Wednesday, March 30, 2011

About What Mind And Life Are

Physical mind that is not purely metaphysically based is founded upon energy that is either ATP for carbon based life, or some form of electrodynamic energy for silicon based life, or both for androids, that is delivered to either a biological, robotic, or android-based neuron-like phenomena via synaptic-like phenomena through the existence of chemicals that either are dopamine or related to the substrate-based concept of dopamine, in such a manner that the life form discussed bears a Tesla-based electrodynamic frequency that is ebbed to and from the given entitiy in such a manner so as to form thought waves. Thought waves are based on the abelian delineation of reverse-magnetism electrodynamic propagation that is invisible, although extremely real. Thoughts do not just stay in the brain and body -- they go outward and effect things -- even though such activity never makes one invincible.                  

Now Life is the activity of a phenomena with at least some mind characteristics that is able to some degree to overcome the entropy that surounds it.                                   

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