Gauge-Bosons are essential in the field of a light-cone-gauge-eigenstate since, when
individual gauge-bosons "pluck" the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates that
exist in the field of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate, the resulting vibrations
are second-ordered Schwinger Indices (the summation of such vibrations per first-
ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate being a first-ordered Schwinger Index) that flow
through the Rarita Structure to allow for the Ricci Scalar to function so that gravity may
take effect. This is just in reference to the E(6)XE(6) type of gauge-bosons. Just as
adjacent electrons have to spin antisymmetrically, to give a reverse-fractored example,
in order to obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle, adjacent E(6)XE(6) strings must bear an
assymmetric spin-orbital tensorism in order to not infringe on each others' space. Such
an antisymmetric spin-orbital tensorism is caused by the spurious effect of the Chern-
Simmons field that exists between adjacent E(6)X(E(6) strings. Such a Chern-Simmons
field is due to the condition of such gauge-bosons differentiating per instanton in-between
a discrete energy unit of permittivity and a discrete energy unit of energy impedance. So,
whether a related light-cone-gauge topology is abelian or non-abelian, the substringular
field that binds these gauge-bosons to both sides of an associated first-ordered-light-
cone-gauge-eigenstate is primarily abelian so that the "plucking" of the second-ordered
light-cone-gauge-eigenstates will not shatter the given first-ordered light-cone-gauge-
eigenstate. The fabric of substringular field is what I call "mini-string." Mini-String is
the fabric of gauge-action that interconnects the topology of all unfrayed substringular
phenomena that forms the homotopic structure of the substringular. My website is http://
Samuel David Roach
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