Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Little Bit Here About The Nature Of Schwinger-Indices

A first-ordered Schwinger-Index is the overall vibrational mode of a first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate once it is plucked like a harp by the gauge-bosons that directly correspond to a superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  The second-orderd Schwinger-Indices are the individual vibrations that are formed by the plucking of second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates by their corresponding gauge-bosons that directly associate with a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  The directorial delineation of second-ordered Schwinger-Indices, their scalar amplitude, and the manner of the topological composition of the vibrations that are here named second-ordered Schwinger-Indices is mainly dependant upon the manner and the differential angleing of the said gauge-bosons when these pluck their corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates over the corresponding given arbitrary sub-metric in which the said plucking happens during an eigenmetric of BRST.  This may help.  I will proceed, next time, with the rest of the eleventh session of course 11 about orbifolds.  Have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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