Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Refinement Of My String Theory Model -- Superstring/Counter String

 As To Which Phenomenology Is The "Superstring," And Which Phenomenology Is The "Counter String," Tends To Depend Upon Which Type Of A Light-Cone-Gauge Topology One Is Dealing With!

Although; With The Phenomenology Of A Non-Abelian light-cone-gauge topology, the Counter String is to the relative Forward-Holomorphic side of its directly corresponding Superstring of discrete energy permittivity, (When one is here to be considering, the general relatively "linear" Laplacian-Based flow, of a directly correlative discrete quantum of energy, to be "holomorphic" in trace, from the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, to the herein mentioned "Counter String."),

(Hint: Light is of a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology, and, Photons Very Rarely Strike Each Other Head On.)

Yet; With The Phenomenology Of An Abelian light-cone-gauge topology, the Superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to the relative Forward-Holomorphic side of its directly corresponding Counter String. (When one is here to be considering, the general relatively "linear" Laplacian-Based flow, of a directly correlative discrete quantum of energy, to be "holomorphic" in trace, from the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, to the herein mentioned "String.").

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