Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Warped Noether-Based Condition Of Superstring

 The following is a supposition, that I have just thought of, in this "light":

First of all, let's begin by working to define the general idea -- as to the "relative holomorphic direction."

The relative holomorphic direction, is generally conceived of, as being the superstring-related direction, that is here to be, towards the relative "left," or, in other words, in the relative "i" direction -- in the relative ((-1)^(.5)) direction.

Now; imagine that the holomorphic direction, From the Laplacian condition of a superstring that is at a theoretical rest position -- which was Initially to be to the relative "left," -- to Now be taken, as the innate directional inclination, of a given arbitrary respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity. 

It follows, then; that the relative "reverse-holomorphic" direction of such a said string -- is thereby, to be to the relative "right," or, in other words, in the relative Opposite direction, of the innate directional inclination, of a given arbitrary respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity. 

Let's next consider, the relative holomorphic positioning, and the respective relative reverse-holomorphic positioning, of such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity. That topological side of the said string, that is At its respective direction of innate directional inclination, is here to be On its relative holomorphic side. It follows, then; that the topological side of the said string, that is At the respective "back-side" From its direction of innate directional inclination, is thereby to be On its reverse-holomorphic side.

Furthermore and thereby: 

I Stipulate; that if and when the actual topology, that is of any one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to get anywhere Within a region of a scalar magnitude of (e^2), Times the flush-wise thickness of the actual topology of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- From the immediately external Super-Conformally-Invariant-Based back-side (at an internal reference-frame) of the inferred superstring, that is here to be in the process of being approached, via a tense of "Wilson Linearity," that such an inferred general kinematic superstring-related kinematic action, will often tend to heuristically Warp the directly pertinent Noether-Based condition, of the respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be doing the approaching. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach. (1989).

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