Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Whether Describing Holonomic Substrate Or Motion

When I mention a tense of an energy-related phenomenology, as being a "metric-gauge-related Hamiltonian operator," what I am here to be referring to, -- is an actual Ward-Cauchy energy-related thing, that is here to be acting, -- in so as to perform one specific given arbitrary function.  Yet, -- if I were to mention a tense of an energy-related phenomenology, as to, instead, to act as being a "gauge-metric-related Hamiltonian operator," what I am here to be referring to, is an Actual Tense of Ward-Cauchy-related Motion, that is here to be the result of the duration-based kinematic activity, which is Of that given arbitrary tense of phenomenology,  of which is analogous to the earlier mentioned general genus -- of what I term of as being a metric-gauge-related Hamiltonian operator.  Consequently, -- anything that is to be divvied-out -- in the form of a tense of an overall energy of a system, -- may be described of as being a metric-gauge-related Hamiltonian operator; whereas, -- the Actual Motion of anything that is to be divvied-out -- in the form of a tense of an overall energy of a system, -- may be described of as a "gauge-metric-related Hamiltonian operator."  Therefore, -- one may then think of what I term of as being the general genus of a metric-gauge-related Hamiltonian operator, -- as the holonomic substrate of an overall tense  of an energy-related phenomenology; -- whereas, -- one may then think of what I term of as being the general genus of a gauge-metric-related Hamiltonian operator, -- as the Lagrangian  of an overall tense of an energy-related phenomenology.  What one is to generally to conceive of as being what is known of as a Hamiltonian operator, -- is usually considered to be the tense of an overall energy of a system, that I have described of as being a metric-gauge-related Hamiltonian operator.  The motion of what is generally conceived of as bieng a Hamiltonian operator, is its Lagrangian.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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