Thursday, February 28, 2013

About The Monopole Nature Of Gravity

As an ansantz, just as abelian activity does not necessarily happen in a linear manner -- the Laplacian condition of that connectivity that exists in the Rarita Structure that stems from discrete units of energy to their corresponding gravitational particles is not necessarily formatted in a linear basis.
Of course, certain gravitational structures may be monopole, yet, not all gravity is based upon such a premiss.
Gravity works to help cause the curvature of space-time-fabric.
This is why most physical lines are not defined as "Wilson-Lines."
Gravity is dependant upon the dimensionality in which it exists in to some extent, as you can surmise to by thinking about it.
The Rarita Structure is not only multiplicit in directoral context overall, yet, certain of its eigenstates are sometimes multiplicit when the abelian tendancies of certain gravitational conditions are dimensionally torqued.
Thus, since space-time is curved, and, since dimensionality is often torqued, and also, since kinematic covariant codifferetiation -- that is abelian in terms of the Fourier-Transformation of its differential geometry through time -- is often tensoric, when in terms of the physical mapping of its corresponding directorals, gravity is not necessary monopole.

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