The potential Chern-Simmons singularity limits associated with the 191 given mini-loops
are as shown in the prior document where these were listed. So, all 191 Chern-Simmons
singularity limits exist fractorally along a vibratorially perturbated mini-loop right before
the first iteration of the Kaeler-Metric converts the Hamiltonian Momentum of such a
mini-loop into a hermitian mini-loop of discrete, Real Reimmanian metric-gauge that acts
as the physical substance of permittivity.
The hermitian limits of singularity of superstingular mini-loops that have just been
realigned and/or formed are as shown in the prior document where these were listed.
These discrete, topological limits of singularity form a twenty-five dimensional two-sided
Minkowski hermitian surface that bears a mini-string connectability to the twenty-sixth
related Minkowski Dimension by limits of singularity of
10^(-86)meters*((e^(.01)-e^(0))/2i) & 10^(-86)meters*((e^(0)-e(.01))/2i).
This topological set of singularities among those of all mini-loops that are connected into
a substance of permittivity, of which vibrate anharmonically toward the most adjacent
Gliossi-Sherk-Olive norm related states in such a way so as to form a harmonics of the
associated Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts so that the adjacent light-cone-gauge eigenstates
may Diracly eliminate over half of their ghosts when such a hermitian group operation
interacts with the motion of the Rarita Structure.
The numbers subtracted from “infinity” need to be discrete, since the quantum world is
discrete. There are 96 dimensions in space and time, and each dimension has a general
condition of two sides. Electrodynamics is produced multifractorally by the permittivity
of superstrings. Electrodynamics involves a charged flow.
For every singularity that bears infinity, there needs to be a singularity that bears zero.
Electricity goes from negative to positive when in the direction of electron holes.
Mini-Loops indirectly produce electron holes.
All substringular mobiaty is virtual, since reality can not spontaneously undo itself.
Four times 48 is 192, and 192-1 equals 191.
This is why the Chern-Simmons limits of singularity when appertaining to the mini-
loops of superstrings are as these are.
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