Thursday, February 14, 2013

Continual Motion

Let's say that interaction was everything. This here is merely an allogory to explain a much deeper concept.  In this given arbitrary case scenario, people are all over the place on the ground -- in this case, standing relatively "up."  The people, in the just mentioned case scenario, need to move around on their feet in order to interact.  If the mentioned people did not walk around in this case, nothing would be metaphorically existant.  People, as elluded to here, would be surrounding each other to quite an extent over a relatively large region.  So, in order for the people to walk around here -- in order for there to be a sense of social interaction -- this said condition would be needed here so that a sense of community would set on an allagorical tense of existence.  So, here, the multiple manners of the changes in direction as to where the mentioned people needed to walk around without bluntly knocking into each other would need to change quite often all over the place.  Depending on the spots where the said people were at, the types of changes in direction of walking -- as well as the amount of and the combinations of those just stated types of changes of direction to where the people, who are here all over the place on the ground, needed to walk, would both alter when in terms of the elluded to changes per general area as well as the corresponding changes that would here occur over time.  Some of the more specific spots where the said people are at here would involve a more likewise sort of manner of changes in walking patterns, while some of the other specific spots where the said people are at would involve various different types of changes of walking motion.  These two general types of conditions that are within the overall region of where the said people are at is mainly in consideration of those people of whom are relatively close to each other -- more so than the people who are at other spots from within the same general region.  Tangency means touch.  Touch always involves a 90 degree form of relation, and, people need to bear some sort of "touch" in order to interact.  Norm-Conditions are conditions relating to a 90 degree based-interaction.  I am, in laymans terms here, beginning to describe the need for changes in norm-conditions.  Sam Roach.

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