Tuesday, May 18, 2021

p-Adic/Etale Cohomology

 Individually taken Noether-Based discrete quanta of energy, that are of the same universal setting, that are immediately adjacent in a Laplacian-Based manner, are to tend to have a prevalent orthogonal covariant wobble (+ - (~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees)), in relation to one another. Noether-Based mass-bearing discrete quanta of energy, tend to be displayed in metaphorical "teams," that I have often termed of, as being "orbifold eigensets." When adjutant "teams" of discrete energy quanta of the same universe, that are here to be brought into a "sheave-like" cohomology-related tense of "braiding," are to be considered as being nestled amongst each other; since the individually taken discrete energy quanta of each "mer" of this inferred sheaved cohomology, that are to be of the earlier inferred condition of being eminent in adjaency towards one another, are to tend to have a prevalent orhogonal covariant wobble 

(+ - (~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees)), in relation to one another, this will tend to work towards an inversely sheaved cohomology-related "braiding," since this tense of an orthogonal Laplacian-Based condition, is heuristically NOT flush. This is part of the reason, as to why the just mentioned type of a GENUS of cohomology-related "braiding," tends to be of an p-Adic cohomology, and NOT of an Etale cohomology-related nature; Whereas, -- when one is here to be considering a relatively flush sheaving, at such a substring-related level, -- to where the "immediately" adjacent composite discrete energy quanta, do Not work to bear a prevalent orthogonal covariant wobble

 (+ - (~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees)), to where thereby, each of the individually taken "mers" of such a sheave, are to exhibit the behavior, of acting as a cohesive set of  eigenstates,  -- -- in which each of these different and distinct mers, that are of the said sheave, are to each be of a different universal setting -- (to where, one is here to tend to have a covariant set of individually taken "mers" of such a sheaving, that are exhibited as such -- to where the sheaving is more susceptible to being of a "flush" nature, will have a significantly greater probability of working to bear a heuristic manner of sheaving), -- to where this latter case, will thereby consequently tend to be of an Etale cohomology, instead. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

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