Sunday, February 10, 2013


Mobiaty is a good theory, yet, in reality it doen't happen -- space-time-fabric can not be purely holographic. A seemingly mobius condition has its one side and its one edge completed into additional sides and edges via the needed existence of Njenhuis tensors. If it wasn't for Njenhuis tensors, there would be no gravity, since gravitational particles must exist off of the multiplicit Real Reimmanian-planar region of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance via the Rarita Structure via the amplitudanal basis of the Ricci Scalar. Therefore, the Higgs Action eigenstates must bear a Hilbert-space basis. Hilbert space is volume based, and not flat-space based. During any minimal Fourier Transformation, any Higgs Boson exists in a minimum of twelve spatial dimensions plus time in order for Gaussian Transformations to exist via the activity of the Kaeler-Metric. This is because Higgs Boson eigenstates have the circumference -- when perceived directly -- of a double Lorentz-Four-Contracted (sorry for my error yesterday of saying a double Reverse-Four-Contracted) bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity. Electrons exist in D-fields that have a minimum of six spatial dimensions plus time in a minimal Fourier Transformation. Electrons dropping energy levels is what forms photons, and, photons are discrete units of E.M.. Higgs Boson eigenstates are what move the Klein Bottle in order for the Kaeler-Metric to happen so that Gaussian Transformations to happen. Gaussian Transformations are what allow spaces to spontaneously interact over time in a persistant manner, so that all motion may be relative to the existence and the motion of E.M.. If something is to be double Lorentz-Four-Contracted (contracted by a factor of 9*10^16), and if it is bosonic, then, the minimal spatiallity of such a phenomenon over time must bear a majorized spatiality relative to a photon -- photons of which would be simply Lorentz-Four-Contracted. Majorization involves the integration of two extra spatial dimensions to a given phenomenon. Photons exist in P-Spaces that involve 10 spatial dimensions as a minimum over any given time period. Ten plus two is 12. This is why Higgs Boson eigenstates must be volume based & also bear a minimum of 12 spatial dimensions plus time as a minimum over a minimum Fourier Transformation. Worm-Holes tend to exist in twelve spatial dimensions plus time over a minimal Fourier transformation. This may be deemed, in one manner, as Minkowski or flat space, yet, since space-time-fabric is intrinsically volume-based, it is actually Hilbert of volume-based over any significant time due to the condition that one must have Njenhuis Tensors in order for there to also be any recycling of substringular phenomena. Such recycling must happen in order for substringular fields to interact at all persistantly -- which is crucial in order for Cassimer Invariance to take effect. This is so that the substringular may, "huddle, break!", without actually breaking any topology that is not already broken by entering a black-hole. Homotopy must be maintained in order for their to be any physical relations, and, this is obviously so. Therefore, since substringular recycling works to help homotopy to be attained, and black-holes work in an operation that moves toward the detrement of homotopy, any fissure in space-time-fabric is a Pandora's Box that should not be played with -- Cassimer Invariance should be strengthened and not worked against. Instead, the right K-Variance in the process of forming certain scattering amplitudes to do certain other things is far more appropriate. I don not care if you think I know nothing, everything, or anything in-between -- I will say more as to this here. Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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