Monday, February 11, 2013

Expectation Values

Due to the condition of the scattering that happened during the Big-Bang, many things and attributes bear an expectation value that is between 0 and 1.
Yet, the physical laws that are basic to reality often bear an expectation value that is, for all practical purposes, either 1 or 0. Certain things happen the only general manner that they can, although there are many things that may be variable in terms of the probability of them happening. If it wasn't for the condtion of basic physical laws, reality would not be able to organize enough for the capacity of spontaneous kinematic change that multiplicitly happens so that physical reality may perpetuate.
So, although many conditions may vary in terms of what may happen -- the basic mannerisms of physical activity and topological differentiation are attirbutes that happen in the general manner that these physical operations may happen, when one considers the surrounding regions in which such operations covariantly occur in.
You have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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