Thursday, March 10, 2011

I appologize for not blogging as much lately

Well, hello again world!  My name is Samuel David Roach.  Glad to converse with you!
Earlier on, I was working on Linkedin and other things that are far more important than my blog and linkedin put together.  That is the main reason why I have not been working on my blog as much lately.
Yesterday, I did not work on my blog because I was tutoring someone in their Algebra studies.
I wish that I knew how to re-arrange the order of some of my posts -- so that these posts would be in more of a logical order!  I am just greatful that I finally filled in a few holes in my blog.  -- Even though these fillers actually belonged in a spot in my blog that was earlier along in my teachings!
I would like to know something from my readers perspective:  Should I skip to course 20 after course 9?  This would be going from Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge Part One to my course that centers in on describing Calabi-related interactions and Calabi-Spaces.  If you were to let me know a topic of discussion that you would like me discuss next, I will be happy and pleasded to move to the topic that you would like me to discuss next.  As a hint, Calabi-related interactions are the type of interactions that directly involve a specific type of Gaussian Transformation know of as a gauge-transformation.
So, Calabi-Spaces would be the loci where the mentioned Calabi interactions happen.
Please let me have your input, so that I know what is the most important task to go to next!
Thank you for your readership, and thank you for your time!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                                   

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