Monday, February 11, 2013

parallel universes

Phenomena from different parallel universes often bear a "covalent" interaction due to covariant codeterminable motion that forms similar formats of spin,orbital, and transversal motion genus-types that allows for similar motions of different substringular entities that may exist in relatively adjacent locations over a relatively simultaneous time period. In this case, I do not necessarily mean just different universes that precisely mimic each other as direct copies of the same univeral format, yet, I mean different universes that have different universal formats although with a certain synchrounicity that works to cause a commonality that forms the same type of redelieation of conformal invariance in each of such universes that works to form activities in each of the said parallel universes that amounts to the same format of general activity. For instance, an activity that happens in one universe may form a genus of synchrounicity with another universe that works to cause the same format of acitivity in the second given arbitrary universe -- even though the phenomena that such dual activities are here involved with are not mere copies of each other, and, the activites that the dual sets of phenomena are will also here not be precise duplicates of each other. I will explain more later. Sam Roach.

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