Monday, February 9, 2015

Approaching Hyperbollic-Based Cohomological Indices

Let us here consider a situation in which one had two individually taken respective trivially isomorphic hyperbollic propagating cohomological indices, that are initially approaching each other -- in a tangential-based manner -- with the differentially geometric Ward-Neumman bearings of a conicentral-based coniaxion, that is to here be a Laplacian-based codeterminable axial-based centrally divisible region, in which one is to here consider the here so-eluded-to covariant codifferentiable Fourier-based ensuing collision of the two just mentioned propagating cohomological indices of this respective given arbitrary case scenario.  There is one superstring of discrete energy permittivity that is basically assymptotic to a superconformally invariant Majorana-Weyl-based coniaxion, except, at a relatively far-off distance from the said superstring's initial approach, the ghost-based cohomological pattern of the physical memory of the said superstring is to reach the said coniaxion, and this so-eluded-to superstring is to then continue, in a relatively straight and thus supplemental manner -- along the virtually Wilson-based linearity of the just-eluded-to unitary-based Lagrangian path, that acts as the Hamiltonian operand of the activity of the said initial superstring of this case.  At the opposite side of the coniaxial-based assymptote of this case, there will, as well, be a trivially isomorphic-based superstring, that is to also approach the said coniaxion in a tangential mannner as well -- in so as to reach the relatively tangential Lagrangian-based relatively very linear Hamiltonian operand, as to the functionablity of the operation of this second mentioned superstring, as well, at a relatively far-off distance from the initial cite of the propagation of the second said propagating superstring.  This would thereby make the two so-stated hyperbollic paths of the two said relatively assymptotic cohomological indices, that bear the said approach of the two said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- act as the two so-stated trivially ismometric cohological-based Hamiltonian operators -- that reach the so-eluded-to central coniaxion, in such a manner in so that these two theoretically formed unitary operating Lagrangian-based Hamiltonian operators will here work to form a dual unitary Hamiltonian operator-based cohomological index -- when one is to here consider the condition that the overall substringular-based momenta of the eluded-to dual state is to here maintain a pretty even keel at the supplemental-based linearity, that one may construe as the discrete path, that only tends to here diverge to the manner of the here natural curvature of the conformally invariant re-delineatory local considerations of the pertinent space-time-fabric that this so-stated dual state moves through, in a granular-based manner.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam.

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