Sunday, February 10, 2013

Part Two Of Inertial Mass Versus Gravitational Mass

The Rarita Structure is the topological substrate that works to interbind the light-cone-gauge -- in a strucural manner -- with both gravitational-based particles, the Wick Action, and the given arbitrary superstrings, in such a manner so that gravity may have some sort of abelian-based codetermination with both superstrings, their light-cone-gauge eigenstates, and those norm projections that work to allow for the indirect occurance of Gaussian Transformations, along with allowing for interactions among other norm projections. The activity of the Rarita Structure -- via its Schwinger-basd vibrations -- works to directly in some ways and indirectly in others -- act in such a manner so that such gravitational pulls may happen so that gravity may exist at all. The scalar amplitude of this activity is called the Ricci Scalar.

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