Saturday, March 5, 2011

Part One of Sesson Five of Course Six on Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge

Superstrings generally vary in position in one fashion or another by the Planck Length -- although in such a static equilibrium that these described superstrings usually do not move through a discretely directoralized Lagrangian over a sequential series of instantons  at the Planck Length per intanton so as to move at the speed of light -- unless the mentioned superstrings are of EM energy.  Otherwise, such a phenomena is phenomena that involves the bending back and forth of space fabric via a worm-hole, in which the phenomena traveling within a given worm-hole, while in this "hole", only have a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology so as to be able to travel via their kinematically covariant locus up to the speed of light or faster.  You see, anything that is generally considered to us to be a mass always has a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology that also has completely Yau-Exact singularities in-between the superstrings that comprise any given mass.  Such a phenomenon cannot go at the speed of light.  (There is no infinite mass).  Yet, if one were to convert the mass' light-cone-gauge topology to Yang-Mills, which is part of what happens when one is translated into a worm-hole (although well over 99 percent of the speed in a worm-hole is due to the back-and-forth bending of space fabric), such of what was translated may travel at the speed of light or faster.  A photon that has initially scattered over the course of relatively few instantons at first has its light-cone-gauge topology converted to Kaluza-Klein as it springs briefly tachyonically, yet a photon as a photon always has only partially Yau-Exact singularities involved directly with them.  (The described singularities are hermitian, yet these singularities vary from on to off of the Real Reimmanian Plane during the course of each instanton.  This is why such an initially scattered photon is not a mass -- yet alone the fact that such a photon does not have infinite mass.  As stated before, after relatively few instantons after a photon has scattered, its light-cone-gauge topology converts back into a Yang-Millls topology at just under the speed of light as it attempts to requantize into one or more beams of EM energy.  The general locus of the orbifold eigenbasis that appertains to any given photon as the described photon scatters is limited in its propagation due to the abelian geometry of the general relative locus, until correlative photons that have just scattered re-enter the mentioned eigenbasis of the associated p field.  The reason for the initial reaction of the photon is based on a similiar concept -- the concept of how and why a shock-absorber works.  The combined effect of the prior described knowledge works to more adequately explain Snell's Law.  (This here would be the why and the how  EM phenomena that travel through a medium other than a vacuum tend to travel at under the speed of light, while EM phenomena that travels through a vacuum travel right at the speed of light (unless the given phenomenon is Kirchoff Radiation).  The interior of a worm-hole is not a vacuum, yet, anything that travels through something like a worm-hole -- that well over 99 percent of its velocity is due to the bending back-and-forth of space fabric -- can, given the conditions, accelerate via its kinematically covariant locus (its actual individual accelleration besides the speed of the bending of space) up to and beyond the speed of light.  Kirchoff Radiation is EM  energy that travels ~6 times light speed, although it does not, in itself, travel in a worm-hole.  I will continue with the suspense later!  God Bless You in the name of Yahweh!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                                 

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