Thursday, February 28, 2013

As To Time Dilation In Reference To LTF

As a superstring contracts to a maximum degree, it decompactifies to the inverse that it is contracted during the course of the corresponding duration of BRST portion of an instanton in which the said superstring is being contracted by a factor of 3*10^8.  The Polyakov Action happens at a proportionally-smooth rate during BRST.  So, if one were to start at a spot that is Poincaire to the outer center at which a given superstring would be at at a Laplacian-based mapping as to where the outer Neumman-Ward bounds of where the superstrings would be at -- if it was not contracted at all during the peak of a given arbitrary eigenmetric of a Polyakov Action eigenstate, and, if the Lorentz-Four-Contraction were here 3*10^8 -- then, the duration that it would take to reach the actual Neumman-Ward bounds of the originally mentioned superstring would be 3*10^8 "times" as long as it would take to reach those prior stated hypothetical Neumman-Ward bounds that would be at the initially eluded to locus of Poincaire that I had stated earlier.  This is the general basis as to the gist which helps explain why Lorentz-Four-Contractions happen in the manner that these do in terms of time.  Again, when and if the said superstring converts to light-speed, the mentioned superstring alters in its Laplacian-based differential geometry by 90 degrees in a Njenhuis manner -- in so as to elude to the condition that, at the speed of light, one does not notice time.  I will continue with the suspense later! 
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

A Little Bit More As To Mass Increase

When what once was a mass goes from maximum increase per superstring of 3*10^8 to being a simulation of a mass that is going at the speed of light, the fully contracted superstring alters in its Laplacian-based differetial geometry by adjusting by 90 degrees in a Njenhuis manner.  Such a perturbation in the relative differential geometry of the Laplacian-based delineation of such a given arbitrary superstring causes the apparent length of the mentioned superstring to go down to zero.  Yet, since here, what once was a mass is now not technically a mass, it bears a Njenuis or an Imaginary mass that initially -- at the speed of light -- is I*3*10^8 times the initial bearing of the mass that may be denoted to the initial superstring that had a mass that was Real Reimmanian before it became tachyonic, once that it became the simulation of a mass in a worm-hole.  The mentioned alteration of the Laplacian-based differential geometry of the said superstirng that here has mass will -- at the speed of light -- will actually cause the length of the superstring to be of a first-ordered point particle diameter in legth, of which may not be depicted by any sort of Higgs Boson that may be engineered in any way possible even.  In the meanwhile, the initial bosonic superstring that started out as bearing a mass will here change in light-cone-gauge topology from Kaluza-Klein to Yang-Mills, since the light-cone-gauge topology here goes from being abelian to being non-abelian.  (This is just as the concept that the directly associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates must here ease in fractal modulae in order to allow for the mentioned alteration in the associated Laplacian-based differential geometry.  This causes any mass that is tachyonic to technically not be a mass -- as the mass here bears an Imaginary eigenbasis of spatiality.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam Roach.

As To The Mass Increase Due To Lorentz-Four-Contractions

As a Lorentz-Four-Contraction is higher, a said given arbitrary superstring is denser during the corresponding course of BRST eigenmetrics that happen within the corelative eigenmetrics of group instanton that associate with the conditions of any given arbitrary superstring undergoing a Lorentz-Four-Contraction.  Such a Lorentz-Four-Contraction decompactifies to the inverse degree of the directly associated contraction during the Polyakov Action that happens during the directly related said instantons (more specifically, during the BRST portion of such iterations of instanton.)  .  Since the directly related superstrings that are more Lorentz-Four-Contracted are here more dense while compactified, their core field -- per overall field -- is denser during the directly related instantons in which such corresponding superstrings are more Lorentz-Four-Contracted.  Due to this condition of a denser core field out of the overall field-networking of the specific superstring(s) that is(are) undergoing a relatively higher Lorentz-Four-Contraction than another given arbitray superstring or another given arbitrary set of superstrings, the directly related mass that here corresponds to the said superstring(s) that bear(s) a more dense core field establishment is(are) said to bear a higher mass per instanton than when such said superstrings (in general) instead bear a relatively lower Lorentz-Four-Contraction. This is if such superstrings are said to bear a tense of mass.  Superstrings are said to bear mass if these are both bosonic, bear a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology, and bear Yau-Exact singularities in terms of how I have described as such in prior sessions.  Such an expansion that is directly inverse to the degree of the directly related contraction is here said to bear a genus of a tense of Clifford Expansion.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Hold onto your hats, there is alot more to come!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

About The Monopole Nature Of Gravity

As an ansantz, just as abelian activity does not necessarily happen in a linear manner -- the Laplacian condition of that connectivity that exists in the Rarita Structure that stems from discrete units of energy to their corresponding gravitational particles is not necessarily formatted in a linear basis.
Of course, certain gravitational structures may be monopole, yet, not all gravity is based upon such a premiss.
Gravity works to help cause the curvature of space-time-fabric.
This is why most physical lines are not defined as "Wilson-Lines."
Gravity is dependant upon the dimensionality in which it exists in to some extent, as you can surmise to by thinking about it.
The Rarita Structure is not only multiplicit in directoral context overall, yet, certain of its eigenstates are sometimes multiplicit when the abelian tendancies of certain gravitational conditions are dimensionally torqued.
Thus, since space-time is curved, and, since dimensionality is often torqued, and also, since kinematic covariant codifferetiation -- that is abelian in terms of the Fourier-Transformation of its differential geometry through time -- is often tensoric, when in terms of the physical mapping of its corresponding directorals, gravity is not necessary monopole.

A Little Bit Of Stuff About Lorentz-Four-Contractions

The relativity of an individual superstring's Lorentz-Four-Contraction is conditonal to the degree of the Clifford Expansion that is here appertaining to the mode and genus of the corresponing Polyakov Action of an individual superstring during BRST -- relative to one or more other superstrings that are undergoing their corelative Polyakov Action eigenmetrics -- in such a manner in so that the inverse of their Clifford Expansion is here inverse to the degree of their corelative Lorentz-Four-Contraction. This is in the general locus of where the mentioned given arbitrary superstring is differentiating in, when over the sub-Fourier-Transformation in which the said superstring is going through the said duration of BRST during its corresponding instanton, and, the corresponding instanton-based conditions of one superstring is always covariant with the instanton-based conditions of all of the other superstrings that are codifferentiating in an unfrayed manner during any corelative condition of group instanton. Let us take a general example to elucidate a general concept, so as to keep the basis of things simple. So, let us say, as an example, that a given arbitrary superstring is traveling in such a manner so that its Lorentz-Four-Contraction is three. During the directly corresponding Polyakov Action that relates to one instanton in which such a contraction is occuring, the string -- during the BRST portion of the mentioned instanton -- will expand in a Clifford manner from its most contracted state by the inverse of its most contracted condtion -- by 10^8 when in terms of its length. This is just the beginning of such a discussion. I do not have the time now to discuss at any further length, so, I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely,
Sam Roach.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cliffor-based torque

The Clifford-based expansion of the wobble of Planck-like phenomena that are of different universes relative to one another is displayed physically as the torque in the mini-string segments that are subtended from one or more Planck-like phenomenon relative to one another -- that are each from different universes -- that is pulled via wave-tug that bends the said mini-string segments in a hermitian-based manner in such a manner so that the expansion of such a dominoe effect of torque happens in a euler-based Clifford-Expansion basis of wave-pull.  This causes the Gliossi contact of the said mini-string segments -- that represent the field-networking of the wobble of the said Traces -- to where the covariant-basis of the codifferentiable wobble is codeterminable in a manner that meets in a Yakawa-based manner that equals the degree of angling that the multiplicit Planck-like phenomena are angled, relative to one another in space-time-fabric, over the course of the sub-Fourier-Transformation that occurs during an eigenmetric of BRST during an iteration of group instanton.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part Two of the 12th Session of Course 11 About Orbifolds

From where I left off last time as to the differences in norm-conditions working to designate different orbifolds from existing in different universes, if, under any given arbitrary case, certain Planck-like phenomena that are adjacent and are also of the same universe are here to bear orphoganation with a wobble of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees, then, such a condition is what works to help define the corresponding Planck-like phenomena -- along with their corelative superstrings and substringular counterparts -- as belonging to the same universe.  This is while the condition of adjacent Planck-like phenomena that are adjacent, yet, are of different universes will bear norm-based orphoganal conditions that involvle a covariant relativistic wobble other than ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  The latter condition of which works to cause both the corresponding Planck-like phenomena, their corelative superstrings, and the corelative substringular counterparts to here belong to different universes.  This is over both the sub-Fourier-based transformation in which the said superstrings are differentiating -- over the sub-metric in which such substringular phenomena are vibrating -- during the course of a group instanton, as well as over the successive series of instantons in which the mentioned substringular phenomena differentiate kinematically over the time-wise course of the directly related Fourier-Transformation in which such superstrings are covariantly codifferentiating in a codeterminable manner.  Such an inter-relation of norm-based conditions is derived by considering the angling of the various corresponding adjacent Planck-like phenomena relative to one another, while then considering such an angling as equal to the degree that the said codifferentiable superstrings are off of wobbling from the discrete degree of wobble of a Planck-like phenomenon of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  This is due to the condition that the scalar variance of the parameters as to the angling that two or more Planck-like phenomena are off from a discrete unit of Fadeev-Popov-Trace wobble torques toward the multiplicit Laplacian-based delineations as to where the said Traces are at -- in such a Clifford-based sway that happens in such a manner so that this format and genus of eluded to torque works to form a covariance in wobble that forms a larger basis of wobble.  This is in consideration of the condition that an individual Planck-like phenomenon that is not frayed always wobbles during the BRST portion of group instanton at an angle of ~.1104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  This wobble is considered as Imaginary on account of the condition that the sway inter-relation of such wobbling happens at the Poincaire-based locus of each of the mentioned Planck-like phenomena, to where it always happens in a back-and forth manner that is covariant in one manner or another to all of the Planck-like phenomena that exist in space and time over the course of each iteration of group instanton.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Course 11 About Orbifolds, Session 12, Part One

Orbifolds of one given arbitrary universe differentiate relative to each other -- both as set manifolds that exist over that mapping that may be extrapolated over a Laplacian Transformation -- as welll as over time.  Orbifolds that appertain to different individual universes relative to one another differentiate relative to the other respective orbifolds that are of their own given arbitrary universes in more of a kinematically influential manner than the degree in which the said orbifolds that are of different universes differentiate with orbifolds that are of the same universe  -- when this is taken over any given arbitrary Fourier Transformation that here involves a covariance of the individual eluded to orbifolds that are of the same universe when taken relative to one another.  Orbifolds of the same universe tend to kinematically differentiate with each other in at least some sort of a direct manner over the course of an individual given arbitrary iteration of Ultimon Flow.  For instance, when the multi-dimensional structures that work to comprise the physical membranes of specific orbifolds interact in a direct manner, then, such physical spaces -- that operate according to a specific given arbitrary function -- that are here described as orbifolds, are said to be directly involved with each other in at least some sort of an abelian manner over those group instantons in which orbifolds are kinematically functional over the Fourier Transformation in which the mentioned orbifolds are covariantly interacting in some sort of codifferntiable codeterminable manner.  Orbifolds that are of different universes that interact over the course of a given arbitray Fourier Transformation do not bear Gliossi interactions that are Poincaire upon the topology of the superstrings that work to comprise the said orbifolds.  Such a tendancy that is of a high expectation value is due to the different genus-formats of the norm-conditions of their respective Fadeev-Popov-Traces, the differences in such norm-conditions of which work to differentiate any of such given arbitrary orbifolds as belonging to different universes over the course of the associated sub-Fourier conditions, which is during those individual iterations of group instantons in which these orbifolds interact in a less direct manner over the integration of the said instantons that forms a successive series of relatively motionless frameworks that works to form the flow of energy that happens over time.  These conditions of differences in norm-based conditions appertains to the general field networking that happens under both the general Laplacian conditions of group instanton, as well as over the integration of the successive series of such delineatory states that works to form the kinematic flow of energy through time.  I will continue with the second part of this session later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Some Stuff As To Cohomologies Between Orbifolds

When two or more orbifolds that are each respectively from different universes form a cohomologal spatial distribution over time, in such a manner that here exists between these over the course of a given arbitrary Fourier Transformation, these said orbifolds tend to act independantly over the mentioned course of time relating to the eluded to metric over the said Fourier Transformation.  Each of these orbifolds -- in this case -- exist in separate universes over the time in which the said orbifolds differentiate to perform their given arbitrary functions.  Each of the said orbifolds that I have mentioned here exist under a Njenhuis tense relative to each of the other related orbifolds that exist in this discussed case scenario.  Out of all of the orbifolds that are involved in this isolated case scenario, each orbifold that here exists in this given arbitrary situation is only Real Reimmanian to itself, since here, we are only discussing a format that involves individual orbifolds that each belong to different universes.  Since the mentioned orbifolds that are involved in this case work to form a cohomology, there is here a certain degree of spatial intermingling of the physical delineations of the superstrings that partake of each of the orbifolds relative to one another over the duration of the Fourier Transformation that happens as the said orbifolds differentiate kinematically over time.  The just eluded to intermingling, though, does not bear Gliossi interactioins between those superstrings that are of different universes at a Poincaire level, and thus, the just eluded to case does not involve orbifolds that bear Gliossi interactions at a Poincaire level over the time in which the said orbifolds differentiate to perform their functions over time.  So, even though the discussed orbifolds here intermingle physically at a substringular level -- as may be mapped out both in a Laplacian manner per instanton, as well as may be extrapolated in a Fourier manner over time --, the mentioned orbifolds, due to the differences that here exist in their subtended Planck-like related covariant codifferentiable wobble per instanton and as integrated over a successive series of instantons, do not directly interact here under any abelian pretext that may viabley allow for a direct wave-tug of any one of the mentioned orbifolds upon any of the other orbifolds that are here being related to under the said given arbitrary case scenario.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Li Algebra Co-Relations Between Physical Spaces

Different orbifolds and/or different orbifold eigensets that are, respectively, belonging to different universes, involve a Li Algebra co-relation -- when in terms of the physical spaces that these given arbitrary respective orbifolds and/or orbifold eigensets belong to in terms of their corelative Real Reimmanin spaces.  Orbifolds and/or orbifold eigensets that are of the same universe bear spaces that are Real Reimmanian relative to one another.  Whereas, spaces that are of different universes when in terms of their relationship to one another -- spaces that are here represented by orbifolds and/or orbifold eigensets -- are considered here to be Njenhuis when in relationship to one another.  Spaces that are Njenhuis when considered in co-relation to one another are of different Gaussian formats when in terms of their Real Reimmanian spatial-basis.  Spaces that are not Real Reimmanian when in co-relationship to one another may be compared in terms of a Li Algebra basis.  Li Algebra is linear algebra that involves an Imaginary Gaussian Format.  Spaces that are existent in realtiy -- although these said spaces are Njenhuis when in co-relationhip to one another -- yet, here, involve an Imaginary Gaussian correspondence in terms of the mathematical and therefore in terms of the physical relationhips that these work to bear towards each other, may be compared in such a type of case by using Li Algebra. Physically speaking, Li Algebra may be applied by comparing orbifolds and/or orbifold eigensets that covariantly corelate -- even though such orbifolds and/or orbifold eigensets are here, in such a given arbitrary case, respectively belonging to different univeres.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

A Little Bit About Orbifold Eigensets

All of the orbifolds that are interconnected to form any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset are of the same universe.  This means that all of the orbifolds that work to comprise any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset are of the same genus of Real Reimmanian spatiality.  This means that -- not only do all of the superstrings that work to comprise an orbifold eigenset - yet, also, all of the orbifolds that work to comprise the same given arbitrary said orbifold eigenset, exist according to the same Gaussian Linear Algebra-based format.  Often, though, there may be, to a certain degree, some sort of cohomology between different orbifolds that are of different universes.  Yet, the directly prior mentioned cohomology-based format will here never be of a Gliossi manner.  (This is in so long as universes that the said given arbitrary substringular phenomena belong to does not change here spontaneously.)    This also eludes to the condition that all of the superstrings that work to comprise an orbifold eigenset are definitely of the same universe.  The relationships, spatial-wise, between superstrings and orbifolds that are adjacent that are of different universes involve norm-based anglings -- as taken subtended between their corrresponding Planck-like-based phenomena -- that are off from being orphoganal with a covariant erlativistic-based wobbling that is at ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  This makes those formats of spatial relationships that exist between superstrings and orbifolds and orbifold eigensets that are of different universes bear less of a tendancy of a direct albelian-based interaction with each other -- when taken at a Poincaire level -- than superstrings, orbifolds, and orbifold eigensets that are of the same universe.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Some More Stuff About Mass Energy Equivalence

Hello, my name is Sam (Sam Roach). One of the differences between what comprises an electromagnetic energy related orbifold and what comprises an orbifold related to a discrete unit of mass can be determined by the condition as to whether or not an orbifold bears hermitian singularities in-between the individual superstrings that comprise the mentioned orbifold that are Njenhuis to the corresponding Real Reimmanian Plane that is involved with the propagation of a form energy that consequently fluctuates in its electric field in a relatively harmonic way -- with a magnetic field that wraps around its corresponding electric field according to the right-hand-rule, or whether an orbifold bears singularities in-between its related superstrings that are both hermitian and maintained during instanton within a given Real Real Reimmanian Plane that is associated with the respective orbifold, causing the latter mentioned orbifold to bear a conformal invariance that remains covariantly local in a state of static equilibriuim without the propagation of the type of field that was inferred by the initial type of orbifold. The first type of orbifold described is that of EM energy -- which is partially Yau-Exact (since it bears spurius localizations of its singularities during close-knit Laplacian conditions). The second type of orbifold described is that of a mass -- which is Yau-Exact.

Some Stuff About Mass Energy Equivalence

Hello, my name is Samuel Roach. First of all, when electromagnetic energy scatters upon a mass, the action here is a Calabi-Yau interaction -- whose sub-space of interaction is a Calabi-Yau Space. Yet, the mass that is struck by a given electromagnetic energy is -- within the mass' orbifold in this case -- Yau-Exact with superstrings that have a light-cone-gauge eigenstates that have a Kaluza-Klein topology. Normally, electromagnetic energy has a light-cone-gauge topology that is Yang-Mills, yet, within the duration of relatively few instantons once this given arbitrary EM energy initially has struck the mentioned mass, its light-cone-gauge topology briefly converts to a Kaluza-Klein topology that consequently converts the configuration of the said light's orbifold to be temporarily virtually Yau-Exact until the described electromagnetic energy begins to requantize back into a beam of photons. Such a tranformation of the Yau-conditions of this EM energy -- as well as such a transformation of the light-cone-gauge topology of the same arbitrarily described EM energy -- happens to any photon over a brief number of instantons when such photons initially scatter upon anything. Yet, unscattered quantized photons are partially Yau-Exact and Yang-Mills. The factor that makes initially scattered photons very different from substringular regions that bear mass is that the initially scattered photons are surrounded by a Yang-Mills eigenset of orbifolds that are partially Yau-Exact in a manner that allows these scattered photons to be briefly tachyonic without having all of the mass in the universe due to an "insulated border" of the described eigenset that pulls these photons back into quantized EM energy. Mass, on the other hand (yet not in a worm-hole) is always completely Yau-Exact and of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology. Orbifold eigensets of a mass are in a static equilibrium that forms a local conformal invariance that is covariant with its surroundings based on more of a direct wave-tug placed upon it by the Rarita Structure via the Ricci Scalar as well -- even though the here related orbifold eigensets bear an exterior that is Yang-Mills yet Yau-Exact. If I make any inadvertant mistakes, let's form a dialogue, and we will learn together.

Real and Imaginarey Numbers

One cannot have rational numbers or, even Real numbers without the actuality of both imaginary-based numbers, the infinitessmal,and also the infinite.

Imaginary-Based numbers work to help explain the existence of both parallel universes, multiple spatial dimensionality that is beyond our apparent three proscribed spatial dimensions, the Ultimon Flow that exists in-between the durations of individual group instantons, etc. ....

The infinitessmal and the infinite work to with-hold the ability of the discrete to exist.

Although there are discreet units of time, metrics have durations that are down to the infinitessimal -- way smaller than any unit of what we would term of as time.

Otherwise, motion would have no ability to bear any hermitian potential, and thus, photons would never be able to form.

Discrete units of time are the instances in which superstrings are basically at a standstill.

When one integrates the individual delineations per group instanton, then, the flow of the mentioned delineatiions -- through a sequential series of such instantons, forms the kinematics of that motion that forms those group metrics that allow for energy to exist at all.

I will continuie with the suspense later!


Samuel David Roach.

The Natural Log Basis of Imaginary Numbers

Hi, this is Sam Roach here.

Think about it -- the limit of a variable as it Approaches the square root of the natural log of 0 from the negative toward the positive is negative Imaginary infinity, and, the limit of a variable as it Approaches the square root of the natural log of 0 from the positive toward the negative is positive Imaginary infinity.

In between the two just mentioned limits, is the basis of the whole scope of finite Imaginary  numbers.

When one takes (i)^4, it equals one.

So, not only do imaginary numbers take a different perspective from the directly previous, yet, (infinity)^4 to (0+)^4 also here take a different perspective from the directly previous. 

Please read my blog. My blog is


Samuel David Roach.

Manifolds of Superstrings That Act As Groups

The key to substringular phenomena moving together in sets or groups is the concept of orbifolds and orbifold eigensets. Superstrings tend to move together in groups that exist in membranes that may be described of as orbifolds. Orbifolds tend to exist in groups that may be described of as orbifold eigensets. Subatomic particles known of as quarks and leptons are comprised of certain basic orbifold eigensets. Such groups of membranes that are comprised of superstrings that work together for a common codifferentiable purpose act as sets of covariant interactive sets of substringular phenomena that work to fulfill their given respective operations. Often, in other cases, certain superstrings act to an extent alone in terms of an independant operator that is covariantly codifferentiable with its surrounding phenomena in order to fulfill a given arbitrary operation. Often, too, certain substringular phenomena other than superstrings work as sets in such a manner so as to fulfill other given arbitrary operations. Norm-States often tend to be comprised of multiple first-ordered point particles that work together as a group in order to permorm a certain operation. Norm-States often work in projections that operate as groups of norm-states that perform given arbitrary operations. Often, too, point commutators act in projections that behave as groups or sets of such said commutators in order to perform certain essential operations. All of the operations of the substringular act as a multiplicit covariantly codifferentiable group or set of smaller substringular phenomena that act in such a manner over time in such a fashion so that phenomena may coexist as a rather interconnected whole that allows the substringular to function. Enough for now.

Symmetry in the Substringular

In the substringular -- as in a lot of nature -- there is both trivial and non-trivial isomorphic symmetry. There is also both trivial and non-trivial related assymetry in much of nature and in the substringular. A lot of phenomena are to move in symmetrical covariance in both Laplacain and/or Fourier-based codifferentiation. Yet, a lot of phenomena are to move in assymetrical covariance in both Laplacian and/or Fourier-based codifferentiation. The Pauli-Exclusion Principle entails that certain phenomena that are adjacent and are to move in an assymetric manner over time relative to one another in so as to not intrude upon each other's respective spaces. Certain hadrons are to spin and orbit assymetrically relative to one another over time. Attempted intrusion to natural assymetrical kinematic delineations over time is a dangerous Pandora's Box. Certain things may be done without the attempt to adulterate nature. Please think about this, and apply this knowledge to stop threats to our world.

Topology And Connectivity

Superstrings, during the individual iterations of group instanton, are interconnected via a fabric that I call mini-string. Mini-String works to form the fields of superstrings that function to interconnect all unfrayed superstrings during the just mentioned iterations of group instanton. The phenomenon that I call the "space-hole" is that activity that works to re-delineate the homotopy of superstrings in such a manner so that both any frayed substringular phenomena will not pull phenomena that is to remain unfrayed into black-holes, and also, so that substringular phenomena may have a viable determination to be reassorted back with the appropriate Planck-like phenomena, and, in the designated loci of redistribution as to where the corresponding unfrayed superstrings are to go next -- after the given arbitrary related instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse that happens during Ultimon Flow happens right before group instanton. It is essential for that flow of Ultimon Flow in-between each iteration of instanton to happen so that the motion of superstrings will not be too jumpy. Otherwise, motion would not be hermitian, and thus, photons would implode upon attempted formation. Yet, that does not happen -- motion goes down to the infinitessimal so that motion may have the chance to bear its hermitian qualities. This is both in terms of Laplacian-based and Fourier-based codifferentiation. Homotopy is maintained on account of Cassimer Invariance. Cassimer Invariance is the perpetual tendancy of substringular phenomena to interchange eigenstates so that topology may be homotopically maintained per instanton. This elludes to why the condensed oscillation that comprises mini-string segments or substringular fields must be recycled in an indistinguishably different manner -- mini-string must fluctuate to an extent in its redelineations and redistributions so that superstrings and the changes in norm-conditions that are essentail for the perpetual motion of substringular spaces to happen may continue in a spontaneous manner. Sam.

Monday, February 18, 2013

As To The General Nature Of Ghost Anomalies

The substrate of the mapping of the trajectory of substringular phenomena is known of as ghost anomalies. Over a sequential series of iterations of instanton, a substringular phenomenon exists in a given arbitrary display of distributions that integrate in such a manner in so as to form a path that may be mapped out via the existence of those positive-norm-states that indicate the directly prior delineatioins as to where the said substirngular phenomenon had existed in in the just mentioned metric. The physical trajectoral path of which may be mapped out -- in a Laplacian manner -- is known of as a ghost anomaly. Ghost anomalies may be Rham-based (supplementally based) or Doubolt (complementary based). Ghost anomalies often bear a certain degree of symmetry -- whether such a symmetry is trivially isomorphic, non-trivially isomorphic, trivailly assymetric, or non-trivially assymetric. The physical entities of ghost anomalies are gradually scattered by negative-norm-states so, via there counter-motion in codeterminable covariance with their corresponding positive-norm-states,such activity may work to allow for that substringular room that is necessary for room to be made in the substringular so that superstrings and their corelatively-related phenomena may continue to spontaneously move over time. Often, Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts interchange with Kollosh ghosts so that there may be a recycling genus that can exist between superstrings of discrete energy and gravitational-based superstrings. The flow of ghost anomalies forms a basis of an allocation of residue of substringular phenomena that allows for certain indistinguashable replacement to exist from all three sets of universes that here exist within a few millimeters or so of everywhere one may go from within the confines of our universe --- even though all of the universes of our set of universes literally exist within every millimeter or so of anywhere where one may go witihin our universe. The norm-conditions of ghost anomallies work to complement the norm-conditions and the changes in norm-conditions of kinematically differentiating substrinular phenomena over time, while such mentioned ghosts work to recycle over time into various regions in so as to also allow for the appropriate redelinetion of first-ordered point particles that is necessary so that the proper point commutators may be localized where these may be needed so that the needed norm-based projections may be physically coherent enough to allow for those activities that are necessary for both changes in norm-conditions of superstrings, and, so that superstrings may go through those motions that allow for these to do their essential closing and opening over time (so that light may be formed from plain kinetic energy, and, vice versa).

The Strongest Force

The strongest when considered overall, yet, the weakest when taken in a locally sub-Gliossi manner, force, would be that fractal of pressurized vacuum that holds sub-mini-string together in such a manner so that third-ordered-point-particles -- and thus, second-ordered-point-particles -- may be held together. Such a force thereby works in such a manner in so that mini-string may keep together, so that the fields of superstrings may remain fractally vigilant. The ability of the fractal strength of substringular fields works to keep first-ordered-point-particles and also decompacitified substringular fields together so that superstrings, and thus, phenomena, may remain in tact.
Samuel David Roach.


It pays to reason that, even though we may have detected a Higgs Boson in the Hadron Colliding Experiment (as a human race), since the leverage of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism upon the Klein Bottle via the Higgs Action is, as a scalar amplitude, the inverse of that fraction of a Coulumb that is of discrete charge, that it may be appropriate to not go further at trying to illucidate the Higgs Action itself. Already, the mere possible detection of the Higgs Boson has appararently formed a fissure in space-time-fabric. This is a Pandora's Box that should not be "opened." Please read my post about the leverage of the Higgs Action in my blog Think about this, too, if you will. The Higgs Boson eigenstates are attached to Klein Bottle eigenstates. This covariant distribution is needed so that the Kaeler-Metric may happen so that Gaussian Transformations may occur. If this makes sense to you as well, you will try not to carry on any further in the endeavor to deepen the Hadron Colliding Experiment, and, the proper manner of engineering down to the nitty-gritty may be then able to happen without the need for such potential danger. I am not out to badmouth anyone. I am just "calling them as I see them." Please consider this, and, I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

The Reason As To How Gravity Exists

Gravity happens because of the amplitude due to the Ricci Scalar, and the Ricci Scalar happens via the multiplicit activity and the multiplicit distributions of Rarita Structure eigenstates. Gauge-Bosons throughout space and time pluck the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates that comprise first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- first-orderd-light-cone-gauge eigenstates exist in-between superstrings and their respective Fadeev-Popov-Traces -- to form Schwinger-Indices. (The corresponding vibrations of first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates form first-ordered Schwinger Indices, while, the corresponding vibrations of second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates form second-ordered Schwinger-Indices.) Schwinger-Indices propagate to form a kinematic relationship between gravitational particles and superstrings that are discrete units of energy permittivity so that gravity may take effect. The residue of Schwinger-Indices that exist over the course of the perpetuation of gravity are used to bring Wick Action eigenstates into the general regions of the Landau-Gisner Action eigenstates in order to indirectly cause the activity of Gaussian Transformations. You may learn more about this by reading my blog. My blogcite is

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Little Bit About Gaussian Relationships

All of the superstrings that work to comprise any given arbitrary orbifold will bear such a corresponding Planck-related-based wobbling that denotes all of the directly correlating superstrings that I just mentioned as belonging to the same universe.  This means that a given said orbifold has Planck-related phenomena that, when adjacent in a physical Laplacian tense, bear wobbling that codifferentiates over a sub-Laplacian metric during instanton in such a manner that each adjacent Planck-like said phenomena wobbles norm to one another with a wobble of ~1.104735878*10(-81)I degrees over the mentioned course of group instanton that may be considered during such a case scenario.  This is unless a given arbitrary orbifold doesn't perturbate in such a manner in so that it alters in composition so that certain superstrings would here work to exchange what universe that these would here at least temporarily belong to.  So, as an ansantz based upon what I have just mentioned, if one were to extrapolate a Laplacian-based mapping that bears a tracing from the interior toward the exterior of such an eluded to orbifold, the wobbling format basis that I have just mentioned that allows for each adjacent Planck-like phenomena that forms the discrete energy impedance, that acts as the field trajectory of the substringular discrete energy permittivity that is formed by the existence of the correlative superstirngs that directly correspond here -- that works to comprise the said orbifold as taken from the interior toward the exterior of the said orbifold -- has a basis of a Clifford Expansion of adjacent Planck-like phenomena that are norm with a wobble of ~1.104735878*10(-81)I degrees during the course of the directly corresponding  individual group instantons that transpire over a successive series of iterations of covariant codifferentiating multiplicit instantons.  This causes the spaces that may be described by such individual orbifolds that operate as groups of superstrings that work to form a specific function to be able to exist according to the same Gaussian basis of space.  So, one given arbitrary orbifold acts as a functional space that obeys the same general format of a space that exists in a Real Reimmanian manner relative to all of the individual superstrings that work to form the Hodge-Indices that come together to form the said given arbitrary orbifold as these work together over time to form the kinematic basis of the Fourier Transformation of the operation of the just mentioned orbifold.  So, individual whole orbifolds that exist spatial-wise in the same universe exist with a Gaussian relationship toward one another that allows these said orbifolds to be Real Reimmanian relative to one another.  This works to form the potential Gliossi interactions among corresponding orbifolds that are of the same universe -- in so that phenomena that are of the same universe are, as an ansantz, what tend to effect other phenomena the are also of the same universe the most -- on account of the condition that their spaces are Real Reimmanian to one another during the successive series of group instantons that relate these to one another over time.  Again, this corresponds to the conditions of orphoganation and codifferentiable covariant-based wobble of adjacent Planck-like phenomena, in such a general condition as the manner of which I have mentioned, of discrete energy impedance, relative to one another.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam Roach.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Vibrations that inter-relate formats of E.M.

Although a photon is comprised of a bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity that quantizes into beams of electromagnetic energy that move at the speed of light in a vacuum (unless it is Kirchoff radiation), the manner of the vibration of a photon works to determine the type of wave that certain quantized photons bear, the amount of energy that the photons of such a given arbitrary beam have, their J,S, and L, etc. ...

The reason as to why and how the type of vibration of a given arbitrary photon has impacts the type and amount of energy that the said photon has is based on a simple premiss: The manner in which something vibrates, radiates, and propagates effects its direct and indirect environment in a particlular way -- given the covariant codifferentiation of the surroundings of the given arbitrary photon. Such an effect is physically displayed by the electromotive interaction of the surrounding open superstrings that are at least adjacent to the tree-amplitude-based projection and propagation of a given beam of E.M.. This has a basis in Lagrangians that are either unitary, binary, and/or Lagrangians that bear Njenhuis path-based tensors.R

Integrands Relating to Formats of Duration

Things that we normally coceive of happen over time, as everyone knows. When something is integrated over time, that means that whatever operation or function that you are refering to is happening over a duration of time. Such as amperage is charge per time, and, power is energy per time. The simple comment that you made (how does one relate to different formats of metrical durations) does, though, bring up an important point.: How would one integrate durations that occur over sub-Fouriers that involve less than the Planck time -- less than a discrete unit of time. For the sake of using a relatively common manner of terminology, one may possibly use, as a suggestion, del-like simbals in order to integrate certain gauge-metrics over a sub-Fourier Transformation in the effort to communicate as to how an operation or a function happens over the given arbitrary duration that here happens in less than a discrete unit of time. So, when one considers a certain general format of gauge-metric-based duration that is relatively large in comparison to a relatively infinitessimal gauge-metric, one may possibally use one format of del-like simbal that may be integrated over the said arbitrary sub-Fourier in order to work to describe the piecewise continuity of the flow of motion in which a given arbitrary phenomenon moves over the here proscribed duration. Yet, depending upon how much smaller the proscribed general duration of any given arbitrary gauge-metric is, one may use a variety of del-simbals in order to work to describe different various piecewise sub-Fourier Transformations so that one may be able to accurately communicate to others the Hamiltonian-based nature of various different flows of motion. The most infinitessimal durations that are briefer than a discrete unit of time would have their own del-like simbal, so, under such considerations, one may apply such an arbitrary method of corelationship in order to describe the general flow of any given arbitrary phenomenon in a piecewise manner over the gauge-metrics that would here bear a tense of virtual static equilibrium over a state of superconformal invariance. I appologize if my manner of communicating is a little bit off or non-conventional, yet, such considerations are important. Perfection is a fallacy. So, a question as to how to express those integrands that inter-relate to different formats of durations does ring out an important point  And I thank you that such a simple question is here able to afford the plausability of being addressed. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Continual Motion

Let's say that interaction was everything. This here is merely an allogory to explain a much deeper concept.  In this given arbitrary case scenario, people are all over the place on the ground -- in this case, standing relatively "up."  The people, in the just mentioned case scenario, need to move around on their feet in order to interact.  If the mentioned people did not walk around in this case, nothing would be metaphorically existant.  People, as elluded to here, would be surrounding each other to quite an extent over a relatively large region.  So, in order for the people to walk around here -- in order for there to be a sense of social interaction -- this said condition would be needed here so that a sense of community would set on an allagorical tense of existence.  So, here, the multiple manners of the changes in direction as to where the mentioned people needed to walk around without bluntly knocking into each other would need to change quite often all over the place.  Depending on the spots where the said people were at, the types of changes in direction of walking -- as well as the amount of and the combinations of those just stated types of changes of direction to where the people, who are here all over the place on the ground, needed to walk, would both alter when in terms of the elluded to changes per general area as well as the corresponding changes that would here occur over time.  Some of the more specific spots where the said people are at here would involve a more likewise sort of manner of changes in walking patterns, while some of the other specific spots where the said people are at would involve various different types of changes of walking motion.  These two general types of conditions that are within the overall region of where the said people are at is mainly in consideration of those people of whom are relatively close to each other -- more so than the people who are at other spots from within the same general region.  Tangency means touch.  Touch always involves a 90 degree form of relation, and, people need to bear some sort of "touch" in order to interact.  Norm-Conditions are conditions relating to a 90 degree based-interaction.  I am, in laymans terms here, beginning to describe the need for changes in norm-conditions.  Sam Roach.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Solutions To Test Two About Orbifolds

1)  An orbifold kernel is a region that exists in-between adjacent orbifolds that interconnect in a Gliossi manner.  Such a region exists as a relatively open gap that is basically free of substringular phenomena with the exception of mini-string segments and norm-states.

2)  An orbifold neighborhood is a general region that surrounds a given arbitrary orbifold, while yet directly involving the operation of the said given arbitrary orbifold mentioned.

3)  Ideally, an orbifold is shaped in either a parabollic, or, in an elliptical general format.

4)  Ideally, an orbifold kernel is shaped like a region that would involve adjacent assymptotes of tangency, with the exception that these are interconnected at their endpoints in a manner that is both Gliossi and also multidimensional.  Such a region gives a similar appearance of two "chocalette kisses" that are interconnected bottom-to-bottom with no gap or superfilous changes in concavity in-between these.

5)  Some orbifolds are other than either parabollic-shaped-based or elliptical-shaped-based.  Such alterior-shaped-orbifolds may be parallelopiped-shaped-based, pyramid-shaped-based, trapozoidal-shaped-based, or, even having other alterior-based-shapes.

6)  An orbifold permutation is a variation in the Laplacian-basis of the general topological construction of any given arbitrary orbifold.

7)  Some orbifold permutations may be pointal, some may be sherically-based in shape, some may be elliptically-based in shape, these may bear a triangular-basis in shape, a parabollic-basis of shape, a rectangular-basis of shape, a pyramid-basis of shape, or a trapezoidal-basis of shape.

8)  Orbifolds are connected as an anzantz by mini-string segments.  At more of a reverse-fractalled-tense, orbifolds are interconnected via E(8)XE(8) strings.  E(8)XE(8) strings work to interconnect orbifolds via their combination of spin-orbital and sway momentum indices and their combination of spin-orbital and sway momentum Hamiltonian operations,these of which occur over directly associated brief periods of time.

9)  Depending upon the placement of E(8)XE(8) strings over the course of their spin-orbital and sway Hamiltonian operations over time, such mentioned conditions may work to effect the associated conditions as to the delineation and the super-conformally-invariant motions of adjacent given arbitrary orbifolds.

10)  As time goes by in reference to an orbifold, the formats of both the Laplacian-based and the Fourier-based differential geometries of those permutations that exist along both the interior-based and the exterior-based topological permutations that correspond to a given arbitrary orbifold may either alter, vary, and/or exchange in their corresponding delineation(s).

Monday, February 11, 2013

A tad bit as to the Nature Of Photons

Although a photon is comprised of a bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity that quantizes into beams of electromagnetic energy that move at the speed of light in a vacuum (unless it is Kirchoff radiation), the manner of the vibration of a photon works to determine the type of wave that certain quantized photons bear, the amount of energy that the photons of such a given arbitrary beam have, their J,S, and L, etc. ...
The reason as to why and how the type of vibration of a given arbitrary photon has impacts the type and amount of energy that the said photon has is based on a simple premiss: The manner in which something vibrates, radiates, and propagates effects its direct and indirect environment in a particlular way -- given the covariant codifferentiation of the surroundings of the given arbitrary photon. Such an effect is physically displayed by the electromotive interaction of the surrounding open superstrings that are at least adjacent to the tree-amplitude-based projection and propagation of a given beam of E.M.. This has a basis in Lagrangians that are either unitary, binary, and/or Lagrangians that bear Njenhuis path-based tensors.

A Little Dittie About the Green Function

When photons form, electrons drop back an energy level and then go back to their original energy level. When this happens, the individual photons that form are formed via the Fujikawa Coupling that happens according to the Green Function. As a fermionic superstring that acts as a discrete unit of kinetic energy converts into a bosonic superstring that here is a photon, the topology of the open string that converts into a closed string bends hermitianly as the forming photon moves in the direction of energy permittivity. As this is happening, the actual folding of the loose strand of discrete energy acts in the opposite direction as the motion that the said photon is propagated in. -- The forming photon moves in the relative holomorphic direction as it bends to form the said photon in the relative reverse holomorphic direction. Hermitian means smooth in all of the derivatives that are equal to the number of dimensions that it exists in. So, the motion of a discrete strand of energy permittivity closing to form a discrete hoop of energy permittivity is pulled in the opposite chirality of holomorpicity than the direction in which the said forming photon is propagated in. What causes the Fujikawa Coupling to happen in a hermitian manner is the corresponding activity of zero-norm projections that act at a conipoint that is subtended from the reverse holomorphic side of where the forming photon is propagated. So, the creation of E.M. always involves a smooth topological translation in terms of the here arbitrary example of a fermionic superstring changing into a bosonic superstring. So, in this case, topologically related Hamiltonian Operations are smooth in terms of the basis of relativity. -- The basis of relativity is the motion and the existence of E.M.. Sam.

Expectation Values

Due to the condition of the scattering that happened during the Big-Bang, many things and attributes bear an expectation value that is between 0 and 1.
Yet, the physical laws that are basic to reality often bear an expectation value that is, for all practical purposes, either 1 or 0. Certain things happen the only general manner that they can, although there are many things that may be variable in terms of the probability of them happening. If it wasn't for the condtion of basic physical laws, reality would not be able to organize enough for the capacity of spontaneous kinematic change that multiplicitly happens so that physical reality may perpetuate.
So, although many conditions may vary in terms of what may happen -- the basic mannerisms of physical activity and topological differentiation are attirbutes that happen in the general manner that these physical operations may happen, when one considers the surrounding regions in which such operations covariantly occur in.
You have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Relating To Singularity Genus-Formats

Hello, my name is Sam (Sam Roach). One of the differences between what comprises an electromagnetic energy related orbifold and what comprises an orbifold related to a discrete unit of mass can be determined by the condition as to whether or not an orbifold bears hermitian singularities in-between the individual superstrings that comprise the mentioned orbifold that are Njenhuis to the corresponding Real Reimmanian Plane that is involved with the propagation of a form energy that consequently fluctuates in its electric field in a relatively harmonic way -- with a magnetic field that wraps around its corresponding electric field according to the right-hand-rule, or whether an orbifold bears singularities in-between its related superstrings that are both hermitian and maintained during instanton within a given Real Real Reimmanian Plane that is associated with the respective orbifold, causing the latter mentioned orbifold to bear a conformal invariance that remains covariantly local in a state of static equilibriuim without the propagation of the type of field that was inferred by the initial type of orbifold. The first type of orbifold described is that of EM energy -- which is partially Yau-Exact (since it bears spurius localizations of its singularities during close-knit Laplacian conditions). The second type of orbifold described is that of a mass -- which is Yau-Exact.

parallel universes

Phenomena from different parallel universes often bear a "covalent" interaction due to covariant codeterminable motion that forms similar formats of spin,orbital, and transversal motion genus-types that allows for similar motions of different substringular entities that may exist in relatively adjacent locations over a relatively simultaneous time period. In this case, I do not necessarily mean just different universes that precisely mimic each other as direct copies of the same univeral format, yet, I mean different universes that have different universal formats although with a certain synchrounicity that works to cause a commonality that forms the same type of redelieation of conformal invariance in each of such universes that works to form activities in each of the said parallel universes that amounts to the same format of general activity. For instance, an activity that happens in one universe may form a genus of synchrounicity with another universe that works to cause the same format of acitivity in the second given arbitrary universe -- even though the phenomena that such dual activities are here involved with are not mere copies of each other, and, the activites that the dual sets of phenomena are will also here not be precise duplicates of each other. I will explain more later. Sam Roach.

Discrete Time And Infinitessimal Metrics

Although discrete time only goes down to the limited duration of the instanton -- which is 10^(-43) of a second --, metrics must go down to the infinitessimal in order for hermitian motion to exist. Metrics that are smaller than an instanton do not individually go a discrete number into an instanton, yet, the condtion that there is a flow of substringular motion indicates the conditon that kinematics may often describe activity that is way the heck smaller than an intanton. As an ansantz, pure Fourier Transformations always appertain to a sequential series of one or more instantons that bear at least some codifferentiable-based organization. Yet, the condition of superstrings being guided into subsequent associations with other superstrings shows that there are countless metrics and types of metrics that are anywhere from barely less duration than an instanton down to a level of duration that is way smaller -- down to infinitessimal metrics. The instanton is a discrete unit of time because instanton is where superstrings are basically at a standstill, and, are thus in an organized condition enough so that life forms may be able to grasp the entity of their said durations.

M-Theory, A Little Aside

Hello, this is Samuel David Roach. M-Theory is the study as to the how, why, where, and during what metrics, superstrings tend to exist in membranes that may be described as orbifolds. Orbifolds form a general structural format in which superstrings may differentiate in both timeless and time-oriented delineations so as to form a particle-like and organizational-like basis in which to exist as bases of discrete spaces that may codifferentiate in such a manner in so that norm-conditions may both interact and alter.
The norm-conditions of superstrings must perpetually alter over multiplicit sequential series of interactive instantons so that phenomena may continue to kinematically move around each other so that motion, and thus energy, may persist at existing. The membranous condition of orbifolds works to allow phenomena to coexist as both energy-related, particle-related, and wave-related phenomena at the same focal-based-locus of metrical duration. This works to help explain part of why so much of phenomena may act as both a spot of discrete phenomena (particle-like), a general basis of kinematic motion (energy-like), as well as a displacement of a directoralized trace along a Ward-based Lagrangian (wave-like). This works to explain why electrons -- which, when these drop an energy level and then return back in order to remain in a condition that allows for the most stability, form photons -- are the atomic-based basis of the netting of the basis of pointal mass (particle), the foundation of mass that allows for E.M. to exist (energy), and are also the atomic-based foundation of wave-fronts (waves). Also, the condition that electrons exist in a basis of D-Fields that involve Fourier Transforms that bear a minimum of 6 spacial dimensions plus time over is alagorical to the condition that, when one takes the maximum number of spacial dimensions in Minkowski Space (26 spacial dimensions plus time), and add 6 interactive Njenhuis integrative spacial dimensions, one arives at the 32 spacial dimensions of one set of parallel universes. Neuclons exist in 4 plus time over a Fourier, and 6+4 =10.
Photons exist in a minimum of 10 spacial dimensions plus time in a Fourier.
Also, with steps that I will show at some other time, this is why the first Gaussian Transformation started after the equivalence of the first 50 million instantons. This relates to the condition that E.M. in a vacuum travels at 3*10^8 meters per second, and, 3*10^8/6 = 50 million. I do not know if this has been coined yet, yet, I would venture that one may be able to call the initial Higgs Boson eigenstate an
Isoelliptiabelianoid. I may be a tad wrong on the naming of this initial particle, yet, the rest of what I was saying makes perfect sense to me! I will continue with the suspese later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
P.S.: I coined the term Isoelliptiabelianoid based on my effort to describe what I described in the end of my blogpost The leverage of the Higgs Action in 2009.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Part Three Of Inertial Mass Versus Gravitational Mass

 Hi, this is Sam Roach again! To be more clear and specific, my understanding is that inertial mass has more to do with the tension that exists among various given arbitrary superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that ineract with the activity of the Rarita Structure over time, while, gravitational mass has more to do with the tension that exists between various given arbitrary superstrings of discrete energy permittivity with gravitational-based particles via the Rarita Structure. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Part Two Of Inertial Mass Versus Gravitational Mass

The Rarita Structure is the topological substrate that works to interbind the light-cone-gauge -- in a strucural manner -- with both gravitational-based particles, the Wick Action, and the given arbitrary superstrings, in such a manner so that gravity may have some sort of abelian-based codetermination with both superstrings, their light-cone-gauge eigenstates, and those norm projections that work to allow for the indirect occurance of Gaussian Transformations, along with allowing for interactions among other norm projections. The activity of the Rarita Structure -- via its Schwinger-basd vibrations -- works to directly in some ways and indirectly in others -- act in such a manner so that such gravitational pulls may happen so that gravity may exist at all. The scalar amplitude of this activity is called the Ricci Scalar.

Inertial Mass Versus Gravitational Mass

The whole general idea as to the difference between an interia-based mass and a gravitational-based mass is the integrative effect of the partial wave-tug eigenstates that move along as the corresponding effect of the Schwinger-Indices that differentiate in a Fourier-Based manner along the the corroborative Rarita Structure eigenstate that is local to a here given arbitrary specific general lous. I am limited now in how much I can type at this point, yet, I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.


Mobiaty is a good theory, yet, in reality it doen't happen -- space-time-fabric can not be purely holographic. A seemingly mobius condition has its one side and its one edge completed into additional sides and edges via the needed existence of Njenhuis tensors. If it wasn't for Njenhuis tensors, there would be no gravity, since gravitational particles must exist off of the multiplicit Real Reimmanian-planar region of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance via the Rarita Structure via the amplitudanal basis of the Ricci Scalar. Therefore, the Higgs Action eigenstates must bear a Hilbert-space basis. Hilbert space is volume based, and not flat-space based. During any minimal Fourier Transformation, any Higgs Boson exists in a minimum of twelve spatial dimensions plus time in order for Gaussian Transformations to exist via the activity of the Kaeler-Metric. This is because Higgs Boson eigenstates have the circumference -- when perceived directly -- of a double Lorentz-Four-Contracted (sorry for my error yesterday of saying a double Reverse-Four-Contracted) bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity. Electrons exist in D-fields that have a minimum of six spatial dimensions plus time in a minimal Fourier Transformation. Electrons dropping energy levels is what forms photons, and, photons are discrete units of E.M.. Higgs Boson eigenstates are what move the Klein Bottle in order for the Kaeler-Metric to happen so that Gaussian Transformations to happen. Gaussian Transformations are what allow spaces to spontaneously interact over time in a persistant manner, so that all motion may be relative to the existence and the motion of E.M.. If something is to be double Lorentz-Four-Contracted (contracted by a factor of 9*10^16), and if it is bosonic, then, the minimal spatiallity of such a phenomenon over time must bear a majorized spatiality relative to a photon -- photons of which would be simply Lorentz-Four-Contracted. Majorization involves the integration of two extra spatial dimensions to a given phenomenon. Photons exist in P-Spaces that involve 10 spatial dimensions as a minimum over any given time period. Ten plus two is 12. This is why Higgs Boson eigenstates must be volume based & also bear a minimum of 12 spatial dimensions plus time as a minimum over a minimum Fourier Transformation. Worm-Holes tend to exist in twelve spatial dimensions plus time over a minimal Fourier transformation. This may be deemed, in one manner, as Minkowski or flat space, yet, since space-time-fabric is intrinsically volume-based, it is actually Hilbert of volume-based over any significant time due to the condition that one must have Njenhuis Tensors in order for there to also be any recycling of substringular phenomena. Such recycling must happen in order for substringular fields to interact at all persistantly -- which is crucial in order for Cassimer Invariance to take effect. This is so that the substringular may, "huddle, break!", without actually breaking any topology that is not already broken by entering a black-hole. Homotopy must be maintained in order for their to be any physical relations, and, this is obviously so. Therefore, since substringular recycling works to help homotopy to be attained, and black-holes work in an operation that moves toward the detrement of homotopy, any fissure in space-time-fabric is a Pandora's Box that should not be played with -- Cassimer Invariance should be strengthened and not worked against. Instead, the right K-Variance in the process of forming certain scattering amplitudes to do certain other things is far more appropriate. I don not care if you think I know nothing, everything, or anything in-between -- I will say more as to this here. Sincerely, Sam Roach.

A Little Bit About Permittivity

Without discrete units of energy permittivity and discrete units of energy impedance that go down to a Planck-related scalar dimensionality, there would be no discrete energy, and thus, there would be no energy. Yet, since energy exists, there must be superstrings -- since superstrings are discrete units of energy permyttivity. There also must be what I term of as Planck-related phenomena -- discrete units of energy impedance. Energy impedance is the equal and opposite reaction acting in the opposite direction to energy permittivity, when one considers also the buffer effect of counterstrings and even more importantly the light-cone-gauge. Superstrings, though, must be mainly bosonic, since most superstrings are gauge-bosons (and gauge-bosons are all bosonic.) Also, all superstrings of E.M., and all superstrings that directly correspond to mass are bosonic, as well. Superstrings that tend to be always fermionic, or open, are supserstrings of discrete plain kinetic energy. Superstrings open and close. So, in a way, there is an exception to a lot of certain rules. Bonsonic superstrings tend to have more of an ability to have a harmonically-vibrating nature, and, the tendancy of a strong abelian or a strong non-abelian differential geometry over time is more sensibly directly associated with the application and the theoretical nature of the vibrating-hoop -- and closed strings, which are bosonic, are vibrating hoops of discrete energy permittivity that make up most of the energy that comprises what space-time is. Open strings are not necessary what one would tend to think of as "vibrating strands." -- Yet, the basic idea behind one-dimensional superstrings is the concept of vibrating strands. I will get more into this in my course twelve about "Fermions, Bosons, and the Light-Cone-Gauge." In this course, I take what I theoretically explained in course two, and evolve this into more of what really goes on in the substringular when it comes to the nature of closed and open superstrings. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam.

A Little Bit About The Nature of Superstrings

 Superstrings are entity-like phenomena that are on the order of either the Planck Length, the Planck "Length" in circumference, double the Planck "Length" in circumference, up to full Lorentz-Contraction of the prior, or, up to full Double-Lorentz-Contraction of the initial set of phenomena that I had mentioned. Superstrings are topologically comprised of first-ordered point particles. First-Ordered poin particles are comprised of a netting of second-ordered point particles. Second-Ordered point particles are interconnected into what I term of as mini-string via sub-mini-string. Second-Ordered point particles are comprised of third-ordered point particles. Third-Ordered point particles are also comprised of sub-mini-string segments. Sub-Mini-String is held together by a fractal of pressurized vacuum. Third-ordered point particles are held together, too, by sub-mini-string. Mini-String works to form the holonomic entity that is the basis of substringular fields. Point commutators are first-ordered point particles that do not exist in the form of superstrings. We only tend to notice time when superstrings are basically at a standstill. A vast majority of Ultimon Flow happens in-between individual iterations of group instanton. The condtions that appertain to what I term of as the Bases of Light, as well as, also, the condition of the light-cone-gauge, works to help determie the ensuing distributions and redistributions of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity. The integration of the successive iterations of instantons forms that flow of motion that forms the energy that forms space-time-fabric. Fadeev-Popov-Traces act as discrete units of energy impedance. Fadeev-Popov-Traces are on the order of the Planck-Length, yet, the topological mapping is, in a Laplacian-based extrapolation, comprised as a trace that is composed of mini-string segments.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Little Bit Here About E(8)XE(8) Strings

E(8)XE(8) superstrings are heterotic strings that inter bind orbifolds, as well as holding together certain endpoints of orbifold eigensets.  Such heterotic strings as I have just mentioned wobble in a similar but different manner as E(6)XE(6) superstrings.  The main difference in their behavior during the course of a given arbitrary iteration of BRST is that E(8)XE(8) superstrings, along the coniaxial of their general closed stringular topology -- sway in one Njenhuis spin-orbital general directoralization during the first set of two general holomorphic-based motions, while, then swaying in the opposite general Njenhuis holomorphic directoralization over the course of the next set of two general holomorphic-based motions.  What I mean by a set of two general holomorphic-based motions refers to the format of tendency that I described as to the nature of the sub-metric that E(6)XE(6) superstrings undergo during the course of any given arbitrary iteration of BRST during an iteration of group instanton.  Since the sway-like spin-orbital motion that I just described when referring to E(8)XE(8) superstrings is in a relatively Njenhuis-based format of holomorphicity, and, since such a swaying here is only along the mapping of the two-dimensional-based coniaxial that works to describe the format of a closed superstring, then, the mentioned back-and-forth sway motion works to define the addition of four added pseudo-dimensions (as simple as 2+2=4).  So, since the initial pseudo-dimensionality involves the equivalent of 12 spatial dimensions plus time, the addition of 4 spatial dimensions makes such a heterotic superstring that I am here describing bear a pseudo-dimensionality of 16 spatial dimensions plus time.  I will continue with the suspense later!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Some Stough That may Explain Better Gauge-Bosons

Gauge-Bosons are E(6)XE(6) strings.  These are examples of heterotic strings.  Gauge-Bosons exist in the substringular neighborhood adjacent to the light-cone-gauge eigenstates of superstrings that comprise discrete energy permittivity.  A gauge-boson -- such as all heterotic superstrings -- is a closed superstring.  Gauge-Bosons pluck the light-cone-gauge eigenstates of superstrings that comprise discrete energy permittivity -- like a harp is plucked -- so that vibrations known of as Schwinger-Indices may form in such a manner so that the Rarita Structure may oscillate in order for the Ricci Scalar to take effect & so that the Wick Action may form (the latter is indirectly caused by the activity of Schwinger-Indices).  In the process of gauge-bosons plucking light-cone-gauge eigenstates, here, in a given arbitrary example, a gauge-boson initially touches a second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate in a Gliossi manner at an arbitrary covariant codeterminable manner.  As the said gauge-boson begins to "pluck" the mentioned second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, the directly corresponding gauge-boson forms a torsion with the said light-cone-gauge eigenstate that pulls here in four different formats of holomorphic directoralization.  The gauge-boson pulls, and, in any order that the here said gauge-boson is directed to do so, in the norm-to-norm-to-holomorphic general direction, the norm-to-reverse-norm-to-holomorphic general direction, the holomorphic general direction, and, in the reverse holomorphic general direction.  All for wave-tugs just mentioned-- or wave-pulls -- these happen in four different sub-metrics over BRST.  A closed superstring that directly comprises discrete energy permittivity is generally thought of as a two-dimensional superstring that directly bears a three-dimensional field.  Since a gauge-boson -- appearing at first notice SEEMS to initially be such a closed string, yet, having the gauge-metrical activity of pulling in four different general holomorphic-based directoralizaitons over the course of BRST, then, such a mentioned boson -- a gauge-boson -- actually exists in a tense of twelve spatial dimensions plus time.  This is in part also due to the condition that the mentioned Gliossi-based torsioning that happen at a Poincaire-based cohomological coniaxial tends to happen in equal scalar amplitude of displacement in terms of the distance that the related Lagrangian of the corresponding pull is extended for all four holomorphic-based general directoralizations that I had mentioned.  When one then considers that a closed superstring tends to have a field of three spatial dimensions plus time, and that four holomophic spatial general directoralizations that codifferentiate via a wave-tug that is displaced via an equal Lagrangian-based displacement during the same iteration of BRST during instanton happens in this case, then, in a very real manner, an E(6)XE(6) superstring acts as a twelve-dimensional superstring that bears a ghost field over an integration of a successive series of instantons that mirrors the condition of a Gliossi-Sherk-Olive-based field that is here thirteen-dimensional.  (The residue due to the activity of the release of the corresponding Gliossi-based cohomological torsioning that happens when the related Poincaire-based coniaxial is pulled apart via the an equal and opposite wave-tug  that happens in the opposite directoralization pulse that "bounces" the related gauge-bosons off of the corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates is what works to form the appearance of such a field.)  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam Roach.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Rarita Structure and The Ricci Scalar

Schwinger-Indices flow along the Rarita Structure in part to cause gravitational particles to interact with superstrings of discrete energy so that the Ricci Scalar may take effect.  The Ricci Scalar acts in such a manner so that gravity may happen.  The Ricci Scalar is the scalar amplitude and mechanism by which gravitational particles may interact with superstrings so that gravity may take effect.  The vibrations along the Rarita structure, when directed in one general directoralization, works to form gravity.  The vibrations along the Rarita structure, when directed in the opposite general directoralization, works to form antigravity.  When the overall permittivity of gravitational force happens in the relative norm-to-holomorphic direction, then, gravity is forward.  When the overall permittivity of gravitational force happnes in the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic direction, then, gravity is reverse gravity.

A Little Bit Here About The Nature Of Schwinger-Indices

A first-ordered Schwinger-Index is the overall vibrational mode of a first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate once it is plucked like a harp by the gauge-bosons that directly correspond to a superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  The second-orderd Schwinger-Indices are the individual vibrations that are formed by the plucking of second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates by their corresponding gauge-bosons that directly associate with a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  The directorial delineation of second-ordered Schwinger-Indices, their scalar amplitude, and the manner of the topological composition of the vibrations that are here named second-ordered Schwinger-Indices is mainly dependant upon the manner and the differential angleing of the said gauge-bosons when these pluck their corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates over the corresponding given arbitrary sub-metric in which the said plucking happens during an eigenmetric of BRST.  This may help.  I will proceed, next time, with the rest of the eleventh session of course 11 about orbifolds.  Have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

A Lilttle Bit More About The Chern-Simmons Effect Relating To Schwinger-Indices

When the gauge-bosons that directly correspond to a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is plucked by the said gauge-bosons during BRST are in the process of the mentioned plucking -- like a harp is plucked --, at this point, the correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates vibrate in a manner that may be described in part by a Chern-Simmons effect.  In this case, the mentioned second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are made to behave -- over a sub-Fourier Transformation -- in a manner that is both non-hermitian and spurious.  What I just mentioned is true on account of the conditions that the mini-string segments that are here, in this arbitrary given case, made to act during the said process of BRST in a manner that is not only not smooth in all of the derivatives that are equal to the number of dimensions that it is kinematically acting within, yet, also, the initial vibrational idex that may be described as the initialization of second-ordered Schwinger-Indices start here in a state of perturbation that involves an initial anharmonic oscillation that is made to become either harmonic or anharmonic -- depending upon the manner as to how and the differential geometry appertaining to the process of the related gauge-bosons working to pluck the corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates over the course of the BRST portion of a given arbitrary iteration of instanton.  Since, before the Rarita Structure eigenstates absorb the related Schwinger-Indices in either a harmonic or an anharmonic manner, the initial vibratorial oscillation of the directly corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates is both non-hermitian in terms of the Laplacian-based framework of the directly related mapping of those mini-string segments that work to describe the topological framework of the associated said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as well as the conditional tense that the vibration of the mentioned second-ordered light-coneg-gauge eigenstates over a sub-Fourier transformation are initially vibrating in an anharmonic manner upon the initial mentioned plucking that is caused by the related motion of the corresponding gauge-bosons -- the initial vibration of a light-cone-gauge is always completely Chern-Simmons until the said vibrations form a brief tense of conformal invariance that is absorbed by the directly related Rarita Structure eigenstates.  Once the said Rarita Structure eigenstates absorb the Schwinger-Indices that are the propagated kinematic waves that are transferred from any given light-cone-gauge eigenstate to the said correpsonding Rarita Stucturre eigenstates, the second-ordered Schwinger-Indices that are here formed may either be harmonic or anharmonic -- depending upon the condition as to whether or not the genus of the related vibratorial oscillation of a second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate is symmetrically delineated over a given arbitrary set sub-metric in which it is considered, or, if its is assymetrically delineated over the same genus of duration.  I will continue with the suspense later!  I can not say everything in the world at once!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Chern-Simmons -- A Little Bit More Of An Explaination

When a wave that is formed by the trajectory of a superstring is smooth in all of the changes of derivatives that are equal to the number of dimensions that the said superstring is existent in over the course of the mentioned trajectory over the time in which the said superstring is moving in so as to form the given arbitrary trajectoral projection, then, the wave that works to describe the given arbitrary trajectoral projection is said to be hermtian -- in so long as the Hamiltonian pulse that directly corresponds to the kinematic Fourier Transformation that corelates to the motion of the said superstring while the string is in the process of forming the said trajectoral projection is moving at a steady rate over the piecewise continuous vibration that works to define the formation of the holonomic path that is here defined as a wave that acts as a trajectoral projection over time.  If the said wave that I just described is smooth in terms of the Laplacian mapping of the trajectory that may be extrapolated by the condition as to where the given arbitrary superstring that is involved in this case has been integrably delineated in over a successive series of instantons has -- when extrapolated also as a particle form that has moved over time (over a Fourier Transformation) -- moved in an anharmonic manner in terms of the perturbation of the accelleration of the Hamiltonian-based pulse that here works to describe an alteration in the rate of the formation of the here said trajectoral path over time, then, even though the Laplacian-based mapping may, in a way, bear a hermitian eigengenus of hermicity, since the wave that is here described is made spurious in this case, the formation of the directly related trajectoral projection is then said to bear a Chern-Simmons genus in terms of the kinematic tense of the integrated Hamiltonian pulse that the said motion of the related superstring forms over the condition of the corresponding codetermination as to its basis in time.  Thus, even though the wave that here forms a given arbitrary path that, when observed in terms of the ghost-related residue forms a hermitian cohomological-wise topological-based path -- the time-wise piecewise continuous formation of the path over the time that the said path that exists in terms of a wave that is formed by the motion of a given superstring bears only a partially hermitian eigengenus when one considers the condition of the Fourier-related Transformation of the kinematic eigenbasis of the related wave's motion over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

As To The Chern-Simmons Effect During BRST

The light-cone-gauge eigenstates that directly correspond to individual superstrings and their correlative Fadeev-Popov-Traces are plucked by their directly corresponding gauge-bosons during BRST.  The initial setting of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate during the initialization of BRST from before the said light-cone-gauge eigenstate is plucked tends to be hermitian over the mapping of an arbitrary given Laplacian Transformation that works to depict the conditions of a discrete unit of energy at the beginning of an iteration of group instanton.  While the said light-cone-gauge eigenstate is being plucked by their directly corrresponding gauge-bosons, the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates that work to comprise the directly related first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is here arbitrarily mentioned begin to spur out of a smooth distribution over the related sub-Fourier transformation that directly corresponds to the duration in which the said second-ordererd light-cone-gauge eigenstates here begin to vibrate during the beginning of the sub-metric that works to describe the initial general motion of that activity that happens during the BRST portion of an iteration of group instanton.  The activity of the mentioned plucking -- like a harp is metaphorically plucked -- of the mentioned second-orderred light-cone-gauge eigenstates causes the smooth mapping of the mini-string that works to comprise the just mentioned eigenstates to exist in a manner that is no longer smooth in all of the changes in derivatives that are equal to the number of dimensions that the said eigenstates physically exist in over the said course of BRST at this point.  The condition of a lack of hermicity is called a Chern-Simmons condition -- when in terms of the activity that happens and/or the mapping of what may be trajectorially extrapolated in the substringular.  The just mentioned Chern-Simmons effect that here happens during the multiple simultaneous activites -- that are simultaneous through a centralizesd conipoint -- of the Bette Action, the Polyakov Action, the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue, BRST, the plucking of the related second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, and the Clifford Expansion that is formed here by the conical-shape that may used to describe the virtual-based field of the integration of the format that may be extrapolated by the related redelineation of the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstate (first-ordered) that works to interconnect the given arbitrary superstring with its directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace -- works to form harmonic and/or anharmonic vibrations that may be termed of as Schwinger Indices that flow to the Rarita Structure to allow for certain other activity that I will describe later!