Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Session 7 of Course 9 on Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge

What forms the Mobius Twist of an activated tori-sector-range, the Mobius Twist of which completes itself at the center-state eigenbasis of the prior mentioned tori-sector-range?  The encoder strings (the encoder string and its counterpart) of an activated tori-sector-range enter the encodement section that these encoder string belong to.  Meanwhile, the Planck phenomenon related phenomena along with their corresponding superstrings homotopically release residue into the Royal Arc that these belong to.  After the Planck phenomena and their corresponding superstrings cycle their section of the Ultimon, and the corresponding encoder string and its counterpart cycle their respective section of the Ultimon as well -- roughly one time, the space-hole happens.  While the space-hole happens, the Planck phenomenon-related phenomena form a large Basis of Light.  When the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode happens, the overall Basis of Light reties into the many Planck phenomena that exist.  The Planck phenomena visages, virtual Planck phenomena, and the virtual Planck phenomena visages act as the field of the Overall Basis of Light.  So, when the Overall Basis of Llight reties into many Planck phenomena, the virtual Planck phenomena, Planck phenomena visages, and the virtual Planck phenomena visages retie to accomedate the Planck phenomena.  By the time that the stringular encoder and its counterpart, that are associated with the given Basis of Light that is being discussed here, of an activated tori-sector-range are molded into a center-state, the Planck phenomena, virtual Planck phenomena, Planck phenomena visages, and the virtual Planck phenomena visages are retied into their iteration-based fields.  Here, imaginary exchange of Real Residue occurs.
Next, I will discuss the concept of time-orieted and relatively timeless light-cone-gauge-eigenstates.                               

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