Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Part Four of Course Nine on Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge

Well hello once again world, this is Sam Roach here!  I am happy to converse with you here.  Here we go!

To start with a refresher, once the superstring, the Planck-Like phenomena, and the stringular encoders enter the far set of parallel universes, the point particles that correspond to the superstrings and the  Planck-Like phenomena, as well as the point particles that correspond to the stringular encoders retain a closely knit neighborhood relative to one another in spite of the fact that these just mentioned phenomena are relatively unorganized when one compares these to their condition during instanton.  The forward time related encoder particles travel counterclockwise around the Ultimon, and the backward time related encoder particles travel clockwise aroung the Ultimon in their respective world-tubes.

At this general region of Imaginary Time, the forward and backward time related encoder particles meet at their respective tori-sector-range regions at one substringular encoder locus that is reverse holomorphic to where the said encoders entered the covaliant region related to the middle set of world-tubes before the substringular phenomena that the encoders encode for end up entering the mentioned world-tubes of the far set of parallel universes.  The substringular encoders and what these encode for, at this point, spin virtually all around their respective world-tubes until these meet at the locus to where the described encoders are at the position where the holomorphically placed substringular encoder would be at -- relative to the covaliant region that is relative to where the said encoders and their encoded phenomena entered the Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric that it had gone into from when the cycling phenomena left the world-tubes of the mentioned middle set of parallel universes.
Again, this is in respect to the Ultimon Flow that is related to phenomena of our set of parallel universes.   The encodement now enters the Main Heterotic Stringlar Fabric as described in the last session, yet in a manner that is on the whole dot-product related until it enters the relatively middle set of parallel universes.  This same general (n+1) process happens to the substringular encoders and what these encode for again -- with the same general overall dot-product generalized directoralization while the described encodement goes through the Main Heterotic String Fabric until these re-enter our set of parallel universes, that is to say in this arbitrary case that deals with the Ultimon Flow that is related to us in our universe.  Once the described encodement enters their respective world-tubes of our set of parallel universes in this case, the Planck-Like phenomena very temporarily group together to form the Bases of Light while their corresponding superstrings and their respective encoders undergo what I call the "space-hole."  If it wasn't for the "space-hole," the tying and retying of topology would undo homotopy -- and the maintainance of homotopy is essential in order for space-time-fabric to keep from being frayed.  The Bases of Light are necessary in order for there to be the right relations of where, when, how, and why the superstrings are to differentiate during the soon ensuing instanton.

The Bases of Light concurring with the sub-metric of the space-hole provides the proper Laplacain relationship between superstrings and the Planck phenomena related phenomena that these are to directly associate with to happen during the minute sub-metrics that transpire here so that phenomena may happen in any organized way.  Without the tying and retying of topology in such a manner so that homotopy stays in tact -- right before the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode that directly precedes instanton, Gaussian Transformations and perturbations in cohomology could not happen.
Without Gaussian Transformations, the ending of kinematically differentiating energy would be spontaneous, and energy would rather quickly end.  Without perturbations in cohomology, energy would soon cease to interact, causing a quick end to energy.  Yet, energy is maintained.
Therefore, there must be something similar to what I call the "space-hole" in order for reality to persist.

Once the space-hole and the Bases of Light undergo their sub-metric of relatively Laplacian relations, as well as performing their functions, the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode happens in such a manner so as to "break the huddle" of the prior mentioned condition so that substringular phenomena may attain their Laplacian states at the ensuing instanton, as well as the interactions that happen during instanton to cause the discrete relationships that happen multiplicly through time and space per substringular locus via the gauge-metrics that are caused by the interactions that happen during the Imaginary Time (which is very actual, and actually involves much more metrical activity) that happens in-between the individual durations of instanton.  Sincerely, Sam.                            

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