A two-dimensional superstring has a three-dimensional field associated with it. When
a relatively knit Fourier Transform that is highly Laplacian forms a torroidal structure
with an annulus at its central coniaxial, the whole Majorana-Weyl supercharge associated
with the operation of the associated superstring’s conformally invariant kinematism
is delineated, after the group metric that forms the basically Gliossi-Sherk-Olive field
described, at the outer shell general locus of that given M-field that is associated with
the described kinematic differentiation of the given two-dimensional superstring’s three-
dimensional field. This considers the fact that every superstring, whether it partakes
of mass or not, has a mass index. Such an on-shell supercharge as taken thru a Fourier
Transform that alters the spin-orbital and angular momentum distribution, delineation,
and directoralization of the associated three-dimensional field toroidal structure converts
the Yau-Exact indices transport in such a way as to form a discrete unit of mass as
to the M-field structure that I have conveyed. This is tantamount to that a spherical
shell with a physical charge in its center delineates all of the energy of its charge along
the topography of its associated shell. Likewise, the norm state Ward conditions of
the annulus of a toroidal 3-D field of a 2-D superstring delineates all of the angular
momentum and spin-orbital distribution indices at the outer shell of that given toroidal
3-D structure. Likewise, the “figure-eight” twisted toroidal structure created by certain
fermionic superstrings forms the point mass of electrons and neutrinos. This mass
of certain fermions is created by this: The norm state conditions when considering
the Ward conditions of the annuli of the two relatively Mobius ends of the “figure-
eight” described have angular momentum and spin-orbital momentum that transfers
their distribution and directoralization indices outward to the outer topology of the
given “figure-eight-like” structure. The kinematic differentiation of the Yau-Exact
indices of the “figure-eight” structure as a whole causes the given phenomenon to
translate, thru the Fourier Transform of the given M-field thru a Minkowski or Hilbert
Lagrangian, its mass indices into an integration of Hamiltonian eigenstates that allow
the Kaluza-Klein phenomena, as with 3-D fields of 2-D superstrings, to convert and/or
maintain as a mass. The abelian geometry of the light-cone-gauge of such Yau-Exact
structures causes the E(6)xE(6) gauge-bosons related to form Schwinger indices that
keep the M-fields oriented to coalesce their Noether indices into a conformally invariant
manner that has to be orientable per general locus in order to translate to a proceeding
general locus as long as the mass indices associated are limited. Since any M-field needs
a limited Lagrangian distribution in order to delineate its Majorana-Weyl indices over a
group metric that is based on a harmonics or anharmonics that may not coincide with a
group directoralization of Noether flow unless the associated superstring is unorientable,
Kaluza-Klein mass is always under light speed, per iteration, and mass must become
Yang-Mills as in a worm-hole or Yang-Mills also, if otherwise tachyonic, which is true
when mass bears unorientable yet finely directoralized motion via a Ward polarizable
dark matter holomorph. Unorientable superstrings may only be as such temporarily when
in a large group even if Reverse-Lorentz-Four-Contracted. Mass may become Yang-
Mills and tachyonic if its field delineation is majorized.
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