Thursday, March 17, 2011

Session 2, 3, and 4 of Course One

What do you think of when you conceptualize a circle? A circle is a curvature that

connects smoothly, and the distance from its center and its exterior is constant. In order

for this shape to be a circle and not a sphere, the shape must be flat. The exterior of the

circular shape is ideally a hoop of infinite thinness. As I have stated before in the last

course, something of infinite thinness has no thickness, and therefore does not exist.

Fact. Circles exist, yet there are never ideal. What is termed as a circle is actually a

hoop or a thin cylinder or an idealized theory that that is used to scientifically predict


Make a “circle” yourself. Draw a line right thru its center from right to left. This line is

the diameter of the circle. Label the top of the circle as one and the bottom of the circle

as negative one. Stuff below the line is negative and stuff above the line is positive.

Have your finger trace the positive arc of the circle from right to left. This arc is a little

over one-and-a-half times the length of the line in regards to the diameter of the circle.

Now, if the line went from bottom to top, the circle would be oriented from 90degrees

from the line taken from before and vice-versa. Imagine spinning the line like the spinor

of some board game. The outer part of where the line swept would define the outer

boundaries of the circle.

Last lesson, we discussed a one-dimensional string as point that get caught-up with

each other due to their point-fill and their forming nearness as it was encoded for by

the prior iterations of those points as these had codifferentiated with other similarly

encoded points. We also mentioned the Fock Space that enabled their waves to have

a counterpart as the points of the strings ebbed in their wave’s oscillations. Point

phenomena races throughout the world-tube. So, it doesn’t just form exact and linear

differential associations at the locus of the one-dimensional strings. Fringes here are

what form on the outside surroundings. Fringe phenomena forms “circles” which two-

dimensional strings. Here, too, the points that encode at a position codifferentially as

half-full while yet its wave residue form a two-dimensional string at that general locus.

The string is encoded at that position due to how its constituent points were differential

upon by semigroups in-between prior iterations, how near the points wee brought to

each other due to exterior forces, and the intimacy of the associated Fock Space with

the forming wave residue that the forming string is acting to expel. What do I mean by

expel? I will discuss that later. Just remember, if a string of info has an even symmetry,

then, it has parity. A string with Real parity is one that bears actual residue. Residue

that is non-functional is always part of this residue. It becomes functional by being used

where it belongs. Imagine. Parity is said to have Cassimer Invariance when the residue

is not emmited at that stringular locus after many reiterations. The fray of its operand is

then renormalized, sending it elsewhere to be used as Real residue.                                  

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