Saturday, May 15, 2021


 When one is to be referring to the phenomenology, of a given arbitrary tense of a "gauged-action," one is here to tend to be referring to individually taken interactions, that are of the multiplicity of discrete energy quanta, to where one generally tends to be referring to a set direct interaction, as taken at a covariant proximal locus -- that is here to not overtly involve an eminent spatial transference, in the general process. (This is on account of the general inferred condition, that since such an action is here to be "gauged," that such an inferred genus of "action," is consequently to tend to not work to bear an overtly kinematically translational motion through space, -- in the process of it being "gauged.") Yet; when one is to delve into the arena of interactions that are smaller than both discrete energy and discrete time, to where the general phenomenology of the multiplicity of such an inferred general tense of sub-energy interactions, are here to involve both Zero-Point-Energy & its directly corresponding durations -- there is here to be the consequential resultant "activity," of the general tense, of a panoply of spatial transferences, that are thereby to be "kinematically" engaged here. For instance; some may try to argue that the smallest stuff is Discrete Energy, and that the smallest duration is the Planck Instant. Yet; I beg to differ on that. Zero-Point-Energy is not simply a relationship between the Planck Energy and the Planck-Bar Energy, -- it amounts to the multiplicity of that "mini-string"-related segmentation, that is here to bear the metaphorical "responsibility," of working to form the inter-connective fields amongst strings, that are here to tend to be as such, in order for discrete energy to have any viable association with any other strings. For example; if discrete energy was the smallest thing, to where it only relied upon the metaphorical "ether" of pressurized vacuum to "orchestrate" the fields of such strings, there would consequently be no spontaneous organization of string-related orientation, and thereby, discrete energy would consequently have no viable association. It is what I term of, in my particular model of string theory, as being the essence of "mini-stringular segmentation" (mini-string-related segmentation), that works to demonstrably act, in so as to form some sort of viable "orchestration" of the direction of such so-eluded-to "fields." Those Correlative Respective "Durations," that are here to directly appertain to the occurrences of motion-related "activities," that are here to work to involve the kinematic spatial propagation of increments of  "Zero-Point-Energy" -- the durations of which, do not go an integer amount into discrete time, that are one way of perceiving of a tense of gauged-actions/gauged-metrics. Here; it is generally considered, that one is to consider a "gauged-action" or a "gauged-metric," as a generally non-kinematic tension-related interplay of interacting phenomenology, that are here to tend to work to bear some sort of a proximal local contact, that is to tend to not overtly be in the process of being moved or "tugged-around." Yet; when one is here to be talking about motion and duration that is smaller than discrete energy and discrete time, (as appertaining to the multiplicity of the kinematic spatial translation of Zero-Point-Energy-related phenomenology (Mini-String-Related Phenomenology)), such a tense of a set interaction, that at an energy-related level is here to not be overtly kinematic in theory, will often tend to bear at least some sort of motion-related duration -- when this is here to be considering phenomenology, at a level that is smaller than what is generally conceived of, as being related to discrete energy phenomena. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH. (1989).

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