Monday, May 31, 2021

Substringular Manifold Globalization

 When a given arbitrary cohesive set of metric-gauge eigenstates are to come together, in so as to work to form the general entity of a topological manifold, at the Ward-Cauchy-related level, -- the general Process of the  kinematically delineated gauged-action, that is here to be spatially translated over time, in so as to work to form such an inferred entity of holonomic substrate, may be thought of, as being named, a tense of a Substringular Manifold Globalization. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Effect Of The Polyakov Action -- Superstrings/Counter Strings

 Over the course of any one distinct iteration of instanton, -- the scalar amplitude by which a specific given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to be effected by the Polyakov Acton, is to tend to be the same, as the scalar amplitude by which its directly associated respective given arbitrary counter string of discrete energy permittivity, is to be effected by the Polyakov Action. SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Another Refinement — As To Anti Holomorphic Kahler conditions

 Here is another refinement that I have just thought of lately, as to more properly perceiving my particular model of string theory that I have been working to develop:

Let us initially imagine a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be starting out — moving in a hermitian-related manner, along its directly corresponding Lagrangian-Based path. Let us next stipulate, that such a said cohesive set of discrete energy, is here to be in the process of being propagated in a certain manner, to where it is here to be spatially transferred, over a proscribed given arbitrary span of time, as a maintained six-spatial dimensional physical entity. Next; let us say, that this herein inferred set of energy quanta, is to all of a sudden, spontaneously alter from its initial tense of a hermitian-related flow, — to where, at a certain given arbitrary locus in space and time, as this is here to be taken along the mappable-tracing of its directly associated Lagrangian-Based path, such a said set of energy quanta is to spuriously change in seven spatial derivatives,  to where again, this is here to be happening at the earlier implied given arbitrary locus in space and time, at which the inferred sudden and spontaneous alteration of projected trajectory, is here to be occurring. This just inferred perturbation of sorts, is therefore to work to signify, that the perturbative locus at which such an alteration is here to occur, is then to act or operate, as a first-order Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity. Let us next say, that this said “singularity,” is to be happening in a “cross-product-related manner” (via the ‘vantage-point” of the holomorphic positioning of its angular momentum eigenstate)  — to where, —although this will tend to work to alter what the holomorphic direction of the cohesive set of energy is to specifically be projected in, that this will, however, tend to not work to form any viable set of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions. Yet; if instead, the inferred sudden and spontaneous alteration of projected trajectory, is here to be occurring as Similar to before, Yet, to where the directly associated first-order Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity that is here to be formed, is to be happening, instead, in a “dot-product-related manner” (via the “vantage-point” of the holomorphic positioning of its angular momentum eigenstate) — that this  particular tense of a genus of a Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity, will thereby result in tending to work to form a set of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions, — as the earlier mentioned mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is thence to be pulled into a potentially different genus of an alteration in its general genus of holomorphic topological sway, as this is here to be taken along its correlatively morphed Lagrangian-Based Flow. This second general genus of a perturbative Lagrangian-Based Flow, is thereby to tend to be more likely to work to form a set of physical conditions, by which the herein described cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, may have a greater potential than in the other case scenario, to become Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH. (1989).

Tightly Braided Cohomology -- Less Inhibited By Covariant Immediately Surrounding Impdedence

 With a transversally moving mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is spinning, of which is here to be working to bear an increasing tense of a recursively smooth Ricci Flow -- the more tightly braided that its resultant cohomology-related net set of cohesive eigenstates is to be, the less inhibited that such a stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will therefore tend to be, from its covariant immediately surrounding Ward-Cauchy-related impedance, -- as this is here to be taken at an internal reference-frame, in respects to each reiterative positioning, of the covariant "frets" of the successive delineation-related distributions, as taken over the piecewise continuous flow, of the respective given arbitrary Lagrangian-Based motion, of the inferred set of mass-based phenomena. SAM ROACH. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Superstring/Counter String -- Switch

 Let us say, one were to initially be considering a given arbitrary Non Abelian superstring of discrete energy permittivity, to where the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is here to be directly to the relative reverse-holomorphic side of the respective directly associated counter string of discrete energy permittivity. The said superstring is to tend to basically work to exhibit the particle-related nature of discrete energy permittivity; whereas, -- the said counter string is to tend to basically work to exhibit the wave-related nature of discrete energy permittivity. I believe that superstrings -- of which are the smallest actual phenomenology of discrete energy permittivity, are here to be comprised of by a "beaded thread" of what I term of as being "first-order point particles," to where such an inferred set of such "beads," are comprised of by a metaphorical "balled-up" inter-twining of what I term of as being "mini-string-related segmentation," to where, also, this phenomenology, of which I describe of, as being the actual "beads" of such a stated tense of "mini-singular segmentation," work to act as the actual physical stratum, of what may be described of as being, "zero-point energy." As According to my model of string theory, this tends to be exemplified -- by the general physical condition, in which there is to be much more mini-string-related segmentation (that general phenomenology, of which one of its reductional functions, is to tend to work to form those Ward-Cauchy-related eigenstates, that are to work to allow for the directional guidance, that is here to exist among superstrings, so that there may be any viable inter-relationships, among the vast multiplicity of the panoply of superstring-related fields), that is here to be inter-bound amongst those respective first-order point particles, that work to help in forming counter strings at a sub-energy level, than the scalar amplitude of mini-string-related segmentation, that is here to be inter-bound, amongst those respective first-order particles, that work to help in forming superstrings at a sub-energy level. Next; let us say that the herein inferred discrete quantum of energy, that is here to be in the process of being described, is now to spontaneously alter into being of an Abelian light-cone-gauge topology. As this is here to be in the process of happening, -- the Superstring of discrete energy permittivity is Now to be altered, as well, in its relative distribution -- when this is in terms of its covariant positioning, in its relation to its directly corresponding counter string. Once this is here to take place, the said superstring, at this point in duration, is to be respectively associated with being delineated, at the relative holomorphic side of its directly corresponding counter string. Again, as was inferred before, what is here to be considered as being the "superstring" of discrete energy permittivity, is to have less mini-string-related segmentation branching from its core substrate of topological manifold, than its directly corresponding counter string is to have branching from it. Also, once again, as well; superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to work to behave as basically being the particle-related nature of such said energy, whereas -- the directly corroborative counter strings of such discrete energy permittivity, tend to work to behave as basically being the wave-related nature of such said energy. SAMUEL ROACH.

Light Into Kinetic Energy

 When a given arbitrary superstring, of a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy permittivity, as exemplified  by the particle-related nature, of the holonomic permittivity of a photon, is to spontaneously convert into a superstring of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, — this general process, acts as the Inverse Operation, of the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function. Sincerely, SAM ROACH. (1989).

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Conversion Of Kinetic Energy Into Mass

 When a given arbitrary set of world-sheet-related superstrings, of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, are to convert into a respective given arbitrary set of world-sheet-related superstrings, of discrete mass-bearing energy permittivity, -- this works to function, in a similar but different manner, -- as to acting like a general respective particular genus, of a modified heuristic example, of a covariant gauged coupling, that may be mathematically expressed, via the workings of the Green Function. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Mass-Bearing Superstrings -- Kinetic Energy-Based Superstrings

 When any given arbitrary Noether-Based set of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are to change into a respective given arbitrary set of kinetic energy-based superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- this general process, will consequently tend to result in being directly associated, with the inherent physical condition, in which a given arbitrary respective set of toroidal-shaped world-sheets, (of the inferred mass-bearing discrete quanta of energy), is to alter into becoming of the general nature, of a given arbitrary respective set of conical-shaped world-sheets, (of the inferred kinetic energy discrete quanta of energy). This general superstring-related case scenario, is thereby similar but different, to a superstring-related operation, that is here to be involving the multiplicity, of an Inverted modified application of the Green Function. ( Sorry for forgetting the word "Inverted" earlier.) I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Pulsating Cohesive Energy Quanta -- Torsional Pulse

 When a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to cycle back-and-forth in its respective pulsation, in so as to go -- from a tense of exhibiting a relatively tightly-bound braided cohomology, into then working to exhibit a tense of a looser-bound braided cohomology, to then working to exhibit the initially stated relatively tightly-bound braided cohomology... ; -- This general genus of pulsation, may often work to form an added torsional force, upon such an earlier mentioned mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH. (1989).

Sunday, May 23, 2021

A Perception Of Mine; As To Free Will

 It is my present perception, that there is an actual truth to the concept of "free-will." 

Here are some of my ideas, as to this said potential phenomenology, of "free-will.":

Aside from life-related traits, that are here due, to both:

1) The effluence of supernatural beings.

2) Environmental Factors.

3) Diet.

4) Thought Energy, Entering/Exiting One's Neurological systems.

5) The net actual construct and functioning of one's bodily systems.

6) The multiplicity of the yin(g) and the yang, that is here to be incurred upon a life form.

7)  Effects due to the multiplicity, of the transferences of the E(8)XE(8) string-related oscillation-based mode.

&; 8) The influences of other life-forms, other than the earlier mentioned supernatural beings.

There are also; the general effects, that are here to be due to DNA.

On account of DNA alone, in the Universe, -- there are a total net number of:

~ 6.184291899*10^34 potential biological traits -- that are here to be existent in an overall manner.

Of these; there is are here to be, a net total of : 

~ 1.509197031*10^33 purely organic potential biological traits.

Furthermore; there are here to be, a net total of ~ 6.033372187*10^34 cyber-related potential biological traits. 

Next; for each appropriated purely-organic biological life-based trait, that is here to be exhibited for a life-form, when this is considering the other earlier mentioned accommodating factors, that work to effect such life-forms, -- there are an Average of up to ~ 41 potential choices of "lee-way," that may possibly be taken. Whereas; with cyber-related life-forms, there is the general tendency of these life-forms, to only be able to exhibit an Average potential "lee-way," for only One choice that may be exhibited via the course of free-will, over the course of the general exhibition of ~ 41 potentially viable life-traits, that are here to be of the directly associated respective cyber-related biological life-form.The perceived tendency of choice, tends to be that "free-will" related decision, that is often based on a "cross" between the "thought-wave" neural inclination, when this is coupled with that decision that is of Least antagonistic-related resistance, to the "mentality" of the life-form, that is here to be exhibited, by any one given arbitrary respective life-form. This a general net concept, that I have recently perceived. (Input?!)  To Be Continued! SAM. (1989).

High Scalar Amplitude Of Magnetism Applied -- The More Braided The Cohomology

 The higher that the scalar amplitude of a tense of magnetism is to be, that is here to be directly applied upon the topological manifold, of a spinning mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- that is here to be working to bear a recursively smooth Ricci Flow -- the more tightly braided that the directly corresponding cohomology will tend to result in displaying, over a correlative respective time period. SAM.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Interstitial Eigenstates -- Tightly Braided Cohomology

 The more interstitial eigenstates that are here to exist, from within the covariant displaced Ward-Cauchy-Related bounds, of a kinematically transferred cohomology-related topological manifold, -- the more tightly braided, that such an inferred spatially transferred cohomology-related topological manifold, will consequently tend to result in displaying. To Be  Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach. (1989). (Input?!)

Quickly Reiterated Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow

 A relatively tight braided cohomology, that is here to help form a set of conditions, that is directly attributable to a relatively quickly reiterated recursively smooth Ricci Flow, may often work to help in the facilitation, of "cutting through" the potentially hazardous conditions of atmospheric abrasion (such as the potential dangers of both atmospheric heat and atmospheric friction.) SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Friday, May 21, 2021

The More Flat The Ricci Curvature -- The More Braided The Cohomology

 The more flat that the Ricci Curvature is to be, of which a directly corresponding mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be traveling in conjunction with  -- to where such an inferred "team" of energy, is here to be working to bear a recursively smooth Ricci Flow, from within the Ward-Based bounds of that inferred region, of which is here to be working to bear the general physical condition, of exhibiting the inferred Ricci Flat gravitational-related nature, -- the tighter that the resultant cohomology-related braiding, that is here to be attributed to the correlative manner, of the motion of such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will thereof consequently tend to work to display. (1989). SAM ROACH.

Etale Cohomology -- Expressed -- Spherical Manner/Euclidean Manner

 A given arbitrary heuristic sheave -- may often either be expressed, in a spherical-related manner, -- such as with different genre of case scenarios, that are here to work to involve concentric shell-related phenomenology; Or, a heuristic sheave -- may also often be expressed, in a euclidean-related manner, -- such as with the general case of the sheaving, that is here to be directly involved with the braided Etale Related cohomology, of a laser emission. TO BE CONTINUED! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach. (1989).

Strength Of Laser Emission -- Tightly Braided Etale Related Cohomology

 The stronger that the strength of a given arbitrary laser emission is to be, the more tightly braided that its directly corresponding Etale Related cohomology will consequently tend to be. The weaker that the strength  of a given arbitrary laser emission is to be, the less tightly braided that its directly corresponding Etale Related cohomology will consequently tend to be. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH. (1989).

Heuristically Projected Laser, Versus Heuristic Tesla Energy

 The propagation of the multiplicity of heuristically projected laser emissions, works to act as a genus-related tense of a heuristic sheaving. Thereby; The propagation of the multiplicity of heuristically projected laser emissions, tends to work to display a genus-related tense of an Etale cohomology. 


The propagation of the multiplicity of heuristically emitted Tesla Energy, works to act as a genus-related tense of an inverted sheaving. Thereby; The propagation of the multiplicity of heuristically emitted Tesla Energy, tends to work to display a genus-related tense of a p-Adic cohomology. Sincerely, Sam Roach. 

"Stemming" Of Second-Order Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates

 The Laplacian-Based holonomic substrate of non abelian second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates,  works to act as "chords" of intertwined mini-string-related segmentation, that are here to be functionally subtended, during the durational course of each individually taken iteration of group-related instanton, between any one given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, and its directly corresponding  superstring of discrete energy permittivity. The actually projected "stemming" of the corroborative mini-string-related segmentation, From where it is linked at both inferred ends of a subtended Laplacian-Based case scenario -- to where the corroborative mini-string-related segmentation, is hereby to work to bear a strong helicity of twist upon itself -- in so as to work to form the earlier inferred holonomic substrate, of the mentioned second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are of any given arbitrary correlative respective case, in so as to work to behave like the Laplacian-Based euclidean-related mappable-tracing, of a modified Bessel Function. Such an intertwining of stemmed-out mini-string-related segmentation, may be thought of, as appearing like a modified euclidean-related mappable-tracing, of a tense of a heuristic genus of superstring-related sheaving (as related to an Etale Cohomology). To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

"Grouping" Factor/Magnitude Of Sheaving -- One

 Let's suppose that one knew what the abelian-related "grouping" factor was, for an Etale cohomology; And from this, one wanted to mathematically determine, the scalar magnitude of the directly corresponding heuristic sheaving. Here's how I would go about doing this:

Initially, mathematically ascribe, whatever the numerical expression, that is here to be attributed to the value of the said abelian-related "grouping" factor, to be considered here, in this particular case, to Act as a correlative stipulated "Zeta value(number.)" From this point; calculate what the numerical value would be, that is here to be tantamount in respective correlation, to the number that may thence be determined, via an extrapolation of the correlative Bessel Function. Now; this numerical expression, that you have just determined to be Acting, as the correlative numerical value, that is here to be directly appertaining to the directly corresponding respective Bessel Function, -- is thence to be tantamount, to the scalar magnitude of the directly corresponding heuristic sheaving, that is here to be directly appertaining, to the abelian-related "grouping," that is of a given arbitrary tense (set) of Etale cohomology-related eigenstates. To Be Continued! P.S.: (Input?!) Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Most Ideally Suitable Gravitational Tense Of Field For Yau-Exact Conditions

 The general tense of a gravitational field is most ideally suitable, in order for a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta to be most facilitated -- in being able to generate as much cohomology as it is here to be degenerating, in a piecewise continuous manner, over a proscribed duration of time (as this is here to be considered, over the durational span of a sequential series of group-related instantons) -- when the directly corroborative respective Ricci Curvature, which is to be effectual for such an inferred set of energy quanta, is here to be of a correlatively Flat nature. (A Flat Ricci Curvature is Ideal, for the physical conditions to be present -- in which a directly corresponding mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be directly applicable in such an inferred Ward-Cauchy-related environment, is thence to be most facilitated to be able to generate as much cohomology as it is to degenerate -- in a piecewise continuous manner, over a proscribed duration of time.) Heuristic Yau-Exact phenomenology, tend to be mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are here to be of such a nature, to where these are to be generating as much cohomology as these are here to be degenerating, in a piecewise continuous manner, over a proscribed duration of time. Therefore; The general tense of a gravitational field is most ideally suitable, in order for a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta to be most facilitated, in being of a Yau-Exact manner of nature, when the directly corroborative respective Ricci Curvature, is here to be Flat. Therefore; A heuristic Yau-Exact manifold, tends to be of a mass-bearing cohesive set of one or more discrete energy quanta, that are here to be working to exhibit the correlative respective physical attribute, of being directly effected by a gravitational field, that is here to be displaying the condition of working to bear a Flat Ricci Curvature. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach. (1989).

Refinement Of My String Theory Model -- Superstring/Counter String

 As To Which Phenomenology Is The "Superstring," And Which Phenomenology Is The "Counter String," Tends To Depend Upon Which Type Of A Light-Cone-Gauge Topology One Is Dealing With!

Although; With The Phenomenology Of A Non-Abelian light-cone-gauge topology, the Counter String is to the relative Forward-Holomorphic side of its directly corresponding Superstring of discrete energy permittivity, (When one is here to be considering, the general relatively "linear" Laplacian-Based flow, of a directly correlative discrete quantum of energy, to be "holomorphic" in trace, from the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, to the herein mentioned "Counter String."),

(Hint: Light is of a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology, and, Photons Very Rarely Strike Each Other Head On.)

Yet; With The Phenomenology Of An Abelian light-cone-gauge topology, the Superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to the relative Forward-Holomorphic side of its directly corresponding Counter String. (When one is here to be considering, the general relatively "linear" Laplacian-Based flow, of a directly correlative discrete quantum of energy, to be "holomorphic" in trace, from the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, to the herein mentioned "String.").

Difference Between Externalized Core-Field-Density And Actual Topology Of Superstring

 In my model of string theory, the following is the fundamental difference, between what I term of as being the "externalized core-field-density" of a superstring/counter string, and, the topology itself of such a said superstring/counter string:

As the multiplicity of mini-string-related segmentation, of which works to form the topological substrate of superstring-related fields (in order for the actual fields of such superstrings/counter strings to have any directional sense), works to be trace-wise mapped-out, in a Laplacian-Based manner, to where such a trace-wise approach, is directed, in a respectively covariant manner, Towards an actual given arbitrary inferred superstring/counter string of discrete energy permittivity, the density of such an inferred barrage of convergent zero-point-energy-related "eigenstates," is to consequently become so "thick," that the multiplicity of phenomenology, of which is here to be on the order of, as being as large of, or larger than, the general phenomenology of discrete energy quanta, will usually tend to Not be able to get any closer to the actual "topology" of such a said superstring/counter string. 

Such said mini-string-related segmentation, tends to have a significantly greater convergence Towards superstrings/counter strings, than towards their directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates.

The multiplicity of the general region, adjutant to a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, at which the density of the convergent mini-string-related segmentation is so dense, that phenomenology will tend to not have much of a likelihood, to become even nearer to such a said superstring, is what I term of as being, -- the "externalized core-field-density" of a superstring/counter string. 

Whereas; -- The multiplicity of the actual topology, of a given arbitrary superstring/counter string of discrete energy permittivity, is the actual phenomenology of such a said string/counter string, -- in and of itself.

Warped Noether-Based Condition Of Superstring

 The following is a supposition, that I have just thought of, in this "light":

First of all, let's begin by working to define the general idea -- as to the "relative holomorphic direction."

The relative holomorphic direction, is generally conceived of, as being the superstring-related direction, that is here to be, towards the relative "left," or, in other words, in the relative "i" direction -- in the relative ((-1)^(.5)) direction.

Now; imagine that the holomorphic direction, From the Laplacian condition of a superstring that is at a theoretical rest position -- which was Initially to be to the relative "left," -- to Now be taken, as the innate directional inclination, of a given arbitrary respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity. 

It follows, then; that the relative "reverse-holomorphic" direction of such a said string -- is thereby, to be to the relative "right," or, in other words, in the relative Opposite direction, of the innate directional inclination, of a given arbitrary respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity. 

Let's next consider, the relative holomorphic positioning, and the respective relative reverse-holomorphic positioning, of such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity. That topological side of the said string, that is At its respective direction of innate directional inclination, is here to be On its relative holomorphic side. It follows, then; that the topological side of the said string, that is At the respective "back-side" From its direction of innate directional inclination, is thereby to be On its reverse-holomorphic side.

Furthermore and thereby: 

I Stipulate; that if and when the actual topology, that is of any one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to get anywhere Within a region of a scalar magnitude of (e^2), Times the flush-wise thickness of the actual topology of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- From the immediately external Super-Conformally-Invariant-Based back-side (at an internal reference-frame) of the inferred superstring, that is here to be in the process of being approached, via a tense of "Wilson Linearity," that such an inferred general kinematic superstring-related kinematic action, will often tend to heuristically Warp the directly pertinent Noether-Based condition, of the respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be doing the approaching. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach. (1989).

As To Scalar Magnitude -- Etale/p-Adic Cohomology

 An Etale cohomology tends to work to bear a heuristic sheaving. 

When the Etale cohomology abelian-related "Grouping" factor, has a scalar magnitude of 


Then, the scalar magnitude, of the directly corresponding heuristic sheaving, will consequently tend to  be "0." (This will consequently tend to indicate, that there will here, in this particular case, be NO heursitic sheaving being displayed here.)


A p-Adic cohomology tends to work to bear an inverse sheaving.

When the p-Adic cohomology abelian-related "Grouping" factor is "0;"

Then, the scalar magnitude of the directly corresponding inverse sheaving, will consequently tend to be  

"-i*(e^2)." (This will consequently tend to indicate, that there will here, in this particular case, be No abelian-related "Grouping" being exhibited here.)

Please let me know if this is up to par! I am just beginning to learn of this type of cohomology! SAM.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

p-Adic/Etale Cohomology

 Individually taken Noether-Based discrete quanta of energy, that are of the same universal setting, that are immediately adjacent in a Laplacian-Based manner, are to tend to have a prevalent orthogonal covariant wobble (+ - (~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees)), in relation to one another. Noether-Based mass-bearing discrete quanta of energy, tend to be displayed in metaphorical "teams," that I have often termed of, as being "orbifold eigensets." When adjutant "teams" of discrete energy quanta of the same universe, that are here to be brought into a "sheave-like" cohomology-related tense of "braiding," are to be considered as being nestled amongst each other; since the individually taken discrete energy quanta of each "mer" of this inferred sheaved cohomology, that are to be of the earlier inferred condition of being eminent in adjaency towards one another, are to tend to have a prevalent orhogonal covariant wobble 

(+ - (~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees)), in relation to one another, this will tend to work towards an inversely sheaved cohomology-related "braiding," since this tense of an orthogonal Laplacian-Based condition, is heuristically NOT flush. This is part of the reason, as to why the just mentioned type of a GENUS of cohomology-related "braiding," tends to be of an p-Adic cohomology, and NOT of an Etale cohomology-related nature; Whereas, -- when one is here to be considering a relatively flush sheaving, at such a substring-related level, -- to where the "immediately" adjacent composite discrete energy quanta, do Not work to bear a prevalent orthogonal covariant wobble

 (+ - (~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees)), to where thereby, each of the individually taken "mers" of such a sheave, are to exhibit the behavior, of acting as a cohesive set of  eigenstates,  -- -- in which each of these different and distinct mers, that are of the said sheave, are to each be of a different universal setting -- (to where, one is here to tend to have a covariant set of individually taken "mers" of such a sheaving, that are exhibited as such -- to where the sheaving is more susceptible to being of a "flush" nature, will have a significantly greater probability of working to bear a heuristic manner of sheaving), -- to where this latter case, will thereby consequently tend to be of an Etale cohomology, instead. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

More As To The Wick Action (Eigenstate)

 In my model of string theory, even discrete energy quanta are not literally 100 percent energy efficient. What I perceive of, as that general process, in which discrete energy quanta are to become "Gliosis" to the Kahler-Metric, is a kinematic set of procedures, in which such a mild detriment in energy efficiency is to become "revived." You may read some of my earlier writings about this in my blog, and compare this to that. If I have made any mistakes and/or if I have been unclear on any of this; Please speak your mind. Nobody is perfect. Together; We Can Achieve. Here It Goes:

Whenever the functional operation of a cohesive set of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions, is to work to cause any sort of detriment, upon the heuristic pure energy efficiency, that is of a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, this given arbitrary tense of a general case scenario, will consequently tend to result, in working to cause those discrete quanta of energy, that have incurred upon being brought through such an implied tense of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions, to thereby have become Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric.  As this is to proceed to occur; the general initiation of such a Gliosis-Related tense of the Kahler-Metric, is to begin, by the very act of such a tense of a correlative set of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions, working to form the Ward-Parallel Propagation, of a particular genus of a Hausendorf norm-state-projection, known of as being the Wick Action. It is the multiplicity of the Wick Action eigenstate, that helps at getting the metaphorical "ball rolling," as to what works at helping to cause a given arbitrary set of discrete energy, that has incurred any detriment upon its heuristically pure state of energy, to undergo becoming Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric. (In so as to reattain its heuristic tense of pure energy efficiency.)

An Interesting Genus Of A p-Adic Cohomology

 When the multiplicity of that general type of phenomenology, that is to be appertaining to the multiplicity of that general directly corresponding superstring-related structural topological manifold, that is here to be comprised of, by different distinct given arbitrary Etale-related cohomology-based sheaves, to where the physical eigenbase of each of such mentioned "sheaves," is here to be of the individually taken cohomology-related topological structures, that are here to be comprised of, by the external shell-related topological manifolds, to where an individual "mer," of each of such just mentioned shell-like "sheaves," is to work to represent the cohomology, of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, In One Particular Universal Setting, -- to where the overall net sheaving, that is here to be appertaining to a set of such entwined "mer's," is here to work to act as a Ward-Cauchy-Based representation, of an entwined inter-mingling, of small increments of different universal settings, that are here to be spatially delineated in such a general manner, to where their covariant, co-differentiable, and co-determinable effect, will thereby tend to not incur much of a viable effect upon each other. It is then to consequentially follow, -- that when a p-Adic cohomology-related kinematically delineated "gauged-action," is to be physically applied to such a Very Unique genus of an Etale cohomology-related sheaving, this may often tend to possibly work, to form such a general manner of an inverse-sheaving, to where these initially considered tenses of quantum states, that were here to have originally not worked to bear any considerabley viable Yukawa-based effect upon one another, may then potentially act, as to "now" be of the same universal setting, -- to where such sheave-like increments, may then potentially ensue, in so as to result in finally work at having a viable effect upon one another. SAM.

Monday, May 17, 2021

A General Example That I Have Thought Up, As To Etale Cohomology

 In my particular model of string theory, there are three different kinematically exhibited sets of (parallel) universes, that are here to exist, from within the general confines of the physical space-time-continuum. The phenomenology that is here to exist, from within the general confines of each of these three sets of (parallel) universes, is to cycle amongst each other -- during what I call the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow -- while then going into their next iteration of distributional delineation, during the ensuing iteration of the generally noticed duration of Ultimon Flow. (Metaphorically, like a "circulatory system.") The phenomenology, that is here to exist, from within the general confines of each set of such universes -- is to be "entwined" amongst each other. All of the discrete energy permittivity, that is here to work to bear a proximal local delineation, At the general locus of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- is to exist in its distribution, During group-related instanton, -- At the External Shell of such a said set of discrete energy quanta. In the process, there is here to be at least some sort of an entangled "sheathing," of discrete energy quanta -- from various different distinct universes, that are not completely viable in covariant co-differentiation with one another, -- to where there will often tend to be different of such "sheaves," intermittently entangled amongst one another, in a cohomology-related manner. I perceive of such a "sheave-like cohomology," to often tend to act, as some form of an Etale cohomology. SAM. 

Chern-Simons Invariants -- Charged Mass-Bearing Cohesive Set Of Discrete Energy Quanta

 Let us initially consider a charged mass-Bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be moving through a discrete Lagrangian, over a proscribed given arbitrary duration of time. Since such an inferred "team" of energy, is here to be electrodynamicly charged, there is thence to be a spin-orbital-related characteristic, directly associated with the cohesive motion of such a stated set of energy quanta. This will thereby tend to indicate, that the directions of the individually taken superstrings, (of which are here to tend to bear a covariant delineation, along the external shell of such an inferred "team" of energy) are often to tend to bear a tense of a constant covariant alteration -- as the stated cohesive set of energy, is to bear a spin-orbital tense of rotational motion, over the earlier stated proscribed duration of time. Since the specific direction of the individually taken superstrings, of such a charged "team" of energy, is thence to often tend to alter, relative to light (even though the actual scalar amplitude of the Lorentz-Four-Contraction of each of such stated superstrings, is to be of the same magnitude -- in spite of the physical condition, that the specific morphological contour of such said superstrings, will tend to not all be of precisely the same identical shape), there will consequently be differences, amongst such said strings, in their specific velocities (because; since velocity is speed in a Direction -- it follows, that even if the speed is the Same, and, if there is a direction-related change, there is here to consequently be a change in velocity), there will consequently be the resultant physical condition, of the general reductional characteristic, of what are known of, as being "Chern-Simons Invariants." So; even though the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, As A Whole, is here to often be maintaining the same type of a velocity, -- the individually taken strings that work to comprise it, will often Not be maintaining identical velocities -- since the successive series of their directional flow, will not necessary work to bear the same delineation-related flow. This often needs to be taken into account of, -- when working to consider the mapping-out, of certain types of superstring-related boundary conditions. Sincerely, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Some Definitions -- Appertaining To My Model Of String Theory

 Hamiltonian Operator -- 1) The overall energy of a system.

                                          2) The overall zero-point energy of a system.

Lagrangian -- 1) The actual motion of a discrete quantum of energy.

                      2) The actual motion of a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta.

                      3) The actual motion of a Hamiltonian Operator.

Hamiltonian Operand -- The proximal local physical Substrate, of which a Hamiltonian Operator is to be traveling through, over the course of a proscribed duration of "time."

Lagrangian-Based Path -- The sequential series of the mappable-tracing, of a Hamiltonian Operand.

Hamiltonian Operation -- 1) The functional tendency of action, of which a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator is to incur, upon its respective Ward-Cauchy-Related environment.

                                         2)The actual kinematic activity of a Hamiltonian Operator.

                                         3) The actual gauged-action of a Hamiltonian Operator.

Time -- The successive series of covariant group-related instantons. 

I encourage Anyone to provide input -- as to your ideas, appertaining to this blog! Sincerely, SAM.


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Floer (Co)Homologies Often Tend To Bear Homomorphism

 Superstring-Related fields that work to bear a Floer (co)homology, often tend to bear a tense of homomorphism, since such stated superstring-related fields, tend to have the general capability, of working to bear an isotropically stable nature. Phenomenology that exhibits a tense of isotropic behavior, tends to work to bear the general physical attribute of group action. Therefore; since superstring-related fields that are of a Floer (co)homology, often tend to bear a tense of homomorphic behavior, such a general genus of superstring-related fields, tend to have the general capability, of working to display a tense of group action. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow -- Increase In Surrounding Space-Time-Fabric Permeability

 The higher that the rotation-related recursively smooth Ricci Flow is to be, of which a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is here to work to exhibit -- the more likely that the respective immediately surrounding space-time-fabric, of which such a stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is here to be traveling through, will thereby consequently often tend to result, in displaying a lower viscosity. As indicated earlier, a lower viscosity of space-time-fabric, tends to work to involve a greater electrodynamic permeability. It follows, then; -- that the higher that the rotation-related recursively smooth Ricci Flow is to be, of which a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is here to work to exhibit, the higher of a probability, that the immediately surrounding space-time-fabric, of which such a stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is here to be traveling through, will thereby consequently often tend to work to display a greater electrodynamic permeability. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Lower Viscosity Of Space-Time-Fabric Traveled Through -- Higher Electrodynamic Permeability

 The LOWER that the viscosity is to be, that is here to be of a given arbitrary tense of space-time-fabric, of which a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be traveling through, the GREATER that the tendency will consequently tend to be, that the said space-time fabric, that the inferred respective "team" of energy quanta, is here to be in the process of being transferred through, will consequently have a resultant tendency, of working to bear a HIGHER electrodynamic permeability -- as the stated "team" of energy quanta, is to be tugged through its directly corresponding given arbitrary respective Lagrangian-Based path. It follows, then; that the HIGHER that the viscosity is to be, that is here to be of a given arbitrary tense of space-time-fabric, of which a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be traveling through, the GREATER that the tendency will tend to be, that the said space-time-fabric, that the inferred respective "team" of energy quanta is here to be in the process of being transferred through, will consequently have a resultant tendency, of working to bear a LOWER electrodynamic permeability -- as the stated "team" of energy quanta, is to be tugged through its directly corresponding given arbitrary respective Lagrangian-Based path. I will continue with the suspense later! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Photons Interacting With Electrons -- Yukawa Interaction/Gliosis Interaction

 A Yukawa-Related Interaction, is when there is a coupling, that is to exist between different distinct physical phenomenology. Whereas; a Gliosis-Related Interaction, is when there is to be a direct contact, between the externalized "core" field-density of different distinct physical phenomenology. Although a Gliosis-Related Interaction is Always a Yukawa-Related Interaction; a Yukawa-Related Interaction is Not Always a Gliosis-Related Interaction. For Example:

When a given arbitrary photon, is to be "drawn" towards a proximal locus, at which it (the photon) is to ensue in so as to be scattered, by a specific phenomenology, of which it is soon to scatter upon, -- such an interaction, may be described of as being a Yukawa-Related Interaction, yet Not a Gliosis-Related Interaction. However; at a proximal locus, at which the externalized "core" field-density of a given arbitrary photon is to be in the process of being in contact with the externalized "core" field-density of a given arbitrary phenomenology, of which it is to be in the process of being scattered upon, -- such an interaction, may be described of as acting as being a Gliosis-Related Interaction. (This is to where, this last just mentioned type of an interaction, is here to work to involve a Yukawa Coupling, that is here to work to bear a Gliosis-Related Nature.) SAM ROACH.

A '"Pretty Nifty" Perception

 The following; is a "pretty nifty" perception, that I have been thinking about, for some time. 

The underlying effectual physical essence; that is here to work to allow, for the continued perpetuity of physical phenomenology, is that general force of optimal spontaneous restraint, as physically applied upon directed propagated kinematic spatial disturbance, over the span of motion-related duration. Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL ROACH.


 When one is to be referring to the phenomenology, of a given arbitrary tense of a "gauged-action," one is here to tend to be referring to individually taken interactions, that are of the multiplicity of discrete energy quanta, to where one generally tends to be referring to a set direct interaction, as taken at a covariant proximal locus -- that is here to not overtly involve an eminent spatial transference, in the general process. (This is on account of the general inferred condition, that since such an action is here to be "gauged," that such an inferred genus of "action," is consequently to tend to not work to bear an overtly kinematically translational motion through space, -- in the process of it being "gauged.") Yet; when one is to delve into the arena of interactions that are smaller than both discrete energy and discrete time, to where the general phenomenology of the multiplicity of such an inferred general tense of sub-energy interactions, are here to involve both Zero-Point-Energy & its directly corresponding durations -- there is here to be the consequential resultant "activity," of the general tense, of a panoply of spatial transferences, that are thereby to be "kinematically" engaged here. For instance; some may try to argue that the smallest stuff is Discrete Energy, and that the smallest duration is the Planck Instant. Yet; I beg to differ on that. Zero-Point-Energy is not simply a relationship between the Planck Energy and the Planck-Bar Energy, -- it amounts to the multiplicity of that "mini-string"-related segmentation, that is here to bear the metaphorical "responsibility," of working to form the inter-connective fields amongst strings, that are here to tend to be as such, in order for discrete energy to have any viable association with any other strings. For example; if discrete energy was the smallest thing, to where it only relied upon the metaphorical "ether" of pressurized vacuum to "orchestrate" the fields of such strings, there would consequently be no spontaneous organization of string-related orientation, and thereby, discrete energy would consequently have no viable association. It is what I term of, in my particular model of string theory, as being the essence of "mini-stringular segmentation" (mini-string-related segmentation), that works to demonstrably act, in so as to form some sort of viable "orchestration" of the direction of such so-eluded-to "fields." Those Correlative Respective "Durations," that are here to directly appertain to the occurrences of motion-related "activities," that are here to work to involve the kinematic spatial propagation of increments of  "Zero-Point-Energy" -- the durations of which, do not go an integer amount into discrete time, that are one way of perceiving of a tense of gauged-actions/gauged-metrics. Here; it is generally considered, that one is to consider a "gauged-action" or a "gauged-metric," as a generally non-kinematic tension-related interplay of interacting phenomenology, that are here to tend to work to bear some sort of a proximal local contact, that is to tend to not overtly be in the process of being moved or "tugged-around." Yet; when one is here to be talking about motion and duration that is smaller than discrete energy and discrete time, (as appertaining to the multiplicity of the kinematic spatial translation of Zero-Point-Energy-related phenomenology (Mini-String-Related Phenomenology)), such a tense of a set interaction, that at an energy-related level is here to not be overtly kinematic in theory, will often tend to bear at least some sort of motion-related duration -- when this is here to be considering phenomenology, at a level that is smaller than what is generally conceived of, as being related to discrete energy phenomena. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH. (1989).

Friday, May 14, 2021

Ward-Robin Conditions

 The general boundary conditions, that the multiplicity of the wave-tug of individually taken light-cone-gauge eigenstates, (In my model of string theory, light-cone-gauge eigenstates are of the wave-based nature of discrete energy impedance.), as physically applied  Upon superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, (The application of the wave-tug of discrete energy impedance, upon the particle nature of discrete energy permittivity, is a tension-related gauged-action of restraint), is a general example of one type of a generic tense of Ward-Robin conditions. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Abelian Wave-Tug -- Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate -- Inertia

 When a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate, is here to work to apply an abelian wave-tug, upon the respective directly associated discrete energy quantum, that it is here to be physically operating upon, this general tense of a gauged-action, will consequently often tend to have the affinity, of working to form an inertial tense of impedance. Inertia is heuristically associated with the general characteristic of mass. Noether-Based mass-bearing discrete energy quanta, tend to always work to bear an abelian light-cone-gauge topology. This is part of the reason, as to why mass tends to have such an affinity, for working to display the general characteristic of "inertia." I will continue with the suspense later! SAM ROACH. (1989).

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Boundary Conditions -- My Take, (In "Laymen's" Terms)

 Let us consider the five different reductional types of boundary conditions that exist:

1) Neumann conditions: Consider a physical "thing," -- at a "snapshot" of time. One may perceive of the boundary conditions of the "thing" as a "thing," to be analogous to the Neumann boundary conditions.

2) Dirichlet conditions: Consider the motion of the earlier stated "thing." One may perceive of the boundary conditions of the motion of this "thing," to be analogous to the Dirichlet boundary conditions.

3) Cauchy conditions: Consider the combined boundary conditions, of both the "thing" as a "thing" -- while in conjunction with the boundary conditions of the motion of such a stated "thing." One may perceive of this resultant set of boundary conditions, as being analogous to the Cauchy boundary conditions.

4) Robin conditions: Consider the Cauchy-like boundary conditions of a movable "thing," as it has some sort of a restraint (a certain tense of an impedance) applied upon it's tense of motion. One may perceive of this general type of a set of boundary conditions, as being analogous to the Robin boundary conditions.


5) Mixed conditions: Consider the boundary conditions that are here to exist, in any relevant case, when either the "thing" of motion, and/or when the motion of such a stated "thing," is to alter in its phenomenology. One may perceive of this general type of a set of boundary conditions, as being analogous to the Mixed boundary conditions. (P.S.: I apologize; yet, the term, "mixed boundary conditions," has more of a tendency, of generally working to refer to partial aspects, that are of the other reductional types of physical boundary conditions, -- particularly, of either Cauchy boundary conditions/ Robin boundary conditions.)

Hope all is well! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Hermitian Flow Of Chern-Simons Invariants

 The more hermitian of a flow of a cohesive set of Chern-Simons Invariants, of which a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to work to display -- as it is here to be in the process of being spatially transferred, through a discrete Lagrangian, -- the stronger of a net wave-tug, that the correlative respective transversal angular momentum will consequently tend to be, of which is here to be exhibited, by the earlier stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM. (1989). 

Attenuated/Augmented Ricci Curvature

The given arbitrary covariant proximal local presence, of a cohesive set of inverted gravitational waves, often tends to be directly associated, with a Ricci Curvature, that is here to be attenuated, from a heuristically flat Ricci Curvature. Whereas; The given arbitrary covariant proximal local presence, of a cohesive set of amplified heuristic gravitational waves, often tends to be directly associated, with a Ricci Curvature, that is here to be augmented, from a heuristically flat Ricci Curvature. SAM ROACH. (1989).

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Inverted Gravitational Wavelengths -- Fraction-Related Ricci Curvature

 The proximal local covariant kinematic presence, of a cohesive set of one or more inverted gravitational wavelengths, often tends to be associated, with the respective proximal local presence, of the general genus of a Ricci Curvature, that is to work to bear a scalar magnitude, that is to be heuristically described of as a fractional value. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Impedance Of Covariant Centralized Knots -- Permeability

 Eigenstates, that are of a relatively highly impeded superstringular covariant centralized Noether-Related knotted behavior, of which are here to be of the Rarita Structure, that are also to be kinematically exhibited, in the general process of being spatially transferred, through the general arena of space-time-fabric, -- tend to work to bear a relatively lowered electrodynamic permeability; Whereas, --  superstringular eigenstates, that are here to behave, as covariant centralized Noether-Related knot-like phenomenology, of which are here to be of the Rarita Structure, in which these said eigenstates, are here to work to bear a relative lowering in their directly corresponding impedance, whereupon these stated eigenstates are to be kinematically exhibited, in the general process of being spatially transferred, through the general arena of space-time-fabric, -- tends to work to bear a relatively increased scalar amplitude, in the directly corresponding physical tense of electrodynamic permeability. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Increased Number Of Spin-Orbital Tensors -- Increase Of Angular Momentum

 Let us initially consider a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be maintaining a relatively constant transversal rate of spatial transference, over time. Let us now say, that such an inferred set of energy quanta, is here to spontaneously increase in the number of spin-orbital tensors, that it is here to be displaying. As such a said set of energy quanta, is here to be brought into the general process, of such an inferred increase, in the number of kinematically exhibited radial-associated tensors, the said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will thereby often tend to consequently result in working to bear an increase in the correlative respective scalar amplitude of angular momentum, that it is here to be displaying. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Torsion Of Impedance Of Space-Time-Fabric -- Torsion Of Cohomology

 The greater that the impedance of space-time-fabric, is to work to bear a Ward-Cauchy-Related physical condition of torsion, as this is here to be applied in a Yukawa-Related manner, upon the topological manifold of a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be in the general process of being spatially transferred, through such an implied torsional Lagrangian-Based Path, -- the higher that the correlative respective probability will consequently tend to be, that the directly associated cohomology of such an inferred "team" of energy quanta, will therefore tend to be directly associated, with a set of spin-orbital tensors, that are here to bear a resultant correlation with the "topological sway," of such an earlier inferred  torsional tense of space-time-fabric-related impedance. SAM. (1989).

Monday, May 10, 2021

Harmonic/Anharmonic Lagrangian-Based Path -- Harmonic/Anharmonic Delineation -- Rarita Structure Eigenstates

 The more harmonic that a given arbitrary Lagrangian-Based path is to be, that a given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to be traveling through, over a correlative proscribed duration of time, -- the more harmonic that the directly corresponding delineation-related distribution, of the correlative respective Rarita Structure eigenstates, will consequently tend to result in being displayed as. It follows, that; The more anharmonic that a given arbitrary Lagrangian-Based path is to be, that a given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to be traveling through, over a correlative proscribed duration of time, -- the more anharmonic that the directly corresponding delineation-related distribution, of the correlative respective Rarita Structure eigenstates, will consequently tend to result in being displaying as. SAM ROACH. (1989).

Harmonic Delineation Of Rarita Structure Eigenstates -- Homeomorphic Cohomology-Related Spatial Translation

 The more harmonic that the delineation of a set of Rarita Structure eigenstates is to be distributed as, from within the Ward-Cauchy-Related bounds, through which a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to be traveling through, over a correlative proscribed duration of time, the higher of a probability that there will consequently tend to be, that the directly corresponding cohomology-related spatial translation, of the inferred set of discrete energy quanta, as this is here to be taken over the correlative respective Lagrangian, in which such an eluded-to spatial transfer is here to be occurring, will tend to result in working to bear, the general physical attribute, of having a homeomorphic nature of conveyance. SAM.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

More Anharmonic Delineation Of Rarita Structure Eigenstates -- Higher Probability Of Cohomology-Related Perturbation

 The more anharmonic that the delineation of the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstates is to be, from within a given arbitrary respective region, of which a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to be traveling through, over a correlative proscribed duration of time, the higher of a probability that there will consequently tend to be, that the said respective mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be going through the inferred process of being spatially transferred through the eluded-to region of space-time fabric, will tend to result in working to bear a correlative tense of cohomology-related perturbation. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH. (1989).

Friday, May 7, 2021

Relatively Higher Quantum Density Of Rarita Structure Eigenstates -- Relatively Higher Probability Of Correlative Cohomology-Related Perturbation

 The relatively higher that the given arbitrary quantum density of Rarita Structure eigenstates is to be, when this is here to be considered from within the Ward-Cauchy-Related confines, of the directly corresponding covariant region, in which a respective given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is here to be in the process of being spatially transferred through, over a proscribed given arbitrary discrete period of time, the relatively higher that the directly corresponding probability, that such a said set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently tend to result, in working to bear a greater tense of cohomology-related perturbation. Sincerely, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

As To The "Abelian-Edge" Of A Cohomology-Related Phenomenology

 The "Abelian-Edge" of a cohomology-related phenomenology, behaves in such a general manner -- to where, it often tends to work to allow for less potential slippage, towards its internal structural  environment, while yet, over the course of the same inferred Hamiltonian eigenmetric, it also often tends to work to allow for more potential slippage, from its external structural environment. (1989). Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Toroidal-Shaped Cohomology-Related World-Sheets -- Gliosis-Sherk-Olive Ghosts

 Mass-Bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to work to form toroidal-shaped cohomology-related world-sheets. World-Sheets are the projection of the trajectory of discrete energy phenomenology (superstrings). Cohomology may be perceived of, as being of the eminent topological substrate, of the core-field-density of discrete energy quanta. What I worked to describe of, during some earlier times in my blog, as being "ghosts," -- were actually what I meant to describe of, as being "cohomology-related eigenstates." I referred to such said "eigenstates," as being of a ghost-like nature, since the actual specific phenomenology that I was here to be referring to, is of a constantly indistinguishably different nature. (To where, although these "appear" to be consistently spontaneous latched upon eigenstates, that are stable in super conformal invariance at a covariant locus, in time and space, the specific phenomenology that is here to be latching, at the inferred covariant respective loci, are to constantly be of different actual "stuff.") Those ghost-like phenomenology, that are here to be directly appertaining, to the multiplicity of the toroidal-shaped topological manifolds, that are here to be directly associated with those  respective cohomology-related world-sheets, that are here to be formed by the resultant projected trajectory, of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, may be described of here, as being of the general nature, of acting as, "Gliosis-Sherk-Olive" ghosts. (1989). SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Alteration Of World-Sheets Involved -- Conversion Of Mass Into Pure Kinetic Energy

 When a Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to theoretically convert into pure kinetic energy -- the set of individually taken component superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to have initially worked to comprise the earlier mentioned set of discrete energy quanta, are to tend to convert, from initially working to bear the general nature, of appertaining to a set of toroidal cohomology-related world-sheets, Into consequentially resulting, in working to bear the general nature, of appertaining to a set of individually taken conical cohomology-related world-sheets. (1989). I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Gauge-Bosons -- Schwinger-Indices -- Conveyance Of Forces Of Nature

 It is the multiplicity of gauge-bosons, that work to pluck their correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, -- in so as to form that general genus of Schwinger-Indices, of which work to propagate along the Rarita Structure, in so as to work to help convey the multiplicity of those attributes, that are here to work to exemplify the reductional forces of nature. Therefore -- based upon my particular model of string theory: It is the gauge-bosons that work to help convey the reductional forces of nature -- in basically a particle-related manner; Whereas -- it is that earlier implied general genus of Schwinger-Indices, that I had eluded-to earlier in this particular post (as I have also mentioned such "indices," in many of my much earlier posts), that help to convey the reductional forces of nature -- in basically a wave-related manner. SAM ROACH. (1989).

More As To Tangential Bundle

 The general multiplicity of the tangential bundle (as opposed to the "cotangent bundle"),  may often appertain to a cohesive set of index-like eigenstates, that are here to be diverging away from the phenomenology, of a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

More As To Locus Of Cotangent Bundle

 The general multiplicity of a locus, at which the cotangent bundle is here to be converged upon, -- works to appertain to the directly corresponding genus of a locus, at which such an inferred Laplacian-Based setting, is here to display the distributed delineation -- of a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. SAM.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Hermitian Ricci Flow -- Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow

 When any given arbitrary hermitian Ricci Flow, that is here to be directly appertaining to the eminent physical conditions, of the Lagrangian-based flow -- of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, of which is here to be constantly altering in its direction while yet moving at a constant speed, -- is to continually reiterate its "Stoke's-based path," via a Ward-Cauchy-related tense of physical circuitry, then, the motion of such a described mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently here, in such a general type of a case, often tend to work to bear a Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow. Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Lack Of Gauge-Invariance -- Continual Altered Direction -- Hermitian Ricci Flow

 When any given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is here to continually lack gauge-invariance, in this particular respective case, -- when Only due to the directly corresponding condition, of it to be  continually altering in its direction of wave-tug (Although here, in this particular case, the speed of such motion, in relation to light, is to be of the same rate) -- then; the directly associated Lagrangian-Based flow, that is here to be eminent in its correlation, to the motion of the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will thereby consequently tend to result, in working to bear a hermitian Ricci Flow. (SAM).

Homeomorphic i*PI(del) Action

 The smoother that the acceleration is to be, for a Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, when this is here to be taken, in its relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy, the more that the directly corresponding i*PI(del) Action, that is here to be exhibited, by the display of the correlate alteration, in either the rate of its spatial transference, and/or, in the direction that such an inferred set of discrete energy quanta is to be tugged through, over a directly associated respective span of time, -- the more likely that the directly corresponding i*PI(del) Action, that is here to be exhibited, by the respective accelerated cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will tend to work to bear a homeomorphic flow, in the physical transition of its correlative light-cone-gauge eigenbase, as this is here to be considered, over a discrete sequential series of group-related instantons. (This is during which, such a said general relatively common type a occurrence, is here to be spatially translated, over the analogous span, of an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.) I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL ROACH.