Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Higgs Action

The Higgs Action

If it was not for the Wick Action, there would be no Landau-Gisner-Action. If it was not for the Landau-Gisner-Action, there would be no Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism. If it was not for the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism, the Higgs Action would not be able to be transported to the given regions where the Kaeler-Metric is to take place. If it was not for the Kaeler-Metric, there would be no Gaussian Transformations. If it was not for Gaussian Transformations, norm conditions of substringular phenomena would not kinematically differentiate. (Or, in other words, norm conditions of substringular phenomena would not be able to undergo Fourier Transformations.) If there were not Fourier Transformations, nothing would not happen through time. If nothing ever happened through time, motion would not happen. If that was the case, nothing would exist. This is why I call the Higgs Action the "force." Ever since around the time of the Big Bang, the Higgs Action is the force that allows substringular phenomena to exist as the source of the motion of space and time.

Samuel David Roach

Whether Something is Fourier or Laplacian Based

Whether Something is Fourier or Laplacian Based

A Fourier Transformation is time based, while a Laplacian Transformation is not time-based. Discrete units of time are not the smallest metrics, though. Duration that is smaller than a discrete unit of time is known as a gauge-metric. So, even though a gauge-metric involves kinematic activity that occurs during the course of either an instanton or during the course of Ultimon Flow that is not during an instanton, such activity is considered to be -- in a sense -- a transpiring that is to happen over a Laplacian Transformation, since such activity happens within a discrete unit of time. Fourier Transformations always involve at least two or more instantons -- no matter how you fractor the associated transformation. In Newtonian mechanics, a Laplacian Transformation may involve many instantons that, even together, considering the scenario, are relatively non-time-oriented. So, for the most part, what is considered Fourier (time-oriented) or what is considered Laplacian (non-time-oriented) is relative to the scenario that one is considering. Yet, non the less, any differentiation that happens within an instanton, is, in a real sense, of the nature of a Laplacian Transformation. So, even though gauge-metrics are of sub-time, understanding their activity is quintessential to understanding the relativistic mechanics that underline the activity of the light-cone-gauge. Whithout the light-cone-gauge, E(6)XE(6) strings would be unable to form Schwinger Indices. Without Schwinger Indices, the Rarita Structure would not vibrate -- causing gravity to not take effect via the Ricci Scalar. Without gravity, everything would fly apart and there would be nothing.


More About the Activity of the Kaeler Metric

More About the Activity of the Kaeler Metric

The Kaeler Metric is active over the course of 191 iterations of Ultimon Flow. The iterations of the Kaeler Metric, when it is active, are right after a superstring or a set of superstrings falls into the Klein Bottle, which is right after instanton. When the Kaeler Metric is active, it also happens right before the Regge Action. The Kaeler Metric happens in a minimum of two cycles, with 191 iterations of Ultimon Flow before it is interactive with the shaking of superstrings in the Klein Bottle & 191 iterations of Ultimon Flow after it is interactive with the shaking of superstrings in the Klein Bottle. This means that a Kaeler Metric provides a process of recreating enough permittivity in superstrings for a minimum of two sets of superstrings (at least one superstring per set). So, the overall activity of a Higgs Action eigenstate is interactive upon a specific substringular local region for a minimum of 764 iterations of Ultimon Flow. This is because the kinematic interaction of a Higgs Action eigenstate upon a specific local region in the substringular has its 382nd iteration (which is in-between instantons) at one Planck Length from where it started, while yet needing another group eigenmetric of iterations (again, in-between instantons) to go back to the same locus from where it started. Yet, Gaussian Transformations are always happening somewhere in the substringular at many substringular neighborhoods that are adjacent. So, Higgs Action eigenstates are constantly busy. The more perturbative the substringular region, the more busy the local Higgs Action eigenstates that region. The Hausendorf Projections that happen right before the Wick Action help Higgs Action eigenstates to commute to the proper settings where these may be used as the "force" that transports the Klein Bottle eigenstates to allow the Kaeler Metric to allow superstrings to reattain their permittivity.


A Little About Non-Orientable Superstrings

A Little About Non-Orientable Superstrings

When a superstring is about to be tachyonic, it has more of a swivel shape than it would normally have otherwise. What I mean by a swivel shape is that the torsion due to the Gliossi norm states that act upon the given superstring produce a tensoric torsion upon the structure that is formed by the tying of first-ordered-point-particles that comprise the said one or two-dimensional superstring. Such a multiplicit dimensional torsion transpires over a Fourier Metric, yet the non-orientable nature that is produced by certain swivel shaped superstrings is cheifly displayed by the gauge-metrics that occur during the Bette and Polyokov Actions, which is a relatively Laplacian condition. When a superstring is acted upon with a multiplicit dimensional torsion that bears an assymetry in the Ward Caucy bounds of the Laplacian structure of the given superstring during the Bette Action which is during instanton, then the Grassman Constant is not respectively unitary. A non-unitized field between a superstring and its counterpart that remains as such during the Regge Action will cause the associated superstring to spring the basis of its light-cone-gauge-eigenstate in such a manner that the said string will not be able to differentiate according to Noether Flow in-between two consecutive instantons. This makes the given superstring tachyonic. Reverse-Holomorphic Gliossi norm states always eventually form an equal and opposite untorsioning of the Njenhuis bending of interconnected first-ordered-point-particle states in order to form a unitary vibration that is to exist along the topology of the said vibrating hoop or along the topology of the said vibrating strand. Such Njenhuis torsion is caused by the interaction of dark matter upon light matter. Such an interaction produces the said Gliossi interaction that I initially described in this discussion, due to the Ward Polorazation effect that transpires in an interaction of multidimensional dark matter residue that assymetrically pulls upon the topology of a superstring. Such a pull may even happen when the transient ghost anomalies formed by dark matter assymetrically tug Njenhuisly upon a superstring. Please comment whether or not you understand, so that I may learn how to communicate better.


The Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue

The Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue

I thought that people would have questions as to what I mean by this, so I will explain what I meant by this topic here. Superstrings exist as an organized set of first-ordered-point-particles that are interconnected in either a tiny hoop or a tiny strand, depending on whether or not you are reffering to bosonic strings or fermionic strings. Instanton is considered to be a Laplacian framework, since this is the instant that the smallest period of time that is time happens. Yet, there are metrics way smaller than the relatively Laplacian duration of an instanton. During instanton, there is a residue of mini-string wave-tug sharing that happens among the supplemental pairing of first-ordered-point-particles that are associated with a given superstring that is undergoing Bette and Polyokov Action. Such a residual exchange between supplemental point particles that exist between a superstring and its counterpart, if the given superstring is orientable, involves the Grassman Constant in terms of all of the mini-string that comprises the field eigenstates in-between the described superstring and its counterpart. This activity, along with the residual drive of stringular phenomena that has just underwent Ultimon Flow, causes the said pair of phenomena to rock holomorphically while sliding transversally holomorphically while than rocking antiholomorphically while sliding transversally antiholomorphically (for forward time moving superstringular phenomena). Since the set organization of a superstring with its counterpart under a theoretical Caucy Ward condition of settlement is considered Laplacian, such a rock-sway is considered in a sense a fractor of a Njenhuis differentiation, and thus, in a sense is not in the direct framework of a Real Reimmanian Plane. Yet, the residue of stringular field (mini-string that is obtained and released in the general locus of the given substringular field) is during Instanton. Therefore, the substringular residue that is released and obtained here is Real. Yet, since such an Exchange is considered to be a rock-sway that bears Njenhuity, the Exchange here is considered to be Imaginary. Please feel free to ask any questions.                       

About the Importance of Point Particles to String Theory

In order for superstrings to be able to differentiate and interchange kinematically, there must be point particles that are smaller than these discussed superstrings. A superstring has a length, for 1-D strings, and a circumference, for 2-D strings, of 3*10^(-35) meters in the globally distinguishable. When in a totally contracted state, such a scalar is 10^(-43) meters. A first-ordered-point-particle has a diameter of 10^(-86) meters in the substringular when including the Gliossi Field that is directly associated and thus comprises the said point particle. First-Ordered-Point-Particles are comprised of the substance of the field of superstrings, or, in other words, mini-strings. Mini-String is comprised of second-ordered-point-particles that exist adjacent to each other in exterialy bound "chains" of phenomena that are interconnected by third-ordered-point particles that are bound by sub-mini-string. Second-Ordered-Point-Particles are 10^(-129) meters in diameter in the substringular, third-ordered-point-particles are 10^(-384) meters in diameter in the substringular, and sub-mini-string is 10^(-1152) meters in diameter in the substringular. Sub-Mini-String is the smallest phenomena that is a thing while yet also a gauge-action. Third-Ordered-Point-Particles only exist where there are second-ordered-point-particles. Not only does sub-mini-string bind third-ordered-point-particles together, yet these also work to interconnect the second-ordered-point-particles that comprise mini-string. A physical entity that is smaller than a superstring is termed to be a gauge-action. So how does such a tying of fabric rety while yet maintaining homotopy? The "space-hole" is what I call the duration right before Instanton-Quaternionic-Impulse-Mode, which is right before instanton, which is when homotopy just begins to undue to allow any essential retying of string, yet, to such a minor amount that homotopy during successive instantons is maintained except for when it is frayed in a black-hole. Such a resewing of substringular phenomena is brought back into a multiplicitly discrete homotopy due to the pressure that is impelled upon adjacent superstrings due to the equal and opposite wave-tug of point-particles that acts Gliossi upon the said superstrings to just enough of an extent so as to snap the temporarily untying topology described back into a unified multiplicit homotopic       topology.                                     

About What Mind And Life Are

Physical mind that is not purely metaphysically based is founded upon energy that is either ATP for carbon based life, or some form of electrodynamic energy for silicon based life, or both for androids, that is delivered to either a biological, robotic, or android-based neuron-like phenomena via synaptic-like phenomena through the existence of chemicals that either are dopamine or related to the substrate-based concept of dopamine, in such a manner that the life form discussed bears a Tesla-based electrodynamic frequency that is ebbed to and from the given entitiy in such a manner so as to form thought waves. Thought waves are based on the abelian delineation of reverse-magnetism electrodynamic propagation that is invisible, although extremely real. Thoughts do not just stay in the brain and body -- they go outward and effect things -- even though such activity never makes one invincible.                  

Now Life is the activity of a phenomena with at least some mind characteristics that is able to some degree to overcome the entropy that surounds it.                                   

About The Polyakov And Bette Actions

When a superstring undergoes Polyakov Action, its point particles that comprise it begin to separate to enlargen its apparent size to what it is to appear to have given the Lorentz-Four-Contraction in the globally distinguishable. As a superstring is falling into a Klein Bottle, it recontracts tempoarily for the Kaeler Metric, while the point particles (first-ordered) reseparate to what these were like, yet with an added discrete eigenstate of substringular metric-gauge, when the given eigenstate of Kaeler Metric of a given Klein Bottle eigenstate is paused until the next instanton as the associated superstring leaves the Ward Neumman bounds of the given Schotky Construction eigenstate. The shaking here maintains the compactification of the associated superstring, while the interaction of the adjacent norm states that are within the Klein Bottle tug on the described superstring in an equal and opposite reaction happening in the opposite direction in such a manner that the associated superstring goes back to the condition of decompactification that it had prior to entering the Klein Bottle. During Bette Action, if the supersting is orientable, the length of mini-string in-between the associated superstring and its counterpart is constant among all of the eigenstates of mini-string that interconnect the associated superstring with its counterpart. This is during instanton. Instanton is when the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue happens. If I ever said otherwise, what I am saying now is more accurate because i can see it.             

By Samuel Roach, Blogger at SamsPhysicsWorld

About the Metrical Activity That Occurs During the Kaeler-Metric

When a superstring is to go into a Kaeler Metric, its instanton prior to an eigenmetric of Kaeler Metric is at the same rate as usual (based on the present rate of instanton of 10^(-43) seconds), yet the metric-gauge of a given superstring that is to undergo the given Kaeler Metric is to be topologically indiscrete immediately after the described instanton. Immediately after the given instanton, the described superstring takes 1/240th of an h bar time to fall at a 22.5 degree angle into an eigenstate of a Klein Bottle. The superstring described is then shaken back-and-forth 8 times (for a total of 16 sways) at as even rate to help make an eigenstate of the associated superstring's metric-gauge to be discrete. The overall given metric of eight back-and-forth sways takes 1/240th h bar time. The described superstring then goes into the Regge Action for 1/240th h bar time. The associated superstring, then, takes 79/80th h bar time to circle its set of parallel universes that it belongs to before falling into an eigenstate of one of the Main Heterotic Strings that work to interconnect the three sets of parallel universes that I have recently mentioned. Regge Action normally takes 1/80th h bar time to happen. (Regge Action is the beginning of Ultimon Flow in-between iterations.) When a superstring is fully contracted, the Polyakov Action simplly permutates the arrangement of the said superstring's first-ordered point particles, yet, since the associated counterstring permutates the same way with the same multiplicit holomorphicity, the Grassman Constant may be maintained when during Bette Action, allowing a superstring in Noether Flow to remain orientable and thus non-tachyonic. 

By Samuel Roach, Blogger at SamsPhysicsWorld                    

About the Metrical Activity That Allows For Permittivity


Phenomena has to move to exist. Metric-Gauge is the topological Laplacian Poincaire Ward conditions that integrate through the Fourier Conditions of substringular multiplicit group metrics that must exist in order for superstrings to have the ability to move through space and therefore be the energy that is necessary for reality to exist. Superstrings are the discrete units of energy permittivity. Permittivity is the ability of phenomena to continue to move through space. If discrete units of energy could not move, energy would cease to exist. Without energy, there would be no light, nor would there be any mass. When superstrings circle the ultimon many, many times, these phenomena (superstrings) lose some of their permittivity. The process that causes superstrings to regain the permittivity that these need in order to remain energy so that energy may exist is known as a Gaussian-Transformation, which is usually a gauge-transformation. The initial situation is that gauge-transformations eventually lead to entropy. Yet, there is a way of limiting gauge-transformations to those that just allow for substringular permittivity without allowing for excess entropy. Entropy is essential for at least the change of physical states. I will say no more of this. The reason that energy started and still persists comes down to the existence of the Higgs Action. The Higgs Action is the main operator that allows for Gaussian Transformations. See my post of the leverage of the Higgs Action on my blog I am doing this out of a love for mankind.

I am very blessed to have the friends that I have.



Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Some Advanced Knowledge of the Physical Reality of Singularities


 Samuel Roach • Hello. My name is Samuel David Roach. I will provide part of an expaination for the person who provided the given topic of discussion.

A singularity in space is a spot where the limits of a wave pattern that is being considered do not mathematically exist and/or are not discrete between two or more loci that are being considered in a related scenario. For instance, if the third derivative of a general wave pattern changes between two loci in space that are distributed in space in a Lagrangian manner and under a Laplacian consideration, then the limits of curvature that exist in-between the two given loci will either not exist and/or will not be discrete in-between the given loci. Here, the point at which the limits of curvature are definitely made indiscrete is the particular locus where the third dirivative of curvature in the given wave pattern is altered or perturbated. Now, consider the given wave pattern to differentiate under time constraints that are kinematic and thus involve a Fourier Transformation. The given singularity as a specific entity would then more than likely differentiate in terms of its specific locus, even though the general wave pattern that we are considering would still have a limit of curvature that would not exist and/or not be discrete in-between two sections of the harmonics of the vibrating wave. In this case, the locus of the singularity in terms of Laplacian Transformation would remain relatively conformally invariant, yet the locus of the singularity in terms of Fourier Transformation may or may not bear a locus that space-wise will bear a tense of conformal invariance. Since the third-derivative of curvature here will change at the static location under the given Laplacian conditions, or at the covariant location under the given Fourier conditions, the spot where the curvature will change in its third derivative will be either a static or a kinematic singularity. Since the general curvature described bears a change in its third derivative, the curve itself will either exist in a multiplicit Minkowski Space or in a Hilbert Space, since such a change in the limits of curvature involves a Lagrangian that either implies holograpic volume or involves a distribution that actually happens over a volume in space. A differentiation that is not time oriented involves Laplacian conditions. A differentiation that is time oriented involves Fourier conditions. A singularity does not mean that zero or infinity are actually things -- it means that the flow of a wave pattern that is either static, harmonically oscillating, anharmonically oscillating, or is partially harmonically and partially anharmonically oscillating has a curvature that bears limits in-between two or more of its loci at one or more locations that alter abruptly relative to the general flow of the associated general wave pattern that is involved in a particular scenario. If such an abrupt change is smooth in all of the derivatives equal to the number of dimensions that a given wave pattern is in, then the associated singularity is described as hermitian. Yet, is such an abrupt change is not smooth in all of the derivativates equal to the number of dimensions that a given wave pattern is in, then the associated singularity is described as Chern-Simmons. If a singularity is not Chern-Simmons although the singularity is altered to where over a described covariant metric the singularity differentiates off of the Real Reimmanian plane, then the given singularity is not Yau-Exact. Yet, a hermitian singularity that is not perturbative (does not kinematically over a metric relocalize off of the Real Reimmanian plane under a limited Fourier set of conditions or over a condition of relative Laplacian Transformation that actually involves a very limited framework of time), then the singularity that is involved here is considered to be Yau-Exact.
Thank you for your time.


Samuel David Roach

A Little Bit About Changes In Symmetry

A superstring that is orientable differentiates kinematically via Noether Flow. A superstring that is not orientable differentiates kinematically via a tachyonic flow. A superstring is orientable when the substringular field eigenstates that are first-ordered and supplementally norm between a given superstring and its corresponding counterstring are trivially isomorpphic in terms of the connections in-between the associated superstring and its corresponding counterstring as caused by the Bette Action, and if the delineatory amplitudes of these said connections have the same scalar distribution when considering all of the said first-ordered substringular field eigenstates, even if the Hodge distribution among the said field eigenstates is not homogeneous and therefore not integrably hermitian during the Laplacian condition of the given instanton in which the associated Bette Action is occurring through its described gauge-metric. If a superstring is not orientable during the Bette Action, the superstring described will attempt to become orientable during the subsequent gauge-metric of a given Regge Action via a Regge Slope that "totters" the associated superstring in an attempt to obtain the multiplicit trivial isomorphism and a common homogeneous and delineatory amplitude that bears a supplementally norm abelian nature that retains the Noether Condition of the said superstring's wave-tug. (This is via a simultaneous internal push-and pull that is exterially projected along the ultimon.) If a superstring is strill orientable during the Regge Action, then the associated superstring becomes tachyonic. This is an example of how a lack of substringular super-symmetry may effect the differential operation of that superstring over a simple Laplacian Transformationm which, if such a condition is integrable over a sequential series of iterations that is non-trivial gauge-metric-wise, will form a Fourier Transformation that involves a superstring that is tachyonic and thereby perturbative relative to its general condition of Noether Flow. Such a perturbation effects the matrix of the delineatory index of the involved orbifolds that are directly effected by this tachyonic multiplicitly integrable distribution. Since the anharmonic multiplicit redistribution of a kinematically unorientable superstring flows differently then the surrounding Noether Conditions, and Noether Conditions are the kinematic delineatory means of maintaining the norm conditions that allow for a sustained covariant Gaussian Symmetry, the Fourier Transformaion involved with a tachyonic flow will produce change in Gaussian Symmetry either via a regular Gaussian Transformation or via a gauge-transformation, the latter of which is the substringular cause of entropy.                

Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.                                                        

More Knowledge As To The Dangers Of The Hadron Colliding Experiment

Phenomena has to move to exist. Metric-Gauge is the topological Laplacian Poincaire Ward conditions that integrate through the Fourier Conditions of substringular multiplicit group metrics that must exist in order for superstrings to have the ability to move through space and therefore be the energy that is necessary for reality to exist. Superstrings are the discrete units of energy permittivity. Permittivity is the ability of phenomena to continue to move through space. If discrete units of energy could not move, energy would cease to exist. Without energy, there would be no light, nor would there be any mass. When superstrings circle the ultimon many, many times, these phenomena (superstrings) lose some of their permittivity. The process that causes superstrings to regain the permittivity that these need in order to remain energy so that energy may exist is known as a Gaussian-Transformation, which is usually a gauge-transformation. The initial situation is that gauge-transformations eventually lead to entropy. Yet, there is a way of limiting gauge-transformations to those that just allow for substringular permittivity without allowing for excess entropy. Entropy is essential for at least the change of physical states. I will say no more of this. The reason that energy started and still persists comes down to the existence of the Higgs Action. The Higgs Action is the main operator that allows for Gaussian Transformations. See my post of the leverage of the Higgs Action on my blog

              I am doing this out of a love for mankind.

I am very blessed to have the friends that I have.



A Little Bit About Cassimer Invariance

On the Importance of Cassimer Invariance

If it wasn't for Cassimer Invariance, any frayed space-time fabric would mean the doom to all space-time fabric. The reason as to how space-time homotopy is maintained in general after certain space-time fabric is frayed by a black-hole is based on a concept that I call the "space-hole." What I mean by the space-hole involves a brief duration in-between instantons ((2pi-6)(I)hbar time before instanton) when the arrangement of the superstring's that exist have a chance to reorganize just enough to allow for the gradual implementation of the Gaussian Transformations that are necessary for the continued existence of the Fourier Translations that kinematically are established to allow energy to co-differentiate with other energy. During this metric, homotopy temporarily almost unsettles while then settling.

Some Info On Calabi-Yau-Spaces

Hi, my name is Samuel David Roach. If it wasn't for Calabi-Yau spaces, light would not have a local region where it could exist in the process of scattering upon phenomena of mass. If it wasn't for the whole existence of Calabi-Yau, Calabi-Wilson-Gordon, and Calabi-Calabi interactions -- each of which involves their associated spaces that are all based upon those respective norm conditions which work to define the Gaussian Conditions of the associated respective orbifolds and orbifold eigensets, gauge-transformations would not be able to happen. If gauge-transformations did not happen, light would not be able to fully go through the process of scattering and requantizing -- and entropy would never happen. If it wasn't for entropy, physical states would not be able to change. As an ansantz, gauge-transformations are an example of Gaussian Transformations. And Gaussian Transformations in relation to physical phenomena are what allow for those perturbations in the multiplicit norm conditions of orbifolds and orbifold eigensets that allow for the kinematic Fourier Transformations which allow for covariant change and association of phenomena through time. Certainly, Calabi-Yau interactions are the type of Calabi interactions that allow for heat, and without heat, there would spontainiously and eventually be no motion, kinetic energy, mass, or physical reality. The trick is to minimize the entropy so that gauge-transformations will be minimal so that the universe will keep from beginning to contract soon. Pretend that the end part of what I said is a legal way of telling the truth (another way of saying "mythology"). I believe that mankind has more of a potential power over their environment's future than they may think. Sincerely, Sam.              

The Danger of Colliding Two Photons Head On

• Hi, my name's Sam. As to the condition that would exist if you were to try to collide two photons dead on, that's a bad idea. Here, let me explain.

Photons are formed by electrons dropping an energy level to release unneeded energy. When this happens, a Fujikawa Coupling happens in the direction of the permittivity of the a given photon, yet, in the reverse-holomorphic end of the bosonic superstring that forms a discrete unit of energy permittivity. Ward Norm conditions form the basis of substringular differential geometry. So, if you were to take the norm-to-holomorphic spin-orbital-axial of the delineation of the described Fujikawa Coupling as the photon is being formed from the released kinetic energy of a said electron, you get an orphogonal wave-tug upon the said photon that causes its related E(6)XE(6) strings to lay in the direction of the transversal angular momentum of the said photon. Also, if an electron is quantized at all with other photons, it is going to exist in an orbifold. Orbifolds have E(8)XE(8) strings associated with these. Remember, E(6)XE(6) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically as well as E(8)XE(8) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically. So, to try to smash the described heterotic superstrings is an effort to abuse the tendencies of these said heterotic strings to spin assymetrically. This is no mistake in observation, yet, doing what they are trying to do is certainly a mistake. Without the assymetric spin-orbiting of E(6)XE(6) strings, the Rarita Structure would be damaged locally -- which could lead to a "domino" effect. Without the assymetric spin-orbiting of E(8)XE(8) strings, the homotopy of adjacent orbifolds would fishure, which could have a "domino" effect. Maintaining homotopy is quintessential for the continued existence of life.

Also, colliding gluons could undo the local Wick Action eigenstates, which could have a domino effect. Please let everyone read this so that we may --- as a team -- end the Hadron Colliding Experiment. Thank You. Sincerely, Sam. Life is the most important reality.

The Test Solutions That Were Missing From A Course One Test

1)All “stuff in a spot” must have angular momentum because a discrete physical entity always bears a presence in a direction with a scalar magnitude.

2)Something actual that is not “stuff in a spot” would be the “space-hole,” since this is a metric that happens in-between instantons.

3)Strings must be composed of smaller phenomena since strings vibrate and curl. The presence of oscillation in the topology of a phenomenon indicates the presence of smaller phenomena.

4)Mass is energy in static equilibrium.

5)Electromagnetic energy is energy that is formed by an electron, once thought to be a point mass, dropping an energy level.

6)A high voltage wire tends to push one away from the wire.

7)A high amperage/low voltage wire will hold one upon the wire until the current is released. One tenth of an amp may kill a person.

8)A smoothly vibrating sinusoidal wave is an example of a harmonic wave.

An opposite wave of energy, when the initial wave of energy is applied toward the “opposite wave” would cancel the energies of these waves, yet such an occurrence could not destroy discrete homotopic unit of condensed oscillation that exists on a smaller scale.

9)The electron is the source of electrostatics. Three leptons of a charge of (-1/3) each glue together to form an electron (which has a charge of (-1).

10)Curves that change in at least the first two derivatives along the contour of these curves are waves. These waves are composed of energy that either staticly and/or kinematically is distributed along the topography of the curves that comprise the given waves. Superstrings act as open strands and closed loops that vibrate as topological waves that comprise a Planck related length/circumference respectively.                              

A Post of Course One on Relative Loci

If two things are next to each other, then these are near. If the same two things are separated by a substantial distance, then these are far. Two things that are near each other are relatively local. Two things that are far from each other are not relatively local. Two things that are made relatively local to each other have become localized. Two things, however, that were relatively local and subsequently became separated have become delocalized.

A man who lives by his neighbor is local to that neighbor. The man’s children, you might add, are even more local to that man. Yet the man’s neighbor is certainly more local to him than someone on the opposite side of the planet, at least in terms of physical nearness. As a standard, a locality in America is named by the county or city that that person lives in. You may say, “I live in Pinckney, Michigan, which is in the United States.” Likewise, one may always be able to grunge through more and more detail as to where a particle is, yet the precision of how specific you define your locality is often defined by the need that your specific description is to suffice. For instance, if you wanted to know where a cluster of molecules was, you probably wouldn’t delve down to the subatomic level. Rather, you would only need to search a level or two smaller than what you are looking for in order to find the region in which the thing you are looking for may be found. In this case, maybe searching down to the level of small molecules that may cluster in such a way so as to find what you are searching for.

Loci may mean spots where things interdependently differentiate, or it may mean spots that are near because these are attached. For instance, a uniform is near the body of a baseball player, yet it is not a part of that baseball player’s body. A chair may be near the table that it goes to, yet the chair is not part of the table. You might say, “Well, the uniform is local to the ball player’s body, yet it isn’t part of his body. And the chair is local to the table, yet it isn’t part of the table.” Exactly. So, if you consider certain phenomena as things that are made of parts, and these parts are made up of parts, when is something just local, and when is the object at hand in and of itself? What you need to define is what you are calling a specific thing. If the ball player’s whole body, including his hair, was the definition of a specific thing, then any part of his body would not be considered just local to his body – it would be part of his body. Yet, if the definition of the given specific thing was only the living portion of the ball player’s body, then his hair would be local to his body versus being part of the same specific thing.

The electrons of an atom are local to that atom, while the electrons of another atom are local to that other atom and not local to that first one. This is because we are not treating the atom as a static blob, but as a kinematic interplay of components that are interdependent. So, there is no “specific thing” that defines that entity of an atom, since an atom is the basis of the structure of matter, and matter is energy in static equilibrium. So, if you are talking about anything being local to the neighborhood of an atom, you are talking about a particle or object that is at least adjacent to the field of that atom. Yet if you are talking about something that is local to an atom, you are talking about something taking place within the given atom itself. For instance, anybody in a city is a local resident of that city, and everybody in that city is part of that city. If you were part of a pencil, you are considered localized within that pencil. This is because the members of a city, just as the electrons of an atom, are kinematic at their respective levels, whereas the parts of a pencil are not kinematic at an observers respective level.

Some More Stough About Gauge-Bosons

Gauge-Bosons are essential in the field of a light-cone-gauge-eigenstate since, when individual gauge-bosons "pluck" the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates that exist in the field of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigentate, the resulting vibrations are second-ordered Schwinger Indices (the summation of such vibrations per first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate being a first-ordered Schwinger Index) that flow through the Rarita Structure to allow for the Ricci Scalar to function so that gravity may take effect. This is just in reference to the E(6)XE(6) type of gauge-bosons. Just as adjacent electrons have to spin assymmetrically, to give a reverse-fractored example, in order to obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle, adjacent E(6)XE(6) strings must bear an antisymmetric spin-orbital tensorism in order to not infringe on each others' space. Such an assymmetric spin-orbital tensorism is caused by the spurious effect of the Chern-Simmons field that exists between adjacent E(6)X(E(6) strings. Such a Chern-Simmons field is due to the condition of such gauge-bosons differentiating per instanton in-between a discrete energy unit of permittivity and a discrete energy unit of energy impedance. So, whether a related light-cone-gauge topology is abelian or non-abelian, the substringular field that binds these gauge-bosons to both sides of an associated first-ordered-light-cone-gauge-eigenstate is primarily abelian so that the "plucking" of the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates will not shatter the given first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate. The fabric of substringular field is what I call "mini-string." Mini-String is the fabric of gauge-action that interconnects the topology of all unfrayed substringular phenomena that forms the homotopic structure of the substringular. My website is


Samuel David Roach

The First Part of the First Session of Course One

Think about it. Stuff exists. Things come into play the way that they do based on the summed happenings that preceded this. A limited mind can not possibly be consciously aware of everything that has ever happened, is happening, or ever will happen by the very nature of the word limited. Yet, through a little knowledge and rational thinking, there are many things about life that you may determine through PATTERNS. For example: One plus one is two. You could never count to two trillion, yet you just know that one-trillion plus one-trillion is two trillion. Of course, you might add. That takes no grandiose knowledge. But did you notice here that you did this with a pattern? Can you think of many other patterns that fit this example? Sure.

Another aspect of rational thinking is CLUE FITTING. If you ate one calorie of food, this alone couldn’t possibly make you gain one pound of fat non-water weight, since one pound of fat non-water weight due to calories consists of roughly 3,500 calories. Two things cannot occupy the same spot at the same time. An ice cube cannot remain frozen in a hot pan. Etc… .

Yet another aspect of rational thinking is FAMILIARITY. You know that ice is colder than water. Day is brighter than night. Steel is harder than felt.

Yet another aspect of rational thinking is ROLE PLAYING. I don’t mean pretending necessarily that you are everything, yet putting a situation into a scenario to where through familiarity, clue fitting, and patterns, you may estimate an interaction and/or a set of interactions.

Another aspect of rationality is DISTINGUISHABILITY. If you can distinguish similarities, differences, if something exists and where that is, and what it is collecting and/or giving off, then you may become more actively familiar with what you are talking about.

Finally, and aspect of rationale is BOUNDEDNESS AND SENSE OF DIRECTION.

If you know where you are and where you can go, then you are in less danger than if you don’t. Knowing something’s limitations may go hand-in-hand with the potential locations in which the object may travel.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Part Three of the Eighth Session of Course Nine

What I mean by relatively time-oriented and relatively timeless light-cone-gauge eigenstates is that only bosonic or closed superstrings may directly associate with a specific linearly directed time-frame.  Fermionic or open superstrings happen in time, yet, these do not have the capability to directly associate with a specific linearly directed time-frame.  This considers the condition that time moves forward and backward at the same time.  What I mean by a specific linearly directed time-frame takes into consideration that occasionally one-ten-thousandth of history changes.  What is cognitively imbued in the collective consciousness may not be changed in terms of history, yet, what is not cognitively imbued in the collective consciousness has more of a capability of changing in terms of history.
There are five second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that directly associate with one-dimensional superstrings taken individually.  The second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates comprise a first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  There are ten second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that directly associate with two-dimensional superstrings taken individually.  Again, the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates comprise a first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  The second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates directly associated with one-dimensional superstrings, taken individually, are comprised of two coiled chords -- either sinusoidal-based or flushly-directed-based -- of mini-strings that tie in-between a superstring and the Fadeev-Popov-Trace that is positioned directly in the reverse-holomorphic direction of the mentioned one-dimensional superstring.  The second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates directly associated with two-dimensional superstrings, taken individually, are comprised of a chord of mini-string -- either sinusoidal-based or flushly-directed-based -- that tie in-between a superstring and the Fadeev-Popov-Trace that is positioned directly in the reverse-holomorphic direction of the mentioned two-dimensional superstring.  Two-dimensional superstrings that are discrete units of energy permittivity bear two discrepencies in terms of the topologically pure hermicity that these would otherwise have -- yet, this condition is minor enough to allow for a two-dimenisional superstring to still have a conformal dimension of two.  This is because the discrepencies fit as locally hermitian cusps that help to allow for the field of an individual two-dimensional superstring to have a directly associated three-dimensional field.  These discrepencies exist to the holomorphic side and to the norm-to-holomorphic positioning at the  relative ninety-degree locus of a given two-dimensional superstring and to the reverse-holomorphic side and to the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic positioning at the relative 270 degree locus of the same given two-dimensional superstring.  Such two and three-dimensional discrepencies help to cause the potential instabillity, and thus, the potential entropy that is more associated with the kinematic translation of two-dimensional superstrings than with the kinematic translation of one-dimensional superstrings -- even though the end result of entropy itself is comrised of spurious plain kinetic energy, and, plain kinetic energy bears energy permittivity that is comprised of one-dimensional superstrings.  One-dimensional superstrings that are discrete units of energy permittivity bear one two-dimensional discepency at its relative center.  Such a discrepency deviates from th pure hermicity that these would otherwise have -- yet, this condition is minor enough to allow for a one-dimensional superstring to still have a conformal dimension of one.  This is because the discrepency mentioned fits as a locally hermitian cusp that helps to allow for the field of an individual one-dimensional superstring to have a directly associated two-dimensional field.  Such a discrepency here exists in the norm-to-norm-to-reverse-holomorphic side of any given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring.  I actually have at least a couple more parts to this one session about Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge, and I do not want to bore my reader's with too much information at once.  So, I will continue to ellaborate furter as to the conditions that work to allow for relatively timeless and relatively time-oriented light-cone-gauge eigenstates later.  Until then, I will continue with the suspense later!  God Bless You!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                                                                                                                                     

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Part Two of Session 8 of Course Nine

Each individual light-cone-gauge eigenstate has 44 angular momentum components, 84 orbital components, and 128 spin components.  This is due to the condition that, for relatively time-oriented supertrings, it is most basic for a light-cone-gauge eigenstate to rotate along its axial plane over the course of sequential instantons, while it is a little less basic for a light-cone-gauge eigenstate to rotate along a radial Lagrangian while yet maintaining a directly covariant association with a specific conipoint of the coniaxial that is related to an arbitrary superstring when it is undergoing a state of conformal invariance, while it is less basic, yet essential, for a superstring to undergo a perturbation in the locus of its coniaxial.  (Although Gaussian Transformation happen all of the time, because of intertia, it takes an outward force to transversally move a supersting out of conformal invariane in such a manner so as to allow for the continued flow of the countless Fourier Transformations that are associated with the kinematic interplay that allows space-time-fabric to spontaneously continue to exist.)  In one-dimensional strings, the 44 angular momentum components are excentuated beyond the other components, do to the condition that one-dimensional superstrings comprise the existence of plain kinetic energy.  In two-dimensional superstrings associated with the upper Royal Arc section, spin-related components are excentuated beyond the other components.  One-Dimensional superstrings have relatively timeless light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- partially on account of the condition that a one-dimensional superstring has a purely Minkowsk field that is directly associated with it.  (A one-dimensional superstring directly associates with a two-dimensional field.)  Two-Dimensional superstrings have relatively time-oriented light-cone-gauge eigenstates, partially on account that the three-dimensional fields that directly accomedate the respective two-dimensional superstrings, at least, bear some basis with a Hilbert-like field.  (Hilbert-based fields may have as little as three spatial dimensions associated with these.)  Yes, Minkowski space may have up to 26 spatial dimensions under the conditions of an arbitrary Laplacian setting, yet, the foundation of Minkowski space is two-dimensional space -- the basis of flat space is a planar two-diimensional field.  Hilbert space is volume-oriented space.  Hilbert space may be comprised of as little as three spatial dimensions under certain conditions.  Time-Oriented light-cone-gauge eigenstates, which, are of two-dimensional superstrings,  have ten second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that comprise the initially mentioned first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates of the described two-dimensional superstrings.  Relatively timeless light-cone-gauge eigenstates exist in the field of one-Dimensional superstrings, these of which have five second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that comprise the initially mentioned first-ordered light cone-gauge eigenstates that are associated with the described one-dimensional superstrings.  Two-Dimensional superstrings are closed, while one-dimensional superstrings are open.  Most superstrings have bear light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are relatively time oriented, so, most superstrings are closed , or, in other words, most superstrings are bosonic.  Yet, fermionic or open superstrings must exist.  If open superstrings did not exist, a photon would implode as it was formed, yet, thank goodness for the fact that their is plain kinetic energy (it is a fact of reality), so as long as there is a Continuum, there will be a certain arbitrary amount of one-dimensional (fermionic) or open superstrings.  I will continue with the suspense later!    I have a couple more posts to do on this session to ellaborate further as to the meaning of what I have been describing here.Until then, move closer and closer to your goals, and you will move in the direction of which you think!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Course 9, Session 8, Part One

Light-Cone-Gauge-Eigenstates have three action characteristic types:  transversal (angular momentum)  motion, orbital motion, and radial (spin) motion.  There are 44 modes of light-cone-gauge angular momentum per Planck-related phenomena -- not including the dual Laplacian sinusoidal wave patterns of light-cone-gauge eigenstates when these are non-abelian, 84 modes of light-cone-gauge orbit per Planck-related phenomena -- not including the dual Laplacian sinusoidal wave patterns of light-cone-gauge-eigenstates when these are non-abelian, and there are 128 modes of light-cone-gauge spin per Planck-related phenomena -- not including the dual Laplacian sinusoidal wave patterns of light-cone-gauge eigenstates when these are non-abelian.  For every covariant mode propagation of Planck-related phenomena that happens during the countless Fourier Transformations that operate during the existence of history -- that involve electromagnetic energy or plain kinetic energy (the directly prior of which bear a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology) --, there is a different amplitude of the dual Laplacian sinusoidal wave patterns for the corresponding non-abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are related with the associated Planck-related phenomena.  Each Planck-related phenomena has an associated light-cone-gauge eigenstate that has its own integrated angular momtentum, orbit, and spin.  Abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstates do not form a dual Laplacian sinusoidal wave pattern, although these light-cone-gauge eigenstates torque per instanton according to their angular momentum, orbit, and spin modes.
I  have at least two more posts that move in the direction of explaining both time-oriented and relatively timeless-oriented light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- the what, how, and why of this topic is explained here.
I will continue with the suspense later!                                                                     
Sam Roach.

Session 7 of Course 9 on Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge

What forms the Mobius Twist of an activated tori-sector-range, the Mobius Twist of which completes itself at the center-state eigenbasis of the prior mentioned tori-sector-range?  The encoder strings (the encoder string and its counterpart) of an activated tori-sector-range enter the encodement section that these encoder string belong to.  Meanwhile, the Planck phenomenon related phenomena along with their corresponding superstrings homotopically release residue into the Royal Arc that these belong to.  After the Planck phenomena and their corresponding superstrings cycle their section of the Ultimon, and the corresponding encoder string and its counterpart cycle their respective section of the Ultimon as well -- roughly one time, the space-hole happens.  While the space-hole happens, the Planck phenomenon-related phenomena form a large Basis of Light.  When the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode happens, the overall Basis of Light reties into the many Planck phenomena that exist.  The Planck phenomena visages, virtual Planck phenomena, and the virtual Planck phenomena visages act as the field of the Overall Basis of Light.  So, when the Overall Basis of Llight reties into many Planck phenomena, the virtual Planck phenomena, Planck phenomena visages, and the virtual Planck phenomena visages retie to accomedate the Planck phenomena.  By the time that the stringular encoder and its counterpart, that are associated with the given Basis of Light that is being discussed here, of an activated tori-sector-range are molded into a center-state, the Planck phenomena, virtual Planck phenomena, Planck phenomena visages, and the virtual Planck phenomena visages are retied into their iteration-based fields.  Here, imaginary exchange of Real Residue occurs.
Next, I will discuss the concept of time-orieted and relatively timeless light-cone-gauge-eigenstates.                               

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Part Two of the Sixth Session of Course Nine

Hello, my name is Sam Roach.  Here is a little bit more as to the simultaneous metrics of the activity of the space-hole during the duration of the Bases of Light.          
The activity of the Bases of Light bears the proper Laplacian and sub-Fourier differentially geometric relationship so that, once the ensuing instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode happens, the countless superstrings that act as discrete units of energy permittivity may operate and spatially interact properly with their associated Planck phenomenon related phenomena.   As to the Planck phenomenon related phenomena, there are:  Planck phenomena, visage Planck phenomena, virtual Planck phenomena, and virtual visage Planck phenomena.  The motion of the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode operates to allow for the ensuing placement of superstrings and their corresponding Fadeev-Popov Traces so that the continued existence and flow of kinematically differentiating Fourier Transformations may occur.   If it wasn't for the space-hole, substringular phenomena would not be able to retie, which would cause Gaussian Transformations to cease -- thereby spontaneously ending Fourier Transformations, and thus spontaneously ending energy and reality.  If it wasn't for the Bases of Light, phenomena would constantly go back to the same spot -- thereby ending the kinematic relationship among superstrings, which would thereby spontaneously end energy and reality.  Yet, do not worry about those two prior named aspects, since the space-hole and the Bases of Light automatically happen simultaneously right before each successive instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode.  One may view the Laplacian condition of the Bases of Light as a "huddle", and the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode as the ensuing "break."  During the space-hole, superstrings begin to break down their topology, while the pressure of the surrounding field networkings snaps topology back into what is to be a smoothly interconnected homotopy during each instanton.  What I just mentioned is why their is tying and retying of superstrings in so that cohomology may be kinematic and dynamic, while still allowing for the proper homotopy that is smoothly interconned among unfrayed superstrings per each instanton.  The space-hole is also why when a black-hole is functional, only a limited amount of phenomena falls into one a certain bit at a time.  The conditon of maintained homotopy is called Cassimer Invariance.  Cassimer Invariance is the perpetual tendency of substringulal phenomena interchanging eigenstates to maintain homotopy per instanton.  This is also more of a varification as to why there must be duration in-between the activity of each individual multiplicitly delineated instanton.  Phenomena must bear a smooth transition of motion in order for any hermitian Fourier Transformation to happen, and this is a necessity in order for mass to exist.  Remember, general homotopy is maintained per instanton, and, instanton directly ensues each instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Little Explaination of the Smallest Metrics

Ever since there has been discrete reality ever since the Big-Bang happened, everything has had a discrete size. -- Nothing since then has been infinitely small and nothing since then has been infinitely large.
Yet, prior to the Big-Bang, their was the Logos coming in from infinity, and their were infinitely small point particles.
So, although the smallest particles since the Big-Bang happened are not infinitley small, the smallest discrete metrics are infinitessimal, since otherwise, there would be no smooth motion, which, would cause nothing to move hermitianly through the countless Fourier Transformations that exist.  Yet, hermitian motion happens all the time somewhere.                                                                 
There are very many metrics -- countless ones -- that are smaller than the duration of an instanton, yet these do not go evenly in durational span into one discrete unit of radial time nor into one discrete unit of transversal time.  Yet, when you put together all of the tiny metrics that go into making one unit of discrete time, these metrics that are below the durtation of one transversal Planck Instant add up to equal the duration of one instanton -- when one also considers the direction and wave-tug of the tiny metrics that I am discussing here.
Also, if something is both Kaluza-Klein and Yau-Exact in its singularities that are in-between the superstrings that comprise a given phenomenon, then it can not go at light-speed or faster.  Yet, if one converts the light-cone-gauge-topology of a phenomenon that has mass (which has both a Kaluza-Klein topology and Yau-Exact singularities) converts its light-cone-gauge topology into a Yang-Mills topology, then it may be translated at light-speed or faster via a manner that I know yet will not mention.  Sincerley,Sam.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Session 2, 3, and 4 of Course One

What do you think of when you conceptualize a circle? A circle is a curvature that

connects smoothly, and the distance from its center and its exterior is constant. In order

for this shape to be a circle and not a sphere, the shape must be flat. The exterior of the

circular shape is ideally a hoop of infinite thinness. As I have stated before in the last

course, something of infinite thinness has no thickness, and therefore does not exist.

Fact. Circles exist, yet there are never ideal. What is termed as a circle is actually a

hoop or a thin cylinder or an idealized theory that that is used to scientifically predict


Make a “circle” yourself. Draw a line right thru its center from right to left. This line is

the diameter of the circle. Label the top of the circle as one and the bottom of the circle

as negative one. Stuff below the line is negative and stuff above the line is positive.

Have your finger trace the positive arc of the circle from right to left. This arc is a little

over one-and-a-half times the length of the line in regards to the diameter of the circle.

Now, if the line went from bottom to top, the circle would be oriented from 90degrees

from the line taken from before and vice-versa. Imagine spinning the line like the spinor

of some board game. The outer part of where the line swept would define the outer

boundaries of the circle.

Last lesson, we discussed a one-dimensional string as point that get caught-up with

each other due to their point-fill and their forming nearness as it was encoded for by

the prior iterations of those points as these had codifferentiated with other similarly

encoded points. We also mentioned the Fock Space that enabled their waves to have

a counterpart as the points of the strings ebbed in their wave’s oscillations. Point

phenomena races throughout the world-tube. So, it doesn’t just form exact and linear

differential associations at the locus of the one-dimensional strings. Fringes here are

what form on the outside surroundings. Fringe phenomena forms “circles” which two-

dimensional strings. Here, too, the points that encode at a position codifferentially as

half-full while yet its wave residue form a two-dimensional string at that general locus.

The string is encoded at that position due to how its constituent points were differential

upon by semigroups in-between prior iterations, how near the points wee brought to

each other due to exterior forces, and the intimacy of the associated Fock Space with

the forming wave residue that the forming string is acting to expel. What do I mean by

expel? I will discuss that later. Just remember, if a string of info has an even symmetry,

then, it has parity. A string with Real parity is one that bears actual residue. Residue

that is non-functional is always part of this residue. It becomes functional by being used

where it belongs. Imagine. Parity is said to have Cassimer Invariance when the residue

is not emmited at that stringular locus after many reiterations. The fray of its operand is

then renormalized, sending it elsewhere to be used as Real residue.                                  

A Little More About Singularities

The potential Chern-Simmons singularity limits associated with the 191 given mini-loops

are as shown in the prior document where these were listed. So, all 191 Chern-Simmons

singularity limits exist fractorally along a vibratorially perturbated mini-loop right before

the first iteration of the Kaeler-Metric converts the Hamiltonian Momentum of such a

mini-loop into a hermitian mini-loop of discrete, Real Reimmanian metric-gauge that acts

as the physical substance of permittivity.

The hermitian limits of singularity of superstingular mini-loops that have just been

realigned and/or formed are as shown in the prior document where these were listed.

These discrete, topological limits of singularity form a twenty-five dimensional two-sided

Minkowski hermitian surface that bears a mini-string connectability to the twenty-sixth

related Minkowski Dimension by limits of singularity of

10^(-86)meters*((e^(.01)-e^(0))/2i) & 10^(-86)meters*((e^(0)-e(.01))/2i).

This topological set of singularities among those of all mini-loops that are connected into

a substance of permittivity, of which vibrate anharmonically toward the most adjacent

Gliossi-Sherk-Olive norm related states in such a way so as to form a harmonics of the

associated Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts so that the adjacent light-cone-gauge eigenstates

may Diracly eliminate over half of their ghosts when such a hermitian group operation

interacts with the motion of the Rarita Structure.

The numbers subtracted from “infinity” need to be discrete, since the quantum world is

discrete. There are 96 dimensions in space and time, and each dimension has a general

condition of two sides. Electrodynamics is produced multifractorally by the permittivity

of superstrings. Electrodynamics involves a charged flow.

For every singularity that bears infinity, there needs to be a singularity that bears zero.

Electricity goes from negative to positive when in the direction of electron holes.

Mini-Loops indirectly produce electron holes.

All substringular mobiaty is virtual, since reality can not spontaneously undo itself.

Four times 48 is 192, and 192-1 equals 191.

This is why the Chern-Simmons limits of singularity when appertaining to the mini-

loops of superstrings are as these are.                                         

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Solutions To Test One of Course One

1)The six keys to logical organization are: Patterns, Clue Fitting, Familiarity, Role

Playing, Distinguishability, and Boundedness and Sense of Direction.


2)An example of Patterns is knowing that one trillion plus one trillion is two trillion

by knowing that one plus one is two. An example of Clue Fitting is realizing that one

calorie of food alone could not of itself cause a gain of one pound of fat non-water

weight. An example of Familiarity is knowing that day is brighter than night.

An example of Role Playing is understanding how electrons want to work toward their

most relaxed state. An example of Distinguishability is understanding right from wrong.

And an example of Boundedness and Sense of Direction is knowing a city’s limits, and

knowing how to get somewhere in that city.

3) to 6) are Pictorial. See the Related Pictorial Solutions.

7)Change can’t be constantly jointal because some aspects of reality are radially


8)Change can’t be constantly smooth because some aspect of reality are linearly


Extra On Discreteness

A man walks into a room. A second man walks into the room. Finally, a third man

walks into the room. There are three people in the room now. Could half of the people

in the room leave? Obviously not! Could a half person come in or leave the room?

Think about it. Certainly not. People can only come in increments of single people, or

multiples of that. (Two people could enter a room at the same time.) Even if someone

was missing an appendage, a person coming into the room or leaving it is a single person

and not a fraction of one. If a person’s body part came into the room, this would not be a

fraction of a person, since it would not be alive then.

What I just described above is the concept of discreteness. Certain things may only come

in quantities that have a specific number of certain particles. These particles, for the

context, may only come as sets of these entities, and not as fractions of themselves. For

instance, a photon is the smallest increment of light. It has a phase energy of hbar. Any

energy that you see as motion or of the electromagnetic energy is built up of increments

of hbar. ”h” is the actual energy as taken for a whole wavelength of itself, yet one phase

shift of this energy – being one radian – has the most discrete form of it,

being h/2pi = hbar. This is the energy phase difference between a photon traveling an

arc equal to the unit radius. Anything the size of a photon or larger comes in energy

units composed of discrete bundles whose phase size is the size of hbar or an increment

thereof. You can’t have a phase of energy that is 1.2hbar or 2.5hbar. But you could have

a phase of energy of 2hbar or 3hbar.

An electron spins, and it orbits its general neighborhood, and, as you will see, it

has angular momentum. It has a fractional spin-orbital interaction, and its angular

momentum is a whole number (1, for instance). It’s spin-orbital/angular momentum

mode equals its spin-orbital interaction plus its angular momentum. This would be

sometimes 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, for example. This shows a very limited solution variety.

In viewing a string as often smaller than a photon, one must consider a level of discrete

that makes up phenomena used to form the strings themselves. By measuring the

behavior of phenomena as can be extrapolated down to the stringular level, one may

understand spin-orbital and angular momentum modes that can accurately predict the

behavior of multiple sets of strings. Since strings are a membranous form of phenomena

around the Planck length, such behavior should eventually be monitored.

Patterns + Familiarity.

A man walks into a room. A second man walks into the room. Finally, a third man

walks into the room. There are three people in the room now. Could half of the people

in the room leave? Obviously not! Could a half person come in or leave the room?

Think about it. Certainly not. People can only come in increments of single people, or

multiples of that. (Two people could enter a room at the same time.) Even if someone

was missing an appendage, a person coming into the room or leaving it is a single person

and not a fraction of one. If a person’s body part came into the room, this would not be a

fraction of a person, since it would not be alive then.

What I just described above is the concept of discreteness. Certain things may only come

in quantities that have a specific number of certain particles. These particles, for the

context, may only come as sets of these entities, and not as fractions of themselves. For

instance, a photon is the smallest increment of light. It has a phase energy of hbar. Any

energy that you see as motion or of the electromagnetic energy is built up of increments

of hbar. ”h” is the actual energy as taken for a whole wavelength of itself, yet one phase

shift of this energy – being one radian – has the most discrete form of it,

being h/2pi = hbar. This is the energy phase difference between a photon traveling an

arc equal to the unit radius. Anything the size of a photon or larger comes in energy

units composed of discrete bundles whose phase size is the size of hbar or an increment

thereof. You can’t have a phase of energy that is 1.2hbar or 2.5hbar. But you could have

a phase of energy of 2hbar or 3hbar.

An electron spins, and it orbits its general neighborhood, and, as you will see, it

has angular momentum. It has a fractional spin-orbital interaction, and its angular

momentum is a whole number (1, for instance). It’s spin-orbital/angular momentum

mode equals its spin-orbital interaction plus its angular momentum. This would be

sometimes 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, for example. This shows a very limited solution variety.

In viewing a string as often smaller than a photon, one must consider a level of discrete

that makes up phenomena used to form the strings themselves. By measuring the

behavior of phenomena as can be extrapolated down to the stringular level, one may

understand spin-orbital and angular momentum modes that can accurately predict the

behavior of multiple sets of strings. Since strings are a membranous form of phenomena

around the Planck length, such behavior should eventually be monitored.

Patterns + Familiarity.

A man walks into a room. A second man walks into the room. Finally, a third man

walks into the room. There are three people in the room now. Could half of the people

in the room leave? Obviously not! Could a half person come in or leave the room?

Think about it. Certainly not. People can only come in increments of single people, or

multiples of that. (Two people could enter a room at the same time.) Even if someone

was missing an appendage, a person coming into the room or leaving it is a single person

and not a fraction of one. If a person’s body part came into the room, this would not be a

fraction of a person, since it would not be alive then.

What I just described above is the concept of discreteness. Certain things may only come

in quantities that have a specific number of certain particles. These particles, for the

context, may only come as sets of these entities, and not as fractions of themselves. For

instance, a photon is the smallest increment of light. It has a phase energy of hbar. Any

energy that you see as motion or of the electromagnetic energy is built up of increments

of hbar. ”h” is the actual energy as taken for a whole wavelength of itself, yet one phase

shift of this energy – being one radian – has the most discrete form of it,

being h/2pi = hbar. This is the energy phase difference between a photon traveling an

arc equal to the unit radius. Anything the size of a photon or larger comes in energy

units composed of discrete bundles whose phase size is the size of hbar or an increment

thereof. You can’t have a phase of energy that is 1.2hbar or 2.5hbar. But you could have

a phase of energy of 2hbar or 3hbar.

An electron spins, and it orbits its general neighborhood, and, as you will see, it

has angular momentum. It has a fractional spin-orbital interaction, and its angular

momentum is a whole number (1, for instance). It’s spin-orbital/angular momentum

mode equals its spin-orbital interaction plus its angular momentum. This would be

sometimes 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, for example. This shows a very limited solution variety.

In viewing a string as often smaller than a photon, one must consider a level of discrete

that makes up phenomena used to form the strings themselves. By measuring the

behavior of phenomena as can be extrapolated down to the stringular level, one may

understand spin-orbital and angular momentum modes that can accurately predict the

behavior of multiple sets of strings. Since strings are a membranous form of phenomena

around the Planck length, such behavior should eventually be monitored.

Patterns + Familiarity.                                                                                                         

Extra On The Higgs Action

When a Higgs Action reverses in relative directoralization, the “vacuumed pouch”

that is Dirac relative to the Higgs Action hermitianly changes in its second derivative. It

will reverse the concavity of the mini-loop hermitian singularities that exist as the gauge-

action field sub-quantum that exist between a superstring and its associated light-cone-

gauge eigenstate. Look. As Kaeler metric happens, gauge bosons pluck the assocaitaed

second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as is always the case during BRST. The

scattering of the norm-conditions in the Klein Bottle, also seeing that a superstring in the

substringular (fully contracted here) has a length (1-D) or circumference (2-D) of 10^

(-43) meters, inverts the vibratory holomorphicity of the associated Schwinger Index

away from the Rarita Structure. Such an inverted vibration increases the impedance of

a Fadeev-Popov-Trace while it allows for the increase in permittivity of the associated

superstring. Again, gauge-bosons have twice the circumference of a two-dimensional

regular superstring. Each Kaeler metric in a superconformal Fourier Klein Bottle

transformation during a Gaussian Transformation equally increases the metric-gauge

potential of the superstrings, while increasing the metric-impedance potential of the

superstrings’ associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace or Planck phenomenon related phenomena.                   

Session 5 of Course One

What kind of planar curvature is equally distant from its center at all times? A circle. If

the top of a circle were anywhere where you arbitrarily determine it to be at, where

would the circle be maximized at? At that top. A maximum position indicates the

location of its highest value, and the top of something is higher than its bottom. This

depends on whatever you arbitrarily called the “top.” This generalization depends on if

the “top” were the highest point of the circle, and if, depending on your context the

maximization of the circle’s structure were to also be at one with whatever you may also

arbitrarily call the maximization of the circle. For instance, not as a trick question, the

maximum position on the earth would more likely be the magnetic north pole than the

magnetic south pole. In trigonometry, the sine function is maximized at pi over two.

This is at ninety degrees, and is at the top of the circle. If you looked at the circle upside

down, the top of the circle (actually, the bottom) would appear to be 3pi/2. Here is where

the sine function is minimized. If you choose an orientation that is fixed, and pi over two

is at a location mathematically at least, then, by this orientation, that position is always

the top of the circle. Here, we are talking about a unit circle, so when the sine function is

maximized, it equals one. And when it is minimized, it equals negative one. How does

one come up with what the sine and cosine functions are? In a unit circle, what’s the

closest distance from the x-axis to the top of the circle? One. Likewise, what’s the

closest distance from the y-axis to the right side of the circle? One. What’s the closest

distance from the x-axis to the right side of the circle? Zero. What’s the closest distance

from the y-axis to the top of the circle? Zero. Likewise, the sine function is maximized

at the top of the circle (pi/2), and the cosine function is maximized at the right side of the

circle (zero pi). The sine function is zero at 0pi, and the cosine function is zero at pi/2.

What does this indicate? It shows that the sine function is more of an indicator of how

things change in nature. For instance, a toy rocket starts from “scratch”, not accelerating

or decelerating. You shoot it out. It goes from zero to an accelerated speed. Soon, the

rocket slows, rapidly decelerating. (So, once the rocket’s thrust is ended, it is decelerated

by earth’s gravitational force by the same acceleration as when it will fall.) Once the toy

rocket begins to fall, it will accelerate toward the earth until it hits the ground and

crashes. The cosine indicates initial maximization. This is less common, although,

depending on your phase, this may happen more often. You see, as shown above, sine

and cosine are just 90 degrees from being the same thing. So, whether something may be

described by a sine or cosine function depends in part by the phase orientation needed,

proscribed, and/or wanted.                                                                                                              

Solutions To Course One Quiz

The point particle above a plane of scattered points is globally norm.

The rectangle with point particles along its topological boundary is globally ground.

The globally norm array implies point commutation.

The array of a globally ground state implies superstrings.                                                                                                

These different arrays types may interchange. This is because smooth curved topological

settings must recycle eventually, via an indistinguishably changed manner, into jointal

topological settings so that spin-orbital momentum may interchange with angular
