Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Electromagnetic Energy & Heat

The more likely that a set of photons are to scatter upon a mass-bearing system of energy, per time (to where this said mass-bearing system of energy, is here, in this given arbitrary case, to be comprised of --  by the state of one or more atoms) -- the more likely that the resultant scattering, will tend to work to cause those electrons, -- of which are that phenomenology of atoms that tend to be struck, when electromagnetic energy is to scatter upon an atom -- to where, both the condition that there will then more likely be a situation, in which these said electrons will end-up working to release their residual kinetic energy, as discrete quanta of electromagnetic energy,  -- as well as the condition that there is here to be the condition, that there will more likely be a situation, in which there will then tend to be a higher proximal local presence of entropic photons, -- of which will then work to increase the probability, that is here to be the state of an increase of the scalar amplitude, that is of the proximal local presence of heat to then be present, in this said case scenario.  To Be Continued!  I hope that the suspense factor is good.  Sincerely, Sam.

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