Tuesday, May 18, 2021

An Interesting Genus Of A p-Adic Cohomology

 When the multiplicity of that general type of phenomenology, that is to be appertaining to the multiplicity of that general directly corresponding superstring-related structural topological manifold, that is here to be comprised of, by different distinct given arbitrary Etale-related cohomology-based sheaves, to where the physical eigenbase of each of such mentioned "sheaves," is here to be of the individually taken cohomology-related topological structures, that are here to be comprised of, by the external shell-related topological manifolds, to where an individual "mer," of each of such just mentioned shell-like "sheaves," is to work to represent the cohomology, of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, In One Particular Universal Setting, -- to where the overall net sheaving, that is here to be appertaining to a set of such entwined "mer's," is here to work to act as a Ward-Cauchy-Based representation, of an entwined inter-mingling, of small increments of different universal settings, that are here to be spatially delineated in such a general manner, to where their covariant, co-differentiable, and co-determinable effect, will thereby tend to not incur much of a viable effect upon each other. It is then to consequentially follow, -- that when a p-Adic cohomology-related kinematically delineated "gauged-action," is to be physically applied to such a Very Unique genus of an Etale cohomology-related sheaving, this may often tend to possibly work, to form such a general manner of an inverse-sheaving, to where these initially considered tenses of quantum states, that were here to have originally not worked to bear any considerabley viable Yukawa-based effect upon one another, may then potentially act, as to "now" be of the same universal setting, -- to where such sheave-like increments, may then potentially ensue, in so as to result in finally work at having a viable effect upon one another. SAM.

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