Thursday, February 5, 2015

As to the Hamiltonian Operation of Certain Hausendorf Norm-Projections

Let us say that one were to initially have a certain genus of a Hausendorf Projection.  This given arbitrary example of such a projection that I am starting to describe here is a holonomic substrate that is comprised of composite of phenomena that is made of a first-ordered point particle, that is linked -- by the interconnection of mini-stringular segmentation -- to an integrated set of first-ordered point particles that work to comprise a half-shell-like phenomenology, that bears its concavity in such a manner in so that the curvature of the half-shell-like holonomic substrate is curved away from the here existent presence of the initially mentioned first-ordered point particle -- that is subtended in the opposite end of the Laplacian-based Majorana-Weyl-Invariant end of the so-stated Hausendorf norm-projection.  If the said Hausendorf Projection is said here to be moving in what may be thought of as the relative forward-holomorphic direction, then, the so-stated half-shell-like partial anti-derivation -- that has here been stated as being part of the overall phenomenology of what would here work to comprise the said Hausendorf Projetion -- will be kinematically stationed at the relatively holomorphic end of the kinematic activity of the Fourier-based translation  of the said genus of norm-based projection, and, the said first-ordered point particle that is here considered to be directly interconnected to the said half-shell-like phenomenology, will be kinematically stationed at the relatively antiholomorphic end of the kinematic activity of the so-stated Fourier-based translation of the said genus of norm-based projection, of this respective given arbitrary case scenario.  If the ordering of the so-eluded-to directoral-based Hamiltonian delineation of the said Hausendorf Projection were to be reversed in the manner of its holomorphic indices, then, the so-stated genus of a Hausendorf Projection would spontaneously lose its innate fractal modulus, and would thereby collapse from its bearings of its here so-eluded-to kinematic-based Majorana-Weyl format of homotopic abelian-based Ward-Neumman physical extension.  Yet, if the holomorphic indices that are here to be of the initially so-stated format of directoral-based kinematic differential orientation, then, the said Hausendorf Projection will work to remain as to having a spontaneous and relatively strong abelian-based homotopic index.  This just discussed  condition of such a Hausendorf Projection -- as having a strong genus of such a homotopic index, will then work to fascillitate the tendency of such a norm-projection to bear a relatively higher potential of being able to work toward interacting with either a superstring and/or a cohomological-based set of Hodge-Indices in a Gliossi-based manner, over a discrete group eigenmetric.  I will continue with the suspense later!

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