart in the globally distinguishable and 10^(-86) meter apart in the substringular. If a differential association of points is linear, then you may draw a straight line from one end of the association to the other. Generally, a set number of points from strings come together at the center of state of each tori. These points then get "picked up" by constituent-force-sectors that tend to remain in the "line of fire" of these center of state points from strings. The forward time momenta related points then travel counterclockwise around our space-time-continuum to the tori sector region right before the prior tori sector region. The points then travel down the heterotic string, across, and up to the parallel tori sector region of the middle-continuum. The forward time momenta related points then travel counterclockwise to the tori sector region right before the prior tori sector region. The points then travel down the Main Heterotic Stringular fabric, across, and up to the parallel tori sector region of the far-continuum. The forward time momenta related points then travel counterclockwise to the tori sector region right after the prior tori sector region. The points then travel down the heterotic string, across, and up to the parallel tori sector region of the middle-continuum. The forward time momenta related points then travel counterclockwise to the tori sector region right after the prior tori sector region. The points then travel down the mentioned heterotic stringular range mentioned, across, and up to the parallel tori sector region of the near-continuum (where we live). The forward time momenta related points then travel counterclockwise a little more than one rotation of the our space-time-continuum to the tori sector right after the prior tori sector region. The five thousand substringular encoder templates and the five thousand substringular counterstring templates of the given tori sector then have begun a momentary breach of topology that is brought together by mini-strings (10^(-129)meter thick). This temporary breach is called the "space-hole." Once the "space-hole" happens, the quaternionic-instanton-impulse pulls the substringular templates and the substringular counterstring templates into the heart of the given tori sector region so that the substringular may reiterate. At this time, the globally distinguishable time of 10^(-43)second happens. The substringular pulse in-between globally distinguishable time is 10^(-43)isecond (I time).

The "space-hole" is for about .283 H bar tme in the substringular.

We only notice globally distinguishable time.

Please tell me what you think of this!!!
Sincerely, Sam Roach

A Little Bit Of A New Addition

A one-dimensional superstring is 3*10^(-35) meters long when fully uncontracted and is 10^(-43) meters long when fully contracted. A regular two-dimensional superstring, besides gauge-bosons, has a circumference of 3*10^(-35) meters around when fully uncontracted and has a circumference of 10^(-43) meters around when it is fully contracted. A superstring is 10^(-43) meters long when it is one-dimensional in the substringular and a regular two-dimensional superstring besides gauge-bosons has a circumference of

10^(-43) meters around in the substringular. A Higgs-Action or an eigenstate of the Higgs-Action has a length when fully uncontracted, which is in the globally distinguishable, of 10^(-43) meters. A Higgs-Action or an eigenstate of the Higgs-Action has a length when fully contracted, which is in the substringular, of 3 and one-third * 10^(-52) meters. An eigenstate of the Higgs-Action is an oval type point particle-like structure that is conical at both ends while hermitianly curving from its center of 10^(-43) meters in the globally distinguishable and 3 and one-third * 10(-52) meters in the substringkular to its respective apexes at both ends of 3*10^(-78) meters in the globally distinguishable in thickness and 10^(-86) meters in the substringular. The associated hermitian-like quality involves a parabollic shape that exists in central locus of the associated Higgs-Action eigenstate at an equal theta and phi, at the same initial rho as the length of the associated Higgs-Action eigenstate, while the parabollic shape given smoothly curves in all 32 first derivatives to a shaft on either end of the associated parabollic structure to the given thickness. (3*10^(-78) meters thick in the globally distinguishable and 10^(-86) meters thick in the substringular.) The mini-string or field that comprises the construction of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism is 10^(-129) meters thick in the substringular and 3*10^(-121) meters thick in the globally distinguishable. The Shotcky construction of the Klein bottle has outer Neumman boundaries that are 3*10(-35) meters thick in the globally distinguishable and 10^(-43) meters thick in the substringular. The norm conditions in the Klien bottle are interconnected by mini-string, or, in other words, by subsringular fields, in such a way that the Klein bottle bears a subtended Ricci Scalar metric-gauge that is equal to 6.25*10^(18) in both the globally distinguishable and in the substringular. The associated Higgs-Action eigenstate bears a Hodge-Index in terms of Poincaire interelation of the overall first-ordered-point-particles that could fit in the given Higgs-Action eigenvalue. The structure here allows for just the leverage needed for the lifting of the given Klein bottle. The "top", or norm to holomorphic end of a Higgs-Action eigenstate, bears a borne tangency with the "bottom", or norm to antiholomorphic end of the associated Klein bottle via a supplementally norm mesh of mini-string, or, in other words, substringular fields.

A Little Bit Of A Reminder

Two things interact in a situation. These objects or phenomena change relative to each other as both things associated in space and as two items that act as placeholders in both their individual relative time and their collective relative time. Suppose that each of these two items were a cane. Two canes. Both of these canes struck each other in many ways at the top of their structures, yet the canes never pulled each other to any significant sway, and thus only interacted as a static force that redistributed the ends of each other. Now let's say that the bottom of the canes were held by a highly powerful grip that had a leeway of some elastic modulae. In other words, the bottoms of the canes were held tightly, yet by a medium that waas not rigid -- like a pair of hands. When the canes at their tops were to strike, these would be momentarily redistributed, while then returning to an approximation of their original spot. Like you can see, their differentiation would be static, and no significant net change would appear over any transient period of time in terms of the appearance of the scene. Yet, if you were to hook the ends of the canes, there would be a chance that one of the canes would pull the other. Even if both of the people holding the canes were of equal strength, depending on how the canes were twisted and/or torqued, could cause a net change in how these would be pulled.

Tug has to do with push-pull action. In order for there to be a push or a pull, there must be some static connection for at least one moment. For instance, you push a stone. In order for you to move it at all, your hand must have some interaction with the stone for at least one moment. If you tried to lift anything without interconnection, your hands would slip and you wouldn't be able to lift it. When something pulls something else, there is a significant static modulae that allows for the puller to pull. This interconnection is classically done when the two objects are hooked one onto another.

Waves tug, since these push and/or pull. The interconnection comes through electrostatics and/or hookable cusps in the morphology of the waves' structure. Strong electromagnetic fields pull in more wavelike phenomena, while strong electrostatic fields such as a high voltage fence will actually push out a person who tries messing with it. (High amps will pull you in and electicute you, while a high voltage/low amperage situation will knock you away once the low amperage momentarily attempts to pull you in.) This is because ammperage is charge per second, and a high amount of electrical charge flowing in a limited amount of time hooks any adjacent conductive material since this will balance the adjacent electrical band levels, and voltage is energy per charge, and if a wire has a lot of energy per charge, yet not much charge is flowing through the wire per time, then the low charge per time will barely attempt to pull the person while the wire's high energy will form a field that will repel the person as they are being shocked. Both examples of pull and push are examples of how interaction is a matter of wave-tug. General relocalization of particles is due to the various tendencies of wave-tug.

A Summary As To Why The Hadron Colliding Experiment Should End

I have some knowledge that I would like to share as to why the Hadron Colliding Experiment should be shut down.

I have a blog entitled Within this blog, I have a post named the Leverage of the Higgs Action.

I also have commented on Linkedin about the dangers of the Hadron Collliding Experiment.

You can reach my blogcite via google. Please feel free to read any of my blog and comment about it if you wish!

My reasons for the acknowledgement of the dangers that I have mentioned above are fourfold:

1) The leverage of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism upon the Higgs Action as a scalar is the reciprical of the fraction of a Coulumb that forms discrete charge. (1/6.25*10^18)=1.6*10^(-19).

2) E(6)XE(6) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically as a safeguard to homotopy -- and thus should not be collided together.

3) E(8)XE(8) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically as a safeguard to homotopy -- and thus should not be collided together.

& 4) Gluons should not be collided together, because the gauge-metrical activity of gluons is the source of the Wick Action -- and undoing the Wick Action could "domino" fissures in space-time-fabric that could be detrimental to homotopy and thus detrimental to life.

Once you have rigorously considered the knowledge that I have presented to various people, please do all that you can with your standing in the global community to help end the Hadron Colliding Experiment.



Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Solution To The Second Question Of The Last Test Of Course 11

When one takes orbifold indices of adjacent Planck-like phenomena, the corelative orbifold indices bear the same relativistic wobbling as their corresponding agular momentum eigenstates -- an angle of wobble that is corariant, codifferentiable, and codeterminable by ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees. Again, the bearing of norm-state-based relation depends on the relativistic layer of adjacency that one Planck-like phenomenon exists at relative to another PLP (Planck-like phenomenon) from the same universe -- as may be extrapolated via the right-hand-rule.  This is here in a relationship that exists between one PLP from one orbifold that is of the same universe as another given arbitrary PLP from another given arbitrary orbifold.  (The reason as to the term "Planck-like phenomenon" or Planck-like-phenomena is that ideal adjacent discrete units of energy impedance -- Planck-like phenomenon when taken individually or Planck-like phenomena when taken multiplicitly -- are only existent as one out of every trillion of such discrete units of the said energy impedance.)  The stated indices are ideally the multiplicit-based index relationships of one PLP of one orbifold of one given arbitrary universe to one or more other PLP of one or more orbifolds that exist in the same given arbitrary universe.  Ninety degrees means pi divided by two.  Two tmes 32 is 64.  Thus, the norm-state solution that brings one back to a 90 degree physical mapping out Laplcian-based relation is when one goes out 64 layers  of adjaceny out from an initial layer of adjacncy.  The levels of adjacency mentioned here are not specifically bearing on the conditions of relative proximity. I will continue with the solution to question three of the said last test later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Some Important Stuff About Gauge-Bosons

Gauge-Bosons are strings that bear a multiple format of motion that I have described earlier that makes such a closed-loop appear as 6-dimensional by 6-dimensional superstring-- even though a closed loop implies a limit of 2 spatial dimensions.  Please real earlier posts as to why.  These gauge-bosons, as said before, are essential in the field of a light-cone-gauge-eigenstate, since, when individual gauge-bosons "pluck" the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates that exist in the field of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate, the resulting vibrations are second-ordered Schwinger Indices (the summation of such vibrations per first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate being a first-ordered Schwinger Index) that flow through the Rarita Structure to allow for the Ricci Scalar to function so that gravity may take effect.  So, one set of 120 individual gauge-bosons operate upon the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates in order to form the said vibrations, of which oscillate along the trajectory of the topology of various given arbitrary Rarita Structure eigenstates in order to both interact with gravitational particles via the Ricci Scalar eigenstates --  as well as to act in a Gliossi manner upon certain norm-projections in order to indirectly cause the Wick Action.  The Wick Action is what interacts with the Landau-Gisner-Action in order to allow for the activity of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism in so that the Higgs Boson eigenstates may act upon the Klein Bottle in order to move the said structure that bears what is known of as a Schotky Construction so that the  Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric eigenmetrics may happen so that Gaussian Transformations may occur.  So, for one-dimensional strings, there are 24 gauge-bosons per second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate acting within the local neighborhood of the said one-dimensional string.  So, there are only 12 of such bosons that act upon each second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate for the local neighborhood of two-dimensional superstrings.  It is the mentioned vibrations that are formed by the said gauge-bosons that work to cause the said essential operations.  This is just in reference to the E(6)XE(6) type of gauge-bosons.  Such bosons are examples of heterotic strings.  The mentioned vibrations may be harmonic, or, sometimes the type of vibrations that I eluded to may be anharmonic.  Just as adjacent electrons have to spin antisymmetrically, to give a reverse-fractaled example, in order to obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle, adjacent E(6)XE(6) strings must bear an assymmetric spin-orbital tensorism in order to not infringe on each others' space.  There is always a certain degree of a Chern-Simmons effect of  gauge-bosons upon the light-cone-gauge, on account of the "plucking" action that I eluded to causing a certain degree of spuriousness in the general field of the light-cone-gauge.  The hermitian and/or the Chern-Simmons activity of the gauge-bosons upon the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates work to cause whether or not the resultant Schwinger-Indices are harmonic or anharmonic.  Such an assymmetric spin-orbital tensorism is caused by the spurious effect of the Chern-Simmons field that exists between adjacent E(6)X(E(6) strings.  Such a Chern-Simmons field is due to the condition of such gauge-bosons differentiating per instanton in-between a discrete energy unit of permittivity and a discrete energy unit of energy impedance.  Superstrings act as discrete units of energy permittivity, while Fadeev-Popov-Traces act as discrete energy impedance.  So, whether a related light-cone-gauge topology is abelian or non-abelian, the substringular field that binds these gauge-bosons to both sides of an associated first-ordered-light-cone-gauge-eigenstate is primarily abelian so that the "plucking" of the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates will not shatter the given first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate.  Since the activity of gauge-bosons upon superstrings happens during BRST, this happens during both the Bette Action and the Polyakov Action during the same duration -- when extrapolating such through a conicenter of the conipoint that may be mapped in a Laplacian manner during the sub-Fourier activity that happens during the said iteration of BRST during group instanton. So, the combination of  both the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue with the activity of the light-cone-gauge works to help superstrings to spring into the generally undetected portion of Ultimon Flow.  The mentioned Chern-Simmons effect here mentioned that I had generalized for all activity of gauge-bosons during BRST works to cause superstrings to change in delineation after each succeeding instanton. When superstrings appear to be at a standstill in one perspective, these are actually changing in one respect in delineation or another in a tense of superconformal invariance.  I will get to that more in course 24.  That has something to do with why superstrings are either undergoing Noether Flow or tachyonic flow in-between two successive iterations of group instanton.  The fabric of substringular field is what I call "mini-string."  Mini-String is the fabric of gauge-action that interconnects the topology of all unfrayed substringular phenomena that forms the homotopic structure of the substringular.  My website is
Samuel David Roach

Tachyonic Versus Noether Flow

A superstring that is orientable differentiates kinematically via Noether Flow.  A superstring that is not orientable differentiates kinematically via a tachyonic flow.  A superstring is orientable when the substringular field eigenstates that are first-ordered and supplementally norm between a given superstring and its corresponding counterstring are trivially isomorpphic in terms of the connections in-between the associated superstring and its corresponding counterstring as caused by the Bette Action, and if the delineatory amplitudes of these said connections have the same scalar distribution when considering all of the said first-ordered substringular field eigenstates, even if the Hodge distribution among the said field eigenstates is not homogeneous and therefore not integrably hermitian during the Laplacian condition of the given instanton in which the associated Bette Action is occurring through its described gauge-metric.  If a superstring is not orientable during the Bette Action, the superstring described will attempt to become orientable during the subsequent gauge-metric of a given Regge Action eigenmetric via a Regge Slope eigenstate that "totters" the associated superstring in an attempt to obtain the multiplicit trivial isomorphism and a common homogeneous and delineatory amplitude that bears a supplementally norm abelian nature that retains the Noether Condition of the said superstring's wave-tug.  (This is via a simultaneous internal push-and pull that is exterially projected along the Ultimon.)  If a superstring is still orientable during the said Regge Action eigenmetric, then the associated superstring becomes tachyonic.  This is an example of how a lack of substringular super-symmetry may effect the differential operation of that superstring over a simple sub-Fourier-based Transformationm which, if such a condition is integrable over a sequential series of iterations that is non-trivial gauge-metric-wise, will form a Fourier Transformation over time that involves a superstring that is tachyonic and thereby perturbative relative to its general condition of Noether Flow.  Such a perturbation effects the matrix of the delineatory index of the involved orbifolds that are directly effected by this tachyonic multiplicitly integrable distribution.  Since the anharmonic multiplicit redistribution of a kinematically unorientable superstring flows differently then the surrounding Noether Conditions, and Noether Conditions are the kinematic delineatory means of maintaining the norm conditions that allow for a sustained covariant Gaussian Symmetry, the Fourier Transformaion involved with a tachyonic flow will produce change in Gaussian Symmetry either via a regular Gaussian Transformation or via a gauge-transformation, the latter of which is the substringular cause of entropy.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

A Little Bit Of Insight About The Kaeler-Metric

More About the Activity of the Kaeler Metric

The Kaeler Metric is active over the course of 191 iterations of Ultimon Flow per iteration of its general metric that is effectual towards the Gaussian Transform of specific given arbitrary superstrings that exist in the substringular. The sub-Fourier-based gauge-metric iterations of the Kaeler Metric, when it is active, are right after a superstring or a set of superstrings falls into the Klein Bottle, which is right after the BRST portion of individual iterations of group instanton. When the Kaeler Metric is active, it also happens right before the Regge Action eigenstate portions of the same set of iterations of group instanton. The Kaeler Metric happens in a minimum of two cycles, with 191 iterations of Ultimon Flow before it is interactive with the shaking of superstrings in the Klein Bottle & 191 iterations of Ultimon Flow after it is interactive with the shaking of superstrings in the Klein Bottle.  The specifics as to what I mean by this will be thoroughly discussed during course 24 about superconformal invariance and conformal invariance. This means that a general group-metric that involves Kaeler Metric eigenmetrics provides a process of recreating enough permittivity in superstrings for a minimum of two sets of superstrings in one general locus that are to obtain enough permittivity in order to remain as the enery that these are so that discrete energy may exist -- (at least one superstring per set).  Such Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics also work -- at the same general metrical duration -- to give discrete permittivity back to Fadeev-Popov-Traces so that discrete energy may continue to exist -- so that energy will ot shatter.  So, the overall activity of a Higgs Action eigenstate is interactive upon a specific substringular local region for a minimum of 764 iterations of Ultimon Flow. This is because the kinematic interaction of a Higgs Action eigenstate upon a specific local region in the substringular has its 382nd iteration (which is in-between instantons) at one Planck Length from where it started, while yet needing another group eigenmetric of iterations (again, in-between instantons) to go back to the same locus from where it started. Yet, Gaussian Transformations are always happening somewhere in the substringular at many substringular neighborhoods that are adjacent. So, Higgs Action eigenstates are constantly busy. The more perturbative the substringular region, the more busy the local Higgs Action eigenstates that region. The Hausendorf Projections that happen right before the Wick Action help Higgs Action eigenstates to commute to the proper settings where these may be used as the "force" that transports the Klein Bottle eigenstates to allow the Kaeler Metric to allow superstrings to reattain their permittivity.  Again, more will be mentioned about this later.  I will continue with the suspense!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue Explained

Some Stuff About The Polyakov Action

When a superstring undergoes Polyakov Action, its point particles that comprise it begin to separate to enlargen its apparent size to what it is to appear to have given the Lorentz-Four-Contraction in the globally distinguishable. As a superstring is falling into a Klein Bottle, it recontracts tempoarily for the Kaeler Metric, while the point particles (first-ordered) reseparate to what these were like, yet with an added discrete eigenstate of substringular metric-gauge, when the given eigenstate of Kaeler Metric of a given Klein Bottle eigenstate is paused until the next instanton as the associated superstring leaves the Ward Neumman bounds of the given Schotky Construction eigenstate. The shaking here maintains the compactification of the associated superstring, while the interaction of the adjacent norm states that are within the Klein Bottle tug on the described superstring in an equal and opposite reaction happening in the opposite direction in such a manner that the associated superstring goes back to the condition of decompactification that it had prior to entering the Klein Bottle. During Bette Action, if the supersting is orientable, the length of mini-string in-between the associated superstring and its counterpart is constant among all of the eigenstates of mini-string that interconnect the associated superstring with its counterpart. This is during instanton. Instanton is when the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue happens. I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam Roach.

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Little Bit Of A Heads-Up To Course 12

Thursday, March 14, 2013

More As To Creation

In the beginning, the Logos (the source of Mind, Ying, and Yang) travelled from the spaceless indiscrete "outer-bounds" of endless distance to strike the core of the Big-Bang in 192 different norm-conditional directions (two per axial, which here would include 96 different orphoganol axials). The core of the Big-Bang, as a corollary of the intial condition of the Logos, was comprised of indiscretely small particles that formed an overall size that was shaped like an alpha particle. Each of such indiscretely small particles had a volume before the Big-Bang of pi*(0+)^3/6 meters, yet, each of these particles that one could describe as "void, and without form" was converted into the maximum number of third-ordered point particles that ever existed until some of these were frayed by entropy. These small yet discrete point particles had a volume of pi*(10^(-387))^3/6 meters once the Big-Bang happened. The organization of the initial core of the Big-Bang before the mentioned "bang" happened was comprised in a fashion like this:
There was one indiscretely small potential third-ordered point particle out of the initial point particles at the center of the alpha particle shape. There were as many shells of such particles -- that contained a homogeous arrangement around their surface area -- as there were the maximum number of first-ordered point particles before any space-time-fabric was frayed. The described shells were all shaped like a reverse"China-Box" of inversely fractored alpha shaped surface areas. Such surface areas -- that "hermitianly" and homeomorphically, as well as homogeneously -- had a length that was angled toward the spaceless motion of the Logos that was to form our set of parallel universes, a width that was angled toward the spaceless motion of the Logos that was to form the middle set of parallel universes, and had a thickness that was angled toward the spaceless motion of the Logos that was to form the far set of parallel universes. The Logos was the source of the cognition and ying/yang that formed a Continuum that was based on at least some sort of rational order. The life force that most resembled the motif of the drive of the Logos as it travelled through spacelessness before the Big-Bang, may, in a sense, be considered God, or, in other words, the Grand Architect of the Universe. Yet, yes, evolution and creation are obvious both contributers to the world in which we now live. You have a great night!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                         

My Perception Of What Our Creator Is

Hello, this is Sam Roach here! The Logos is a very real and cognitively derived phenomenon. The Logos is the Word that traveled from endlessness to strike the core of what was to become the Big-Bang to create discrete reality from indiscrete reality.
All order, cognition, and operation that caused and causes discrete reality has worked to maintain homotopy, Ying, Yang, emotion, subconscious thought, the arrangements that allow for non-random cohesive activity that allows for any continuation of space and time, etc... to where it was indirectly created by the activity that happened due to the result of the mentioned interaction of the Logos with the prior "void, and without form" cohesive core of the Big-Bang.
Before there was discrete reality that was caused by the Big-Bang, there was the infinity where the Word that travelled through spacelessness came from -- and there was simultaneously (until the Big-Bang happened) the existence of organized infinitelly small particles that were arranged the way that these were due to the covalant conditon that a charge in the center of a shell is delineated along the surface area of that shell. In the specific case here, though, we are referring to an ultimately fractaled manner of such a related condition. The homogenous and homeomorphic manner that these indiscretely small point particles just mentioned were delineated before the Big-Bang existed as these were is due to the ultimately fractaled condition that is analogous to the fact that, when a charge in the center of a shell is delineated at the surface area of a given shell, the correlative shell is to be relatively seemless.
How I determined the number of various types of point particles (1st, 2nd, and 3rd ordered point particles) is not for you to know, yet it should already be known by those whom need to know. And, by the way,  pi*(0+)^3/6 was NOT 0 prior to the Big-Bang, since it took indiscretly based large and indiscretely based small phenomena to collide in order for the discrete reality that makes physical reality, organization, and life, possible.  Sincerely, Sam.

A Little Bit More Of A Simple Allagorical Explaination

Do you remember when I worked at explaining the need for changes in norm-conditions in laymens terms?!  That allagory was my manner of working to explain the need for something that needs to happen at the substringular level in order for the eluded to changes in norm-conditions to happen.  This "something" that needs to recurrently happen is the activity of Gaussian Transformations.  When the norm-conditions change at the substringular level, what is going on is known of as a Gaussian Transformation.  Superstrings need to change in terms of their norm-conditions in order for the mentioned superstrings to free-up room so that motion, and thus, energy, may be spontaneous and persisitant.  As for that matter, the whole of the substringular needs to change in terms of their norm-conditions quite often in order for space to be freed up so that the kinematic activity of energy may continue.  All of the time, at some regions or another, there are a vast number of Gaussian Transformations that are occuring.  Yet, at a specific general locus, and,  for specific given arbitrary superstrings, Gaussian Transformations only occur every so often so that the needed changes in norm-conditions may occur.  The spots where superstrings are at at various times totally varies, just as stuff changes where it is at all of the time somewhere.  Yet, at every spot where energy has existed, and, for every superstringular unit of discrete energy permittivity and for every substringular unit of discrete energy impedance, there must be Gaussian Transformations that occur at some time or another in order for their mentioned changes in norm-conditions to occur.  A discrete unit of energy permittivity is an actual phenomenon that is the smallest basic unit of energy that is energy that appertains to the pull of energy through the direction that the said corresponding energy is going through, while a discrete unit of energy impedance is an actual phenomenon that is the smallest basic unit of energy that is energy that works to hold back the excessive drive of the overall basic unit of energy that I am here eluding to.  Such phenomena must move persistantly in order to exist, and thus remain as energy.  Room must be made freed-up so that such motion may occur.  As mentioned during an earlier post, norm-conditions must change at times, under certain situations, in order for such motion and thereby energy to persist and thus exist.  So, this is why Gaussian Transformations must occur.  I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.