Monday, February 23, 2015

Part Two to an Aside to Differential Operators

In a given arbitrary scenario that I am describing here, a generally set number of first-ordered point particles, that are directly corresponding to certain given superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, come together at the center state of each respective given arbitrary tori-sector-region -- during the general activity that is directly associated with the Bases of Light, that I have mentioned in my blog before.  (This is right before the general metric of the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, during the generally unnoticed portion of the duration of Ultimon Flow.)  These points then get "picked-up" by what may here be termed of as constituent-force-sectors, or, mini-stringular segmentation -- that tend to be in the "line of fire" of the so-stated center-of-state first-ordered point particles, these point particles of which here are directly associated with superstrings that will soon iterate again at the ensuing generally noticed portion of Ultimon Flow -- this generally noticed duration, being the iteration of group instanton.  Once the duration that I term of as the Bases of Light happens (during the "space-hole")  --  in so as to allow for the re-grouping of both the multiplicit array of Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates and the multiplicit array of superstringular phenomenology of discrete energy permittivity to happen, and, in so as to allow for those minor alterations of homotopy to be redelineated, so that the processes of Gaussian Transformations are to be able to happen spontaneously -- the instanton-quaterionin-field-impulse-mode happens, in order for the respective organizations and delineations of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, along with their correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, to be able to go to the multiplicit loci where these are to iterate -- at their ensuing positionings of group instantons, so that the generally noticeable portion of instanton may be able to occur.  This is also so that the next frame of space-time-fabric may be able to be re-attained.  As well, every time that the multiplicit array of superstrings are reiterated, in the course of the constantly remolding of the superstringular conditions that must happen during each succeeding series of the increments of BRST, the relative velocity of each superstring will tend to alter in its mode, with respect to both the existence and the motion of electromagnetic energy.  As any given arbitrary superstring of mass is altered in its relationship to the velocity of electromagnetic energy, this will alter its affiliation with the local Lorentz-Four-Contractions, that are locally primed in this respective given arbitrary scenario.  As the Lorentz-Four-Contractions that are here directly appertaining to one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity are altered locally, both the degree of the contraction of the said given superstring is changed, and thus, the number of what I term of as partitions -- that are primal to the said superstring --is altered here, as well.  I apologize that I may have been a little unclear as to the relationship of this specific factor before, yet, the idea is a little bit clearer to me now.  Let us say that the bosonic superstring of mass of this case is Lorentz-Four-Contracted by a factor of 3*10^8.  It will then have both one "width-wise" partition and one "thickness-wise" partition, that is directly associated with this.  Now, let us say, instead, that the bosonic superstring of mass of this case that is Lorentz-Four-Contracted is terrestrial-wise stationary, to where the local Contraction is trivially one.  It will then have both 3*10^8 "width-wise" partitions and 3*10^8 "thickness-wise" partitions, that are directly associated with this.  In both cases, though, the conformal dimension of the said given respective superstring of this case will be two, because, both 1+2^(1/10^43) is basically two and 1+2^((3*10^8)/10^43) is basically two -- any number to the zero power is one, and, both 2^(1/10^43) and 2^((3*10^8)/10^43) are basically each respectively to the zero power, or, another words, one. The tricky part is, that what we perceive of as a Lorentz-Four-Contraction is actually the result of the inverse of the activity of the Polyakov Action eigenmetric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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