Friday, February 15, 2019

Quaternionic Nature Related To Light

When an electron is to jump back-and-forth an energy level -- it is to release its spare energy, into what is to be propagated away from it as a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy.  An electron exists as behaving as an eigenstate of a d-field -- of which is to be comprised of by a minimum of six spatial dimensions plus time.  A photon (a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy), exists as behaving as an eigenstate of a p-field -- of which is to be comprised of by a minimum of ten spatial dimensions plus time.  The residual spare energy of an electron that is thence to be released as a photon, is as well, to happen through the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function.  To keep this developing concept simple, -- this addition of four spatial dimensions in the process of altering an eigenstate of a d-field into an eigenstate of a p-field, is then to work to form a quaternionic-related condition upon the Hamiltonian operation of the so-eluded-to newly formed discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy.  In turn -- this thence formed quaterionic-related condition, is then to work at tending to help the stated discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy -- when such a said quantum of electromagnetic energy is here to behave as a Hamiltonian operator, to bear the scalar amplitude that is of its directly corresponding Lagrangian-related tense of energy, to then be of such a nature in so as to bear a scalar amplitude of its directly corresponding holonomic-related tense of energy -- to then be of either the same magnitude, or, of at least of an analogous magnitude. This is, in part, what works to help at bringing to cause the innate condition -- that is of the Ward-Cauchy-related manner, in which the magnetic field of a photon that is undergoing a tense of Noether flow, is to tend to curl around the electric field of an electron -- as may be shown of as is according to the right-hand-rule.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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