Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Course 9, Session 8, Part One

Light-Cone-Gauge-Eigenstates have three action characteristic types:  transversal (angular momentum)  motion, orbital motion, and radial (spin) motion.  There are 44 modes of light-cone-gauge angular momentum per Planck-related phenomena -- not including the dual Laplacian sinusoidal wave patterns of light-cone-gauge eigenstates when these are non-abelian, 84 modes of light-cone-gauge orbit per Planck-related phenomena -- not including the dual Laplacian sinusoidal wave patterns of light-cone-gauge-eigenstates when these are non-abelian, and there are 128 modes of light-cone-gauge spin per Planck-related phenomena -- not including the dual Laplacian sinusoidal wave patterns of light-cone-gauge eigenstates when these are non-abelian.  For every covariant mode propagation of Planck-related phenomena that happens during the countless Fourier Transformations that operate during the existence of history -- that involve electromagnetic energy or plain kinetic energy (the directly prior of which bear a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology) --, there is a different amplitude of the dual Laplacian sinusoidal wave patterns for the corresponding non-abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are related with the associated Planck-related phenomena.  Each Planck-related phenomena has an associated light-cone-gauge eigenstate that has its own integrated angular momtentum, orbit, and spin.  Abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstates do not form a dual Laplacian sinusoidal wave pattern, although these light-cone-gauge eigenstates torque per instanton according to their angular momentum, orbit, and spin modes.
I  have at least two more posts that move in the direction of explaining both time-oriented and relatively timeless-oriented light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- the what, how, and why of this topic is explained here.
I will continue with the suspense later!                                                                     
Sam Roach.

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