Thursday, February 14, 2019

Flat Ricci Curvature Explanation

Let's say that one were to initially be considering a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset.  It is here to be superconformally invariant, at an internal reference-frame.  Furthermore -- the said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset ,is to be moving, in a kinematic manner -- at an external reference-frame.  Even though the individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to make up the said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, are to be of a symplectic geometry, -- the superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, that work to carry or move the so-eluded-to set of mass-bearing discrete quanta of energy at an external reference-frame, are of a Khovanov geometry.  Let's say that the inferred symplectic Hamiltonian operator, is here to be generating as much cohomology as it is to be degenerating -- over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  This will then work to mean -- that the directly corresponding Legendre homology, that is here to be carrying or moving the said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, at an external reference-frame -- is here to be of an isotropically stable nature, or, in other words, -- of a Floer homology.  This will then work to mean -- that the directly corresponding Ricci Curvature of the so-inferred resultant Hamiltonian operator, will be of such a nature, in so as to here be analogous to lambda*gravity, which will then work to mean, that the said Ricci Curvature of this case here, is to be locally unbound, and thus, -- one may then say that the so-stated Ricci Curvature is here, said to be described of as being flat.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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