Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Lilttle Bit More About The Chern-Simmons Effect Relating To Schwinger-Indices

When the gauge-bosons that directly correspond to a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is plucked by the said gauge-bosons during BRST are in the process of the mentioned plucking -- like a harp is plucked --, at this point, the correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates vibrate in a manner that may be described in part by a Chern-Simmons effect.  In this case, the mentioned second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are made to behave -- over a sub-Fourier Transformation -- in a manner that is both non-hermitian and spurious.  What I just mentioned is true on account of the conditions that the mini-string segments that are here, in this arbitrary given case, made to act during the said process of BRST in a manner that is not only not smooth in all of the derivatives that are equal to the number of dimensions that it is kinematically acting within, yet, also, the initial vibrational idex that may be described as the initialization of second-ordered Schwinger-Indices start here in a state of perturbation that involves an initial anharmonic oscillation that is made to become either harmonic or anharmonic -- depending upon the manner as to how and the differential geometry appertaining to the process of the related gauge-bosons working to pluck the corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates over the course of the BRST portion of a given arbitrary iteration of instanton.  Since, before the Rarita Structure eigenstates absorb the related Schwinger-Indices in either a harmonic or an anharmonic manner, the initial vibratorial oscillation of the directly corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates is both non-hermitian in terms of the Laplacian-based framework of the directly related mapping of those mini-string segments that work to describe the topological framework of the associated said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as well as the conditional tense that the vibration of the mentioned second-ordered light-coneg-gauge eigenstates over a sub-Fourier transformation are initially vibrating in an anharmonic manner upon the initial mentioned plucking that is caused by the related motion of the corresponding gauge-bosons -- the initial vibration of a light-cone-gauge is always completely Chern-Simmons until the said vibrations form a brief tense of conformal invariance that is absorbed by the directly related Rarita Structure eigenstates.  Once the said Rarita Structure eigenstates absorb the Schwinger-Indices that are the propagated kinematic waves that are transferred from any given light-cone-gauge eigenstate to the said correpsonding Rarita Stucturre eigenstates, the second-ordered Schwinger-Indices that are here formed may either be harmonic or anharmonic -- depending upon the condition as to whether or not the genus of the related vibratorial oscillation of a second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate is symmetrically delineated over a given arbitrary set sub-metric in which it is considered, or, if its is assymetrically delineated over the same genus of duration.  I will continue with the suspense later!  I can not say everything in the world at once!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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