Saturday, February 16, 2019

Imaginary Exchange Of Real Residue Happens During BRST

What I have termed of before -- as to here be of the nature in so as to be described of as "The Imaginary Exchange Of Real Residue," is a to-and-fro genus of topological sway, that is here to occur to discrete energy permittivity -- at a level that is Poincare to the correlative composite first-order point particles, that work to comprise the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end of a quantum of such a said discrete quantum of energy permittivity --  that is here to happen over the entire simultaneous duration in which BRST is to happen.  So -- as both the Polyakov Action and the Bette Action are to occur, which is during a majority of an iteration of the generally noticed duration of what I term of as Ultimon Flow, -- there is then here to be, as to be occuring at that general so-eluded-to classification of eigenmetric, -- this so-stated to-and-fro genus of topological sway.
Here is a general example, as to what "The Imaginary Exchange Of Real Residue" is:

Let's initially say that a superstring of discrete energy permittivity has just completed the quaternionic-instanton-field-pulse-mode, in so as to then to be made Gliosis to the proximal locus of Hamiltonian operand -- in which this said superstring has just been delineated to, in order to then to begin to act as an ensuing iteration of the holonomic substrate of energy, --  that is to bear a sequential series, that is to work to bear a tense of acting here as a Lagrangian-related eigenstate.  Now that such a said superstring is to have now just began the process of BRST, -- this said superstring will now go into both the processes of the Polyakov Action and the processes of the Betti (Bette) Action.  As such a so-state string is to be in the process of going through both the Polyakov Action as well as the Betti (Bette) Action -- such a said superstring will then be simultaneously to be going through this earlier mentioned "The Imaginary Exchange Of Real Residue."  What this wobble-like topological sway amounts to, -- is that the correlative counter string, that is here to be directly corresponding to one given arbitrary respective discrete quantum of energy, is to initially go into a manner of "stepping" into the case specific forward-holomorphic direction of the respective given arbitrary said discrete quantum of energy, to where, as this just stated general genus of activity is to then to act in so as to work to cause the correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity to then to "step" into that self-same said holomoprhic direction, to where immediately afterwards, -- the equal and opposite effect, that is here to be quite related to the consequent but reasonable strain that this is to bring upon the modulus of the said discrete quantum of energy -- to where the counter string is to then to "step" back into the case specific relative reverse-holomorphic direction of the correlative discrete quantum of energy, while then the correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity is then to wobble back into this just stated tense of a reverse-holomorphic direction that is of the correlative discrete quantum of energy.  At this point in duration -- the multiplicit Hamiltonian eigenmetric (or, one may possibly perceive this as being a fractal of a Hamiltonian eigenmetric), that I term of as being the "Imaginary Exchange Of Real Residue"is to then to have ended.To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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