Monday, February 4, 2013

Chern-Simmons -- A Little Bit More Of An Explaination

When a wave that is formed by the trajectory of a superstring is smooth in all of the changes of derivatives that are equal to the number of dimensions that the said superstring is existent in over the course of the mentioned trajectory over the time in which the said superstring is moving in so as to form the given arbitrary trajectoral projection, then, the wave that works to describe the given arbitrary trajectoral projection is said to be hermtian -- in so long as the Hamiltonian pulse that directly corresponds to the kinematic Fourier Transformation that corelates to the motion of the said superstring while the string is in the process of forming the said trajectoral projection is moving at a steady rate over the piecewise continuous vibration that works to define the formation of the holonomic path that is here defined as a wave that acts as a trajectoral projection over time.  If the said wave that I just described is smooth in terms of the Laplacian mapping of the trajectory that may be extrapolated by the condition as to where the given arbitrary superstring that is involved in this case has been integrably delineated in over a successive series of instantons has -- when extrapolated also as a particle form that has moved over time (over a Fourier Transformation) -- moved in an anharmonic manner in terms of the perturbation of the accelleration of the Hamiltonian-based pulse that here works to describe an alteration in the rate of the formation of the here said trajectoral path over time, then, even though the Laplacian-based mapping may, in a way, bear a hermitian eigengenus of hermicity, since the wave that is here described is made spurious in this case, the formation of the directly related trajectoral projection is then said to bear a Chern-Simmons genus in terms of the kinematic tense of the integrated Hamiltonian pulse that the said motion of the related superstring forms over the condition of the corresponding codetermination as to its basis in time.  Thus, even though the wave that here forms a given arbitrary path that, when observed in terms of the ghost-related residue forms a hermitian cohomological-wise topological-based path -- the time-wise piecewise continuous formation of the path over the time that the said path that exists in terms of a wave that is formed by the motion of a given superstring bears only a partially hermitian eigengenus when one considers the condition of the Fourier-related Transformation of the kinematic eigenbasis of the related wave's motion over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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