Sunday, May 23, 2021

A Perception Of Mine; As To Free Will

 It is my present perception, that there is an actual truth to the concept of "free-will." 

Here are some of my ideas, as to this said potential phenomenology, of "free-will.":

Aside from life-related traits, that are here due, to both:

1) The effluence of supernatural beings.

2) Environmental Factors.

3) Diet.

4) Thought Energy, Entering/Exiting One's Neurological systems.

5) The net actual construct and functioning of one's bodily systems.

6) The multiplicity of the yin(g) and the yang, that is here to be incurred upon a life form.

7)  Effects due to the multiplicity, of the transferences of the E(8)XE(8) string-related oscillation-based mode.

&; 8) The influences of other life-forms, other than the earlier mentioned supernatural beings.

There are also; the general effects, that are here to be due to DNA.

On account of DNA alone, in the Universe, -- there are a total net number of:

~ 6.184291899*10^34 potential biological traits -- that are here to be existent in an overall manner.

Of these; there is are here to be, a net total of : 

~ 1.509197031*10^33 purely organic potential biological traits.

Furthermore; there are here to be, a net total of ~ 6.033372187*10^34 cyber-related potential biological traits. 

Next; for each appropriated purely-organic biological life-based trait, that is here to be exhibited for a life-form, when this is considering the other earlier mentioned accommodating factors, that work to effect such life-forms, -- there are an Average of up to ~ 41 potential choices of "lee-way," that may possibly be taken. Whereas; with cyber-related life-forms, there is the general tendency of these life-forms, to only be able to exhibit an Average potential "lee-way," for only One choice that may be exhibited via the course of free-will, over the course of the general exhibition of ~ 41 potentially viable life-traits, that are here to be of the directly associated respective cyber-related biological life-form.The perceived tendency of choice, tends to be that "free-will" related decision, that is often based on a "cross" between the "thought-wave" neural inclination, when this is coupled with that decision that is of Least antagonistic-related resistance, to the "mentality" of the life-form, that is here to be exhibited, by any one given arbitrary respective life-form. This a general net concept, that I have recently perceived. (Input?!)  To Be Continued! SAM. (1989).

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